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I love that Cricket has a no-bullshit means of determining if the ball not hit counts against the team at bat. Wicket doesn't fall, doesn't count.
Oh jesus that's where the phrase "bit of a sticky wicket" comes from!
I don't have a clue how Cricket is played :P
see the little things on top of the black things?
if the ball knocks one of those off, it's a "wicket"
similar to an "out" in baseball
so if the pitcher throws the ball and it's not going to hit the black things, it's not a big deal to miss or not swing
that's my understanding anyway
in baseball, the umpire determines on a ball not swung at if it's in "the strike box"
if it is, it's a strike
cricket makes it not a judgement call, and I think that's really smart.
1 hour later…
Hey all, never posted in here but had a question. Should I convert my comments from here gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/144676/… into an answer? I didn't initially because I wasn't sure it was complete enough.
@n_palum looks like it could be an answer to me. Just make sure that there's enough explanation in your answer to work even if the youtube link goes down.
@Almo Thanks, I made an answer. Feel like it could've done with images showing the process but I don't have access to maya and won't for a little while.
New game of Edmund Mcmillen has been released: The End is Nigh
The best part is requirements
Minimum GPU: "Anything made after 2008"
Recommended GPU: "nVidia 9999999999999GTX TI SLIx200"
recommended GPU: "whatever you have there in the future that's pretty good"
Hmm reminds me I have to decide on building a PC or just buying stuff for my laptop...
Didn't know you frequented in here, Plum
@dcfyj You're here?
@Almo Ah, I see!
Always lol, I just don't talk much
I've never really talked here but I had a question so it seemed like the place to ask.. I'd love to be more active on this SE but I'm not nearly as experienced as some of the people here.
same, I'm slowly but surely working on increasing my dev skills
I'm in school for it so I've still got time to go
I thought you were working full time?
I'm on a co-op - been here since January, but I go back to school in mid/late August.
And I'll be a community manager on an edX class for Game Design a professor of ours is running soon so that'll be interesting. (While still taking classes of course)
That's one word for it.. his motto is "don't do game design" so
It's odd.. you'd think someone who was in the industry for like 10 years, and now teaching would be encouraging or something but nope he says don't do it
game design is very hard to get into, and pays shit.
I'd be doing game design if I could take the pay cut
Yeah I understand that, and it's stressful, and unstable, etc etc
But I think at least at a younger age I can take a bit of a risk trying to get into it
Hard part is still figuring out what wanna do since I like a bit of everything
I wouldn't say "don't go into game design" I would say "go into game design with your eyes open" :)
or be like Chris Taylor. Be a programmer who designs, so you still get paid. :)
I was doing some of that a Ubisoft
I guess that's one way to think about it
I like a bit of everything though.. so a few people said be like a producer/manager of some kind but like... that's not something you just hop into
If it's what you love, go for it. I've passed up $$$ many times in order to do what I liked
Jade offered me camera and control on Assassin's Creed II, and I turned it down to work on a smaller project.
I probably missed out on a $150,000 bonus for turning that down.
plus with that on my resume I could get top gameplay programmer jobs anywhere
but it was the right decision. I would not have been happy on it
I like video and board games, I like art, programming, (love) design
I design both video games and boardgames
Top spots don't always seem to translate to happiness
I took a peek at some of your stuff already ;)
oh right :)
Linkage turned out great
I don't like the title
it was a working title
but when Arty put it up on iggamecenter, he named it that, and I never got to change it
It'll be interesting... I go to a (top?) GDD school, and there are connections galore to be made but still
Yeah I think you could've gone with a few things that aren't "Linkage" :) but it's not terrible.
As far as I know, employers are more interested in what you've designed and your attitudes than having a degree from a design school. I am not saying "don't go" but make sure you work on your portfolio.
Yeah, if anything I just want to code the games, I suck at coming up with ideas :P
Oh of course, we're always pushed to design outside of classes
That's and connections are what get you the jobs it seems
connections are very important yes
I plan to work on something this semester in my free time.. I've only got small stuff or projects I've expanded on from class
A small completed project means more than a large unfinished one
it was my 4 small completed shareware titles that got me into the industry in 1999
Partly why I did Pong and now working on 2048
Not releasing things though because I want to figure out how to do stuff first
Q: Which doge represents what number?

user98085From the original 2048 it was rather easy to tell which numbers I'm combining - after all, it says so right on the tile. But now with doge2048 there is such doge. What doge is 16? What is 32? Is this doge secretly 2048 and the game actually keeps going beyond that? very confuse wow

and one of my favorite SE comments, "what in the name of god"
I expanded on an Asteroid's game from a class.. that was fun
Asteroids is a great game
one of my favorites
@Almo lol
I wrote it once, with 5 different ships.
Oh that's a neat idea
I just did different lasers and asteroid types
And added little engine smoke graphics and such
My current idea to do is expand on a tower defense Unity tutorial I found.. but idk that it's "exciting"
I'd love to design a board game but that's incredibly difficult to be successful with I've come to find
Maybe not even a board game.. but something simple and fun
board games are hard
I did an 8-hour space conquest game (people like it because turns are short), linkage and a 2.5-hour market euro-style game
Indeed they are.. I've also thought about things like exploding kittens/funemployed style card/party games
Exploding kittens looks rather entertaining.
(as morbid as that sounds)
Biggest one I've made is a board game about adapting creatures that mutate etc.. gotta like travel to different environments to collect stuff to win, can fight other people and stuff.. I enjoyed that but the team didn't wanna move forward more after class
That sounds interesting
@dcfyj I actually just bought it during the amazon prime deal.. the nsfw one and the expansion for like $25
There's a nsfw one?
like gore ns or...?
Only way I could take it anywhere is getting some sort of agreement from the team to let me since "intellectual property" and stuff..
Yeah there is - Exploding Kittens NOT SAFE FOR WORK Edition is a card game for people who are into kittens and explosions and boob wizards and sometimes butts.
This NSFW Edition of Exploding Kittens is an ADULT ONLY party game for 2-5 players (up to 9 players when combined with any other deck).
Board games, at least here on Brazil, is very niche specific
I prefer staying with game dev
@n_palum uhunh... I'll take the regular boom cats
It was slightly cheaper for some reason so that was my incentive
suuuure lol
Hmm maybe I'll build a board game anyway.. go be a bust on a game submission thing or kickstarter XD
1 hour later…
Does anybody knows the equation how to calculate a normal to a plane represented as two vectors and a point in space?
isn't the normal just the cross product of the two vectors?
I'd go to google and type "calculate normal to a plane"
the point doesn't affect the direction of the normal at all
probably get a list of ways given different specifications
Seems to boil down to that
linear algebra is mystifying
@Tyyppi_77 so it's a cross product of two vectors?
24-bit 3-error-correcting Hamming codes are magic
yes, cross product is always an operation between two vectors
you send 32 bits, 24 are data, 8 are designed to fix errors. You run the 32 bits through a matrix multiply, and if up to 3 bits are flipped, they will be fixed.
For a brief time I actually understood how these things work.
something about the column-space
or something
I've done a few math classes about basic linear algebra, but every time I want to do some matrix stuff on a computer I get frustrated with row/column major and just give up
hahah :)
given some set of { n, n+1, n+2, ... }, how to derive a formula of how many pairs we can get from such a set?
does the order matter?
is like (n, n+1) the same as (n+1, n)?
if order matters, you want permutations of N objects taken two at a time
if order does not matter, you want combinations of N objects taken two at a time
no, order of elements in pair doesn't matter
if you look those up, you'll get formulas for it
the words in italics are the technical terms for those things
Now that's is quite new to me
The End is Nigh BGMs are all classic symphony and compositions, like "Danse Macabre", "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and so on: ridiculon.bandcamp.com/album/the-end-is-nigh-ost
I mean, there are hundred of games that has a music based on them, but 100% I never saw before
@Almo thanks. They wanted a constant time solution and it must be written in 15 minutes... crazy. It would take me all day to implement such an algorithm, or even a week.
@Almo I doubt it could be done at constant time at all
It's just a maths formula
@Tyyppi_77 well, I've looked up solutions on the stack overflow, and they look far from simple math formula
I remember that shit from statistics from uni
1 hour later…
I didn't like statistics or probability at all but yep, that's the correct formula Almo posted there, @PaulD. Not sure what you were searching with?

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