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@Sie lol damnit, I just read the log at all. what did I do now?
@Sie what is this supposed to mean HUH? WHAT?
<o> -- -- -- --- >o<
2 hours later…
It's always sad seeing games you liked in EA stay dead in the water. Delver was a lot of fun and had a lot of potential but it hasn't been updated since September 2015.
EA? Electronic Arts?
early access
bloody acronyms
yeah, I've been burned on an Early Access title before
It's not really different from games getting canned mid-development
except in this case, customers have paid for it
Can anyone tell me
is used for?
Future playback of audio I'd assume
I started writing down every property and what prefixes you need to use with them
I'M half done and I have a 250 lines long JSON file
it's currently a "Candidate Recommendation" so isn't final I believe
nor supported by any browser yet according to that page
@ChrisMcFarland This one's better: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/hyphens
I should start using firefox
@Bálint you should
everyone should. Mozilla cares about privacy and future of internet a lot.
yeah there's all sorts of lovely CSS things :)
I remember when I first delved into CSS back in 2002, read the whole CSS official doc, was awesome how many things you can manipulate
I want this
this is amazing
Why is it experimental
Put a star after the link
@ChrisMcFarland add * to link
SE thinks that's not part of the link
ah, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/--*
oh hey it is chris mcfarland
I should really buy tallowmere, had that on wishlist for a while.
no pressure!
I'm working on the sequel at the moment
Been debating with myself today on how best to implement heaps of item attributes
@ChrisMcFarland Component system?
I have a large list of item attributes I plan to code in
and for each attribute type, will probably be restrictions for what item types they can be applied to, as well as ranges of percentages, or strength values/rankings
and in the event I want to buff or nerf an attribute in a patch, I don't want an attribute value to be hard-coded to the player's savefile
@ChrisMcFarland Language?
THen create an object based item component system
The components can subscribe to each other, can have restrictions
so I've begun hard-coding ItemAttributeDefinitions into an ItemAttributeDatabase, and your various InventoryItems will contain <List>ItemAttribute which will be linked to an ItemAttributeDefinition with just a vague strength rating I think, and I'll let the game convert to the appropriate percentage in real-time
@arda :D
Every component knows it's task and nothing more
You can create component systems without hard coding the types of the possible components
Which doesn't just make your life easier, but can also enable modding the game
There's no right or wrong way to do it
I tend to lean towards a basic class and then use a lot of switch cases where needed depending on its type
I either end up with lots of short files that inherit from a base class, or one long class that has code for everything within
Modding for T2, will probably just be sprites, audio, and text for the most part
Basically, what I'd do is to have an abstract Component object and an Entity, the Entity has a list of Components and a way to get a component, the components have an id (a string or number) and an update method
yeah, that's basically Unity in a nutshell :)
Yeah, I found that out after I wrote mine
But you must admit, Unity's system is good
I like it. I find it comprehensible
I'm not the smartest programmer
No one is
the editor's visual aspect really helps me, seeing everything I'm implementing
I like code and a sheet of paper better
For me, I like being able to click things with a GUI to get things into their base/ready state
However, when it comes to manipulating sequencing and logic in real-time, I prefer the readability of code
like, I tried Unreal's Blueprint system, and that was just a headache
I can't stand Unity's Animation system, I just hard code everything instead
:31248539 I googled it, I think I found it, but at this point I'm too afraid to ask
lol computer algebra system
@MickLH I didn't get any closer with that
Link maybe?
A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that allows computation over mathematical expressions in a way which is similar to the traditional manual computations of mathematicians and scientists. The development of the computer algebra systems in the second half of the 20th century is part of the discipline of "computer algebra" or "symbolic computation", which has spurred work in algorithms over mathematical objects such as polynomials. Computer algebra systems may be divided in two classes: the specialized ones and the general purpose ones. The specialized ones are devoted to a specific...
you can make cool graphs and stuff
and then export code lol
it's really lame if you're not a math nerd, but it's really awesome if you are :D
The main reason why I failed high school maths is cuz I lost interest, I could not see myself ever using advanced math
and now I just use methods to manipulate numbers
but I tip my hat to you if you understand math really well!
I really enjoy analyzing the details, it really pushes me to work simpler because analysis gets hard more quickly than the concepts involved in the code I think
lol I was just joking as a response to "a sheet of paper" btw
analysing is good
analyse too much though, and you'll never get anything done
mick, listen to this guy seriously
I go overboard sometimes lol
it's fun
yeah it counts as taking a break right? :P
it's a break from getting stuff done anyways
sometimes it's needed
honestly sometimes I'm not in the room cuz I just need some peace and quiet, concentration, less distractions etc
other days I don't mind
lately I'm working for 5 minutes at a time and getting bored and taking a break lol
I am approaching "barely surviving" with that lmao
I'm on the fence about having RangedWeapons like a Bow, Gun, Blaster, Launcher etc
and then having Projectiles - and then in theory you could apply any Projectile to any RangedWeapon
a gun that shoots knives, or exploding kittens, or anything
@ChrisMcFarland Define advanced math
My classmates think that Trigonometry and linear algebra is magic
@Bálint like, trig, or algebra (I know a little algebra but I try not to think about it), or just crazy graph plotting and shader math and stuff
Trigonometry is awesome
@ChrisMcFarland gun that shoots knives sounds pretty awesome, would it count if they bounced off a wall and landed on a baddie's head?
You can do circles and shit
@MickLH Could be coded as optional random attributes for the projectile, and/or the gun itself
bouncing projectiles, homing, gravity or not, number of bounces, multiplying on hit (up to maybe 3 times), just anything really
I want so much RNG
You can do this with matrices
Linear algebra is awesome too
heh, woah
This one's linear algebra too
And this is both trig and linear algebra
yeah I just can't be bothered to try and begin to want to comprehend how to do that
Nah, it's not that hard after a while
I started 3 years ago when my informatic teacher wanted me to make things go in a circle with javascript
Last time in math class we spoke about what vectors are. Only the very basic stuff, direction, length, some coordinate systems
Somehow my teacher found out that I know way more about it than I should know at my age.
And she started asking me about every vector-based operation, like multiplication, dot and cross product, etc. Mainly what comes out of them.
She wanted to find something I don't know
Well....She failed
Hmm, I got 300 lines of pure JSON
@ChrisMcFarland katana is OP
maybe that's because it's more realistic and literally scientifically proven to be the most fun also...
just speculating, completely hypothetical
yeah like, T2, I'd love to have a random weapon
teleportation + knockback + corpse explosion and/or any other random attributes
there's so many fun combos I think I can create
@ChrisMcFarland Which game?
my sequel I'm making, tallowmere2.com
2 hours later…
I finally published my package \o/
Writing 300 lines of JSON by hand is not fun
has anyone had a problem with getting the glm math library to compile? Intellisense recognizes it, but when it comes time to build, it acts like the files arent there, even though Im pointing to them
@SpicyWeenie IDE?
Visual Studio 2015
Did you add it to the compile list?
Include Directories?
VC++ Directories->Include Directories is where the path is at
@SpicyWeenie Doesn't Visual studio have a list of what to put in the output file when it builds the project?
what do you mean
@SpicyWeenie I'm not a C++ expert, but whenever I work with libraries in any language, and I want to build/compile the project, then I need to include that library in the output file somehow
You can't compile glm, it's headers only... @SpicyWeenie
Misplaced word. I was thinking of two different things lol
The problem is that its notrecognize them when I try to build, but recognizes them while coding
It gives a compile error when you try to compile?
yes, it says C1083 Cannot open include file: ... No such file or directory
but the path is there!
Make sure that it's there for release and debug builds
you can take a look in the properties of your project, inc c/c++ -> command line, you'll see what's sent to the compiler and you'll be able to track where and why the paths are not where you expect them
Not saying anything out of the ordinary
It's a bit hard to debug remotely :P
it just doesn't like it for some reason when it comes time to build, but has no problem coding
maybe its my digital machismo
3 hours later…
Its a multiple choics quizz game and each question in quizz is image with four possible answers(again images) so 2000 questions with 8000 answers that adds up to 10,000. And can you please explain what do you mean by 10-20 templates? path + name do exist there is no doubt about it. — Daniyal Azram 2 hours ago
just pls
2 hours later…
I'm trying to make my website look better on mobile devices
@Tyyppi_77 You know jQuery mobile?
Very helpful for making a website look better on mobile devices. :D
I've almost got everything figured out, I just need to tweak one side-by-side layout and fix the logo scaling
@NaCl jQuery is highly recommended, that and SemanticUI or Bootstrap make web development really zen
@Tyyppi_77 Are you testing it on multiple devices?
I'm testing by resizing my browser window
seems legit
hey, it works
Currently I'm fighting with one annoying div that gets no height
webdev 101
lol finally
I had leftover rules
pfft leftovers
it is possible for a game to be on steamstore without having to pass the greenlight system?
well, if you hack steam like the watching paint dry guy did
try checking roguelands
has been published on 13 june
no trace on greenlight
might be a big publisher?
the ones who made magicite
self published
Q: Upload Games to Steam without Greenlight?

nilI've been working on a little game, (which is nowhere near completion) and wanted to know, that when I'm finished, if I would be able to release it onto Steam without having to get it Greenlit. The reason why this is, is that I already payed for tools and editors for making my game, and don't wa...

maybe valve contacted the guy?
the only thing coming to my mind is that has been submitted with another name?
lol I'm glad I wont have to go through Steam
I suspect it is possible to get a game on Steam without Greenlight, but you have to be well known first.
Just gotta register a domain and my HTML5 game would be good to go
well no one has to go trough steam
well, they just made magicite. a beautiful title but definetly not that big
How's the greenlight coming anyways?
well most people aren't going to download .exe games without having a trusted publisher
But anyone will play a HTML5 game
I don't think that's true
I do think that's true
lol 99% of people I know only get games via steam
nobody has to use steam
Computer games.
I only hear about all these other sources from you guys xD
but if you want to sell, you might be pushed that way
That's why I'm aiming for Steam.
humblebundle, uplay and co. are somewhat important as well
lol I would think Origin is more used than that
I wonder how Steam became so popular
yeah humblebundle is quite well known
I'm certain if a AAA game studio came to Steam and said we want to put our games on, they'd take it without questions. Maybe even a AA studio.
@TheMuffinCoder How are people going to find about your game?
@Leggy7 Yet most PC gamers do. Why? They're friends are there, it's fast, it's convenient, and depending on when you buy, cheap.
yeah I want to use steam since I think that's the fastest way to success
Steam became popular at least in part because it achieved a happy balance between developers and players.
@Tyyppi_77 I plan on self advertising on Reddit/Imgur/9gag/4chan with a link to my game's domain name.io
Plus they had a few good starting games, which always helps.
I was just wondering why I could not fine a greenlight for Roguelands, published on 13 june
Then I plan on going to YT too once I make Android port
@TheMuffinCoder Very good idea to put your game link on 4chan
lol Agar.io came from 4chan
I think my game could play relatively well on mobile, but I'm only going to do a mobile game if requested.
People get games on Steam because they find about the game, and find out that the game is accessible on Steam. If they find about the game, and like it, I don't think they won't buy it because they'd have to get it on itch
lol + my game will be f2p
I think is hard for people to trust anything but steam to use their credit cards for you guys
Yeah that's not true
My first steam game: X-com Complete Pack.
March 19, 2011.
Oh snap I found the agar.io original thread from 4chan
@PearsonArtPhoto I don't know. I kind of wonder how long Steam will be the good guy. They aren't Electronic Arts but I think that they've been getting lazier (on Steam side of things) and they are just surfing off of everyones goodwill.
Sadly, everyone does that...
Wait didn't Steam become popular because of CS?
Not really.
It became popular because of HL2.
HL3 confirmed?
TF2, Portal, HL2, which I guess were all released together, right?
Steam has a lot of great developers. Yet they don't seem to be in the business of making games anymore. What a waste of talent.
wait they're making L4D3
Nothing in a long time...
Then again they were focused on steam OS for a long time
HL3 is going to be unveiled VR exclusive and lock out rift
vive only
Nothing like realizing an interface change is required when you have 6 classes already implementing that interface...
gordon will be stuck in a hospital bed and fend of demons
That's what I get for not choosing to do some of the more complicated items first... Oh well...
@PearsonArtPhoto At least it's not in C++ where you have to update 12 files to change 6 classes lol
This is true.
I think the worst time that happened to me there was just under 20 classes and I had to update 40 files :P
I've definitely had some major refactoring snafus. Still, I'm getting better at reducing their impact, in general...
(and it wasn't just a rename either, I had to actually implement stuff * 20)
Most of the time for me it's add a simple function, most of which doesn't do much for most items.
@NaCl It's pretty straightforward, they used to get behind crazy ideas from high college kids and produce them into polished pieces of amazing without damaging the original creativity and insight. They took good ideas and then added actual unadulterated hard work and nothing else.
CS? high college kids modding HL. DoD? more modding. Portal? high college kids thesis project. HL? ... I actually don't know how that game was conceived but the whole story screams "LSD THOUGHTS" lol
I know I'm just a hipster for it but I called bullshit on Valve the day Steam came out.
@Tyyppi_77 how is your stairway to heaven going?
I'm on a really slow stairway to hell
It'll be fine as long as you actually release
These screws are the worst
slowly but still going up?
slowly going down of course
I'm taking apart an oooooold PC power supply
and the screws basically instantly stripped themselves
@Pip lol why
to power an LED strip
actually, thinking about it I can probably just use it without taking it apart
yeah just jumper the enable pin to ground
if I just steal a 5v connection from one of the molex connectors or something and use a paper clip to turn it on
oh thanks for the v1 schematic
that's the version of the one I have here
I did know how to jumper it though :P
lol it only took 2 seconds to pull up an image anyways so I had to
only missing one upgrade to code in
then I have to balance it out
@Jon lol this feels so tight mechanically, it's hard to imagine something physical actually rotating perfectly by the corner
I'm powering these: adafruit.com/products/2959
lol 2 amps is no joke
That's why I'm using this desktop psu :P
oh man these leds are so nicely designed
they have two ground wires included
that just hook together
how long of a strip are you going to use?
so it hooks the power supply ground to the controller ground
just a meter at the moment
man I need to get new headphones again soon
the ones I have still work great, the sound quality is still perfect I mean, but the nice trim and all that stuff is starting to fall apart lol
@Jon can I use sub bass?
what is that?
Bass notes that you can't really hear but you can feel
most users wont have any playback for it lol
for the users that don't have speakers for it, it costs some volume
the volume would appear to be quieter on mobile speakers, for example. it straight up doesn't come thru, but then you plug in headphones and all the sudden there's another layer
that is cool
if you are asking me if you can use it for gorb? hell yeah
lol cool I was trying to keep it mobile friendly but this part sounds so much better (imo) with sub
@Jon emailed. let me know if you want the .wav, I only sent the .mp3 because it's not a final version and so I'd rather not jam this tiny tiny comcast pipe up with it for an hour lol
oh cool
I try to do high-sober cycles
break up the monotony (and a lot of other stuff) with something creative, then come back and fix the other stuff lol
that sounds amazing -- my dog shat all this disgusting diarhea in my damn computer room halfway through it
so I had to pause and it kinda ruined the entire thing
but yeah that sounds great man
how is that not finished?
idk I think my meter for "finished" never reaches 100% but just exponentially approaches it
could always revise a melody to be nicer or something
or add a new, more subtle layer
what you have now works quite well
idk if the horns are a little too much too, I wanted to complete that "triumphantly continue" kind of trip in the middle but you know
I don't want to be all like BA JAM BA JAM BA RAKKA TAKKA up in your face and stuff
i know its not the typical kind of music you would produce
but you should be pretty proud of it, its awesome
lol just so you know, it's all 1 synth routed through 5 different channels with about 7 effects gently applied and back down to stereo
I'm just sending a lot of notes to a few different channels on that same synth :P
I sure as hell can't do it
If you want to hire an orchestra for some insane reason though I'll totally export sheet music
have you seen how the dolphin emulator is blowing shit away ?
I haven't played emulators for daysss
I haven't messed with it in ages but PPSSPP (a PSP emulator) was doing amazing last I heard.
The development was going very quickly.
man, i wanna go play gamecube games now lol
they are looking crisp
omg @2:10
so scared
dodged 2 shells and a bananers
So do you guys really think it'd be worthwhile to implement that edge feature you were talking about yesterday?
how long would it take you to prototype it?
i just looped that song like 20 times @MickLH
it is good
@Sie Eh it's not the biggest deal ITS ONLY THE FATE OF YOUR GAME you know
@MickLH No pressure. Thanks mate.
@Jon that's a good sign lol
@Jon Not sure. Not really sure how to approach this honestly. I'll have to do some more research later.
the edge you pick, would select the two vertices that are connected
use the same technique, but move 2 at once instead of just the 1

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