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I'm trying to stop making memes but some stuff are just too meme worthy, like: 0ws.pw/ilh0.png
oh snap this pixel art article is amazing
@arda LMAO
10/10 top kek
my friends made too many of those memes, I decided just to leave their discord group to be more productive :P
that guy has too much meme potential depositphotos.com/model/4555638.html
Spot all the things wrong with this picture
that lightbulb
@arda So what is that? An emo computer repair guy?
@arda LOL
Rename that to memegallary and ur set
@TheMuffinCoder static4.depositphotos.com/1028979/506/i/950/… no worries he put it there
claps vigorously
I got 1k rep on SO too! \o/
@Bálint \o/
♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪
Now I have >1k rep on 3 sites
It's happening!!! :D
Apparently 2 frame animations are suffice for pixel art less than 24px high
my sprite is 17 high
lemmings creator did it with 4 pixels
4 pixels?
show plz
lol lets see if its better than my 4pixel sprites :P
they eventually added more pixels, but the original lemmings game, the lemmings were 1x4
or something stupid like this
oh lol
you can do a lot with 8x8
I made my lava game with just 4x4 sprites
that walk animation is pretty amazing for an 8x8 sprite
u can even see if he had flip flops
the one on the right
looks like it :P
Okay Im going to upgrade my sprite to 4 frame animationm
@TheMuffinCoder Do you need it to have 2 frames
Nah I was just following these tips
@TheMuffinCoder make it 144 frame
Our eyes only see 30 frames, no need for more :P
30vs60 is visible
@TheMuffinCoder Our eyes don't work like that
LOL I was joking
I can't see difference between 60vs144
It bothers me when i play on console but I manage because of other benefits
For example, I'm forced to play Battlefront on ps4 since its dead on pc :(
When you move your eye "turns off" for a moment to avoid motion blur
@TheMuffinCoder does the character hold his weapon in the image?
There you go, he got his weapon now :D
Q: Add fadein and fadeout to css and java slideshow

JustinI found and slide show using java and css only. I need this because I also use background blend mode in my css script and that is not working on img src. here is the code: http://jsfiddle.net/xdUBZ/749/ also here: function run(interval, frames) { var int = 1; function func() { ...

This happens if you don't know shit about what you're doing
document.body.id = "b"+int;
What is he doing?!?!? o.O
Look at the CSS
He could change the color directly instead
Yeah, se my 2nd comment
lemme upvote that :3
Wich one?
Ur comment :P
oh lol didnt notice there were 2
I didnt noticed he said java instead of js xD
@TheMuffinCoder After a while you get really sensitive about this
I just woke up like I'm in a bad Sci Fi movie. I slept 20 hours straight and my phone is frozen with "Snooze remaining (null)" on the lock screen.
I want to sleep for 20 hours
I can sleep for 20 hours. (summer vacation)
Just if the housefolk let me sleep (they usually wake me up round 3pm)
@arda Housefolk?
Those vile creatures, not letting you waste your day away
Plus they don't respect my Sleep Cycles^TM
They will, around the time you move out and live in your own place. hah
2 years until I complete HS
@MattJensJensen Is your internal clock damaged or missing?
@Bálint Symbol not found
@Bálint internal clocks usually stop functioning after not sleeping enough for extended periods.
at least for me
You can't do a marathon sleep to make up for not sleeping enough
You can only do that in small segments
Each time you sleep a bit more
there is nothing as enough sleep, sleep as much as you want, that is enough
< needs to sleep. 4am
I see your "is nothing as enough sleep" and raise you an "enough food and enough sleep combined"
Indefinitely having too much sleep is loosely what most people would define as a coma.
Indefinitely having too much food is loosely what most people would define as obesity
Do you feel fresh after coma?
I do get 20 hour sleeps and people do feel scared for the possibility of me being in coma.
@Bálint and yes it feels awesome
I dont like sleeping :(
I need one. I should stick a postit saying "don't wake me up"
I just sleep so that I stop feeling tired and can go back to playing/drawing :D
muffin is hardcore
lol nah because I cant control myself with food yet
I normally would consider life better if we didn't have to sleep. Until drinking, if I drink, sleeping is a good way not to feel completely and utterly sick for a few days
My parents were raised not having a lot of food so my home is packed with junk food :( Cant stop eating ; ~ ;
But once I move out, I'll literally only have the minimal to get by energetically
Plans future refrig to be packed with just assorted berries, kale, and wheat protein
lol I already replaced one meal of my dead for a power smoothie
Fruit isn't actually very healthy mate, it's full of Fructose
muffin, you're gonna get us hosed down by the cops talking like that
yea I know, but the sugar fruit has is relatively low compared to the soda/pasteries I would eat otherwise
meanwhile eating 3 candy bars in a row
I can't stop :'( why do I have these
:( drinks a soda rn because of close it is
@TheMuffinCoder " sugar fruit has is relatively low compared to the soda/pasteries I would eat otherwise" then you eat a lot of fucking sugar mate
shhhh no one needs to know
it's fine as long as you move enough lol
+ I'm not eating peaches/pulms/pineapple
I eat about 20 grams of sugar in day
& eat other stuff also
Mostly from meat and cooking
I stick to lower one such as blueberries
lol thats it, I have to revamp my diet
throws out soda
Anyone watch BattleBots here?
is that still on?
@PearsonArtPhoto I saw it last year :D
Isnt it on every summer?
I watched that when I had TV lol hipster shades: activated
lol I just watch them off yt
Just finished a half hour ago.
LOL. I didn't have TV for a number of years.
@PearsonArtPhoto Anyone watch Adam Savage scream at robots on fire for 3 hours a day ?
I broke down when I moved here because it was an extra $5 with internet access...
resist the urges to watch tv
I just finished binge watching rick and morty
Adam Savage actually wasn't on this one.
@TheMuffinCoder PREACH!
Good thing season 3 is almost here
There was a very impressive upset tonight.
@MickLH LOL Mick I'm so glad I didnt watch the show before
>No Adam Savage
>No Battlebots
I wouldnt had been able to survive that year and half for season 3
A single hit took out the #6 team by the #27, or something like that.
lol ikr trauma
lol they even taunt the audience at the end of the last episode
Well, thus far there hasn't been a single fight in the round of 32 that has gone to the judges.
@PearsonArtPhoto bots! add friendlify! yt link!
@TheMuffinCoder that sucks. I'm off city for some while now and feeling nthe addiction to junk food now
I would really love to watch Rick and Morty but I don't know where to watch it hahah
@arda You was in coma?
@MattJensJensen netflix
@arda Give into your urges, consume the junk food... Join the dark side!! >:3
@MattJensJensen You call up your local torrent provider and order the package on your home PC system
cough cough I use watchcartoonsonline
@MickLH Savage
I can still buy here but I don't have them stocked
I don't actually pirate things, but yeah, I might get Netflix again for it
@TheMuffinCoder I use torrent
Ouch too hardcore for me
I dont torret anything :P
I love battlebots
Tormenting is cool
Damn phone
@arda As he says as 70% of people playing his first game will pirate it
@TheMuffinCoder @PearsonArtPhoto Observe Excellency!
this is the essence of add friendly
@MattJensJensen yes
Any French ppl here?
Mick look at this one
@Bálint Oui
Turkey has piracy rate of %86 on a popular software
@MattJensJensen How does your number system work?
@Bálint Are you really asking this question at america's evening time? @Lasse get in here!
@arda Turkey also has public hangings of homosexuals, and just had a public military coup, so they have a lot to improve on, piracy isn't a big priority to them.
@PearsonArtPhoto Oh snap I havent seen that one
throws drawing tablet out of the way
They allowed drones this year, but they aren't that great...
@Bálint decimal
holy cow
Pearson link me any that has flamethrowers
@arda Germany has 0%, gotta love enforcements
I love those
The only way a drone could be good is if it can autonomously track the target.
@MattJensJensen all of them are very scary to me as a turk
@MattJensJensen I'm not that dumb
There's quite a few that have flamethrowers, that's the only effective flamethrower battle.
@Bálint how can I apply for German citizenship?
@arda Are you really a Turk, how are you doing mate, shit looks scary there
I mean how do you construct numbers
Can I come to :D
I can help count up to 19
@arda Get a job, then out of the money, get an apartement.
50 halv-tred-s(ind-s-tyve) half-third-t(imes-of-twenty)
60 tre-s(ind-s-tyve) three-t(imes-of-twenty)
70 halv-fjerd-s(ind-s-tyve) half-fourth-t(imes-of-twenty)
80 fir-s(ind-s-tyve) four-t(imes-of-twenty)
90 halv-fem-s(ind-s-tyve) half-fifth-t(imes-of-twenty)
@TheMuffinCoder Of course you can
This is a list of burn centers in the United States. A burn center or burn care facility is typically a hospital ward which specializes in the treatment of severe burn injuries. As of 2011 there are 123 self-designated burn care facilities in the United States. The American Burn Association (ABA) and the American College of Surgeons (ACS) developed a joint review program to verify burn centers that meet the criteria for optimal care to burn patients. The following list includes burn centers that are known to ABA as of May 2010. The 65 burn centers that are designated as verified by ABA and ACS...
So, the twist in getting a Job in Germany is that they don't give you a job if you don't have a home, but they don't give you an apartement without a job
@MattJensJensen yes, im doing fine mate, but ever since coup, some part of population thinks that they can defeat people who don't share the same ideology as them so I can't play pokemon go. Shit is indeed scary here.
@MattJensJensen My god
@Bálint I have relatives in Germany. Can I apply to a job while living with them?
I need to turn numbers below and including 100 to French using javascripts
@arda Yeah, that's pretty much the only way
Or get a wife/husband
@arda Swedish and Danish citizenship is much easier to Turks
In Germany if you download a torrent, then you need to pay a price between 1500-3000€
@MattJensJensen How do you say 51?
@Bálint That's not true, a lot of my friends torrent like crazy in germany and don't get caught for shit
@Bálint Einundfϋnfzig
@MattJensJensen In French, I know German
@MattJensJensen vpn4life
@Bálint cinquante et un
@MattJensJensen will check thanks
@arda Still mate Turkey scares me
@MattJensJensen They maybe have VPN.
Be me, fall in love with turkish girl, we can't tell anyone or take it seriously because her family super religious muslims, I'm atheist, she's secretly atheist, country scary as hell, world scary as hell, politics suck
grrrr... you know when you can ping a computer on your network, that you can access it via \\address in windows explorer, but that the Remote Desktop Connection won't work?
@MattJensJensen no worries it scares me too
@AlexandreVaillancourt The problem is that you're assuming getting RDC working won't be hell
@AlexandreVaillancourt worst part is if it is a VM
@arda not a VM @MattJensJensen I can access it locally (I can access it in 'a loop')
Maybe the router is blocking it :/
@AlexandreVaillancourt Is access within LAN? or are you pushing through internet?
@MattJensJensen within LAN; the destination computer is connected with a wire, my laptop is via WiFi
Is RDP protocol enabled
Is there any kind of firewall
@AlexandreVaillancourt Oh, that's why, you're probably separated by subnets
I just finished watching one battle bot where one of them ignited holy cow
this is some good stuff
Did you do "Allow connections from any version of RDP"?
@arda the classic windows firewall; it seems to be open to let the RDP connect
@MattJensJensen think so
going to check the subnet
But I think they're on the same
@MattJensJensen ultra classic story :(
@AlexandreVaillancourt I had that problem with Xbox devkit, had to be on same subnet so I just plugged everything in wired that I wanted to use
@MattJensJensen You wouldn't steal a car...
I disabled the firewall on the target computer and I can connect...
Or would he?
@arda it's bullshit
@MickLH Good thing I never pirate software :D
@MattJensJensen I don't want to connect my laptop wired; that's why I'm trying to have that RDP working :P
Now other media coughs I can't say the same
@arda @MattJensJensen thanks for the support! :D
@AlexandreVaillancourt I feel that
@MattJensJensen wait...
@AlexandreVaillancourt Did you get it working?
@MickLH lol
@TheMuffinCoder well they only said movies O.O
that real time animation
@MickLH Wait, so pirating Rick and Morty (made by a rather small studio) is better than pirating <insert indie software here>?
@MattJensJensen Yeah; there are 2 settings for the RDP in the firewall, one for local networks and one for remote networks; apparently it considers that the desktop and the laptop are on different networks; probably, as you said, because they're not on the same subnet!
@AlexandreVaillancourt Yeah, damn subnets, but at least you can configure it to work with separate subnets
Yup! anyway, I'm happy now! Will be able to clean up that computer and try and use it as a Starbound server :)
Oh by they way @Bálint didn't you have french language questions? I'm sure @AlexandreVaillancourt speaks french a whole lot better than I do
@MattJensJensen yeah, it sucks, but it sucks for many people
That's pretty much life in a complex world though
@Bálint Yeah, I speak french :) (@MattJensJensen)
@MattJensJensen a world where life doesn't give lemons for free
I'm making terrible puns = time to sleep
@AlexandreVaillancourt And you're even from the authentic french, where they swear on TV
@MattJensJensen Not sure what you mean there.
@arda flagged
puns are a crime
rel tlk: If it's good it's a not a pun by definition, it's a play on words
@AlexandreVaillancourt Oh I just remember seeing a lot of swearing on prime time TV in Québec
@MattJensJensen Ah, right, depends on the channel though!
@AlexandreVaillancourt Still, In the US you can't say half of it on any channel
Yeah, it's all censored :P I remember an episode of Hell's Kitchen where they blurred a part of the screen because one of the (female) chef was still in her pajamas was either revealing too much, or we could see too much nipples pointing through her shirt or whatever...
I don't think anyone would have cared here
I just think it's hilarious that, out of everything that is allowed on US television, nipples and swearing somehow upset the moral fibre of the country
:31208125 Too late, man, they're coming for you!
user has been hauled to Guantanamo Bay
@MattJensJensen lol good thing that only happens on TV
@MickLH God forbid fictional TV should reflect real life in any degree of accuracy
We see lots of "reality TV" from the US. And sometimes I'm worried that the average joe thinks it's all real...
@AlexandreVaillancourt lol don't worry, they are just the slave labor
We even have a "reality TV" presidential election...
the ones who believe in it, I mean, the jesters are a bit above them
@AlexandreVaillancourt As a US citizen, I am deeply concerned that they do.
Yeah, I bet you are :/
@MattJensJensen lol it's ok, we're safe from the PC police for a minute here, it's safe man you can let it out
Do you guys ever just think about the state of politics across the world and think: "I'm in a really shit game of Civ."
Civ <3
I'm really hyped for Civ VI, speaking of. It looks great from what I've see so far
And we're all just pawns of people trying to play out a culture victory?
Much different graphics style but I like it
Civ is a great game, but that game will ruin your whole week sometimes
If we were trying for a tourism victory (the new culture victory as of the Brave New World DLC I think) I can totally see the parallels
Open Borders == the EU
my friend keeps nagging me to make a game called GangsterCodRisk which is supposed to be Civ but then you play CoD to decide the battles lmao
People love the world wonders and national wonders
@MickLH Oh god
yep I can totally see that
lol Mick
To be fair, rolling the dice and a bunch of kids playing CoD is about the same probability
that name though GangsterCodRisk :') erry time
I pretty much only even said it, because of the name
@ChrisMcFarland @Tyyppi_77 Soooo..... with my shit solo MMR that's just about half of my actual skill level (according to party mmr and my current win streaks) this is the kind of game I'm currently playing: dotabuff.com/matches/2517665453
@MickLH worth it
I played Razer mid
That game is a little better than most of my ranked games, but if I get even a remotely decent team we can stomp if I mid or safe carry
@Pip which number measures how hard you're winning?
The net worth advantage shows a graph of basically which team is doing better at any point in the game
LH seem like winning letters so probably that
LH is last hits
That'll depend on a lot of things
Like, we didn't last hit the creeps a lot because we were mostly just stomping on their heroes
KDA is usually indicative of how much someone contributed
Kill/Death/Assist ratio
Lol can you be anonymous any time you go into a game?
And the level is also pretty indicative
Uh no
The Anonymous thing is because people don't have to release their info to Steam-external services
In-game they show up
gayyy steam doesn't even do the leaderboardsssss
I didn't even notice that
There's no way to access players' MMR (matchmaking rating) outside of their own account
at least, that's available to people outside of Valve
MMR basically is supposed to correspond to skill level
Everytime a question talks about MMR I assume Mumps, Measles, and Rubella
But in my case it doesn't because my pre-ranked matches heavily skewed my rating
@MattJensJensen I... used to. Now it's all about that matchmaking rating :P
I know, just everytime I hear it, I'm worried that anti-vaxxers will come out of the woodwork
Well, now you've all made me want to play a game of Dota.
Any suggestions on whom to play? I'm trying to find a new character.
I keep getting here too late to see what Mick said hah
Did not see what you wrote :P
I guess random it shall be.
Does anyone else have that love/hate relationship with consoles where it's like: On one hand they're locked down and can't compete with the average gaming PC, but at the same time they have exotic architecture and APIs that are a challenge to learn and are a little more fun to tinker around with than a plain old Windows API
Morning, all.
I think for a Dev, developing on a console has a lot of advantages!
@AlexandreVaillancourt but at the same time, those advantages are only there if you're an exclusive developer who isn't going to build that game for PC too...
My only experience with consoles was with the NDS!
So I mean, all of the best parts of developing for console go out the window when you develop for cross platform
Oh really?
Had the dual screen to take into account, but we had only the NDS to take into consideration, was nice!
NDS was an interesting beast
@MattJensJensen Yup1
@MickLH I finally fixed the whole bloody issue myself, I just had to remove my laptop battery and plugged it back in...
@JeffTeoh lealael hoeTffeJ@

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