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12:18 AM
is System.Net.HttpListener broken or require IIS be installed or something?
what's the issue?
trying to make a basic http echo server, and after setting up my little prefix and calling httpListener.Start(), httpListener.GetContext() never returns
despite multiple requests being made
12:40 AM
argh nvm. had a console.readkey hidden somewhere in the depths
thank god for console.keyavailable
4 hours later…
4:51 AM
XD Oh god
4 hours later…
9:20 AM
@CodeAssassin too old.
9:41 AM
@Tetrad it's a very good game,
I think the main reason I liked the game in the first place was it's music.
though I think you should add more audio chunks in case one trigger's a real long chain reactions.
8 hours later…
5:59 PM
The last message was posted 8 hours ago. WTF
the last message was posted 3 minutes ago :)
6:22 PM
The last message.... oh forget it.
Garrg. I'm trying to track down a bug in some new code, but the ExceptionPolicies for this ASP app are preventing me from seeing where it's occurring!
I am so tempted to run around and delete all:
try{ ... }
catch(Exception ex)
    bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Exception Policy");
    if (rethrow)
131 instances of "bool rethrow = ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "Exception Policy");"
if (rethrow) throw; else Logger.LogError(ex);
or use Tracing. although I haven't tried ASP tracing before
Phew, it's already getting logged
I've traced my ASP all the time, and I would LOVE to have this fail fast
Fail Fast with a giant red flag that screams and yells at me
At least now I know the line it crashes on
6:38 PM
ASP ftw
exceptions ftw, too
What do others do for error handling these days? I don't really want a bunch of catch-all blocks everywhere. I think it makes for buggy code
@JohnMcDonald assert?
or my favorite, the logical inverse of an assert - "break if"
yeah, I'd much rather this code broke horribly, over and over again in development than have bugs make it to the end user
yeah, I like the break if too. Debugger.Break()?
possibly, I'm just porting concepts from my C experience right now :P
in the case of web apps, I was thinking of something closer to PHP's "die"
attaching and handling a debugger is generally more time-consuming that simply printing all the relevant stuff under the right conditions
yeah, but on my dev box, debugging is very straight forward (normally)
6:46 PM
for "die" to work properly, you'd also need the equivalent of "var_dump" - the data-dumping function
iirc, C# has good reflection capabilities so this shouldn't be hard to get
@JohnMcDonald I've heard ELMAH is great for ASP
@Jimmy does it simply write exceptions to file or something?
that's the idea
but it comes with prepackaged UI and whatnot
and it also logs useful stuff like the server variables, the original yellow screen
that's admittedly better than the crap ASP offers by default
but it still wouldn't be enough for me
what about quick recompilation and ability to dump any variable straight into HTML?
6:54 PM
don't you get recompilation out of the box?
quick recompilation is what I want
I don't want to wait half a minute while everything's reloading
I want to change something and hit F5
so you want ASP.NET to support an "interpreted" mode
yeah, something like that
though I'm not sure if that would work
PHP is capable of recompiling thousands of files with each request, C# needs an insanely heavy precompilation stage just to start the app and get to JIT compilation, which takes a lot more time
and if I'm implementing a design for some app, I wouldn't want to wait 30 seconds after each change
7:46 PM
quiet today what's going on with this
end of the world #67
8:20 PM
they're all playing my game sorry
so how do you justify this genocide of splodes? :(
they're toxic spores
or: they like being sploded
Toxic?!? But they're so CUTE!
8:22 PM
nice game though. :)
8:40 PM
@JohnMcDonald just out of curiosity, any chance I can get you to explain your solution/project structure to me for AO? I'm happy with what I'm working with but I want to know what you are are doing to see how it compares and see if I can learn anything from it
@ToddersLegrande Yeah, anytime, except right now
haha ok
9:09 PM
9:37 PM
Amazing 3D & Game video: vimeo.com/57477038
Yeah I like that video
can you think of any reason a TraceActors would fail on a descendant of KActor, but work on everything else?
the collisionshape appears to have BlockZeroExtent set, so it should work as far as I can tell
9:56 PM
So I assume it works on KActor?
It should, as far as I know. Starting to do those kinds of tests
one of our other traces is responding to the objects I want to trace
I think the other trace is just a trace, and the one I'm having trouble with is a TraceActors, which is a little different, but I'd still expect it to work
10:25 PM
Sorry for all the links, but here are 4 or 5 game sim engine videos here for the next SimCity. simcity.com/en_US/media/video/…
10:42 PM
it seems that there are some people who flag any question with a lot of code as "too localized"
Not me.
I might be guilty of that
"too localized" does apply to "here is a code dump; what is the bug" type questions
I'm not sure I like the vein of procedural terrain generation questions
that are along the lines of "how to I smartly generate a terrain"
it feels kind of lazy, along the lines of "how do I write a good poem"
10:57 PM
11:56 PM
Anybody have an Xbox and get "Unable to read disk" errors while playing a downloaded game? I'm trying to redownload and am hoping it was an issue software side but I fear the worst.

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