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Q: What was that glowing green thing that soldiers threw in the corridor of the White House in the final battle scene of “Civil War?”

Giacomo1968In Alex Garland’s film, Civil War (2024), during the final battle scene at one point a soldier throws a glowing green thing in the corridor of the White House. This wasn’t a grenade or a flash-bang, but it just like a green glow stick that did nothing but glow. What was that glowing green thing t...

6 hours later…
Q: Does it mean that Robert is correcting Isador Rabi when he says ‘Canyons of New Mexico’?

Avalon SinclairAfter his lecture, Heisenberg meets Rabi and Oppenheimer. Robert reveals his intent to return to America to address the lack of serious attention towards quantum mechanics, which is his primary reason for returning: Isador Rabi: He's pining for the canyons of Manhattan. ROBERT: Canyons of New Me...

5 hours later…
Q: Was Harrison Ford a cameo in I, Robot?

GeoffI recently watched the 2004 film I, Robot starring Will Smith. There's a bar scene where as the camera moves closer to the main character we get a glimpse of another patron of the bar who looks, IMHO, remarkably like Harrison Ford. IMDB doesn't seem to mention it nor can I find anything online. I...

3 hours later…
Q: What is that kung fu movie where there were misfits that had special powers?

Mr. SteelWhen I was younger I remember seeing a kung fu movie (from the 70's likely) where someone had to fight a bunch of folks that were masters with special abilities. I remember one guy walking on his hands, then jumping and hitting someone while doing so. Someone else could puff up his chest to take ...

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