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We have a room!
Wait, no I wasn't.
lol, you were first to write a smiley
um silly question - is the private beta starting yet? I have not had an invite
nevermind :) answered my own question!
Yes I think it has started :-)
indeed... I have written 2 questions
So excited for this SE!!!
Hi @Omen
Nice to see you here too
I'm about to write a meta question to lay out my vision for tagging :D
(and I asked a question about gauge theories)
I've just asked a meta question about tagging - how should we tag peoples' names?
I certainly think we should not tag people's names
As I said, I'll lay out my vision ;)
Actual names are way too specific
You need to keep in mind that a tag should get ~50+ questions usually
Maybe Einstein, or Newton, but even then I'd vote against using a name tag to remain consistent
But if the question is about someone or someone's theory. Okay my Thomas Digges might be a bit obscure, but we've already had Pythagoras and Fermat
well, done my first answer...
@winwaed Still, I think they should be tagged by (1) field of research (2) more specific topic (if it applies) (3) historical context
perhaps some exceptions for really famous people, but I'm hesitant
I think it is absolutely essential to avoid overly specific tags at all costs
(see bigger SE's to get an idea of what works)
perhaps write a meta post about that
I'm doing it
will be big though
so willl take a while
in the meanwhile I"m retagging
meanwhile I am writing answers and questions
everybody wins ;D
approved your edit of my light question @Danu
@Omen thanks :)
hmmm 2Q's and 1A... cracks knuckles... falling behind my own schedule...;p
hey @Danu
can you see the irony of an answer to a question about zero having a vote score of zero…
@Omen so meta
i think I have upvoted everything so far...LOL
Going by the questions, it looks like we have a lot of mathematicians!
Perhaps I should start asking some questions about the early days of the Geological Society (of London) :-)
I might start asking some atmospheric physics questions....oh...... OH YEAH!!!
go for it!
sorry, getting a bit excited here
I'm very glad this SE got finally created, looking forward to reading Q&As!
it is awesome so far
I am writig 2 more questions then I will need a cup of tea
@FranckDernoncourt I'm having a hard time coming up with an easy way to classify your question!
@omen: the problem is I have to think of the questions. Hopefully be able to come back tomorrow or the day after with a few
I had a cupof tea, it gave me inspiration
boom 3rd question written
4Q's and 1A.... need a cup of tea and some toast
please, all
Q: Proposal: A tentative tagging scheme

DanuOne of the most important questions to be settled is: How are we supposed to tag questions on this site? I happen to have some opinions on this matter, and I will use this meta post to lay out my 'vision'. Please provide alternatives by means of an answer to this question, or express your opinion...

Respond, vote, comment, answer!
Any reason why I can't edit your question, @Omen? I think the 'atmosphere' tag is much too specific (sorry!)
you also need an experimental-physics tag
not at all sure
ok, leave atmosphere for now then
but you do need experimental-physics! :D
on the atmosphere question
oh, another edit is awaiting approval, thats why I cant edit it
i put the tag in
sorry yes I was fixing the typo on "atmosphere". minor stuff I know
all good!
Man, it's annoying to not have the privileges that I'm used to from physics.SE lol
instant editing etc
lol 2 rep each time!
this is fun

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