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I don't want to encourage new users to come here to discuss why or why not their questions are poor or off-topic. Positively, I want to see all the votes and discussion on each thread on the main site, Negatively, perhaps, although no one should feel discouraged from joining this chat, in practice it's a good place for gossip and grumbles among long-term users.
@NickCox i agree with this. Well said. Point is if someone has any issue, they should be encouraged to use the platform of Meta CV, if they think flagging for migration, editing for reopening won't help the cause.
Agreed. In practice, posts on Meta querying decisions to close don't often seem to change people's minds, but people have the right to make their case there.
True. On a second note, I have noticed, of late, new users might not be understanding or reading attentively the closure reasons because what follows is some inadvertent or callous edit that has nothing to do with rectifying the post.
Not a widespread phenomenon, I admit. But I wish they could be a bit more patient.
2 hours later…
I have in this place mentioned the Fallacy of Internet Entitlement, which runs that I have a question on the internet, so it's someone's duty to answer it in the way I want. If people cavil at my question, they're clearly obnoxious and I can be as rude as I like in return. As someone with English as my first language, I bridle myself at "I require your assistance" as a way of saying "I would be grareful for your help">
Lol. Totally a legit one.
4 hours later…
@NickCox I like that term, "grareful". I think that perfectly describes me on some days.
2 hours later…
QWERTY strikes again. Should have been "grateful", narurally.

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