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4 hours later…
A: Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers

Someone - On StrikeI wrote a user style to hide the review queue, downvote, VTC, VTD, delete, undelete, and flag buttons/links.

Wordle 730 4/6*

Wordle 730 6/6*

I did it for Hannah
@ErikDarling Wasn't me
3 hours later…
I'm admittedly a bit underinformed on the topic, but just signed the [https://openletter.mousetail.nl/] (strike letter). I am a bit underwhelmed at seeing that only about a fifth of all mods have signed it...

(To be clear, I'm underinformed partly because I've stopped actively contributing to the site in 2019, with the rare exception when someone has soome meaningful comment on my posts or something similar.)
2 hours later…
Wordle 730 5/6

1 hour later…
Wordle 730 X/6*

Skunked lol
@JohnK.N. hah thanks, I think
Is it Friday yet?
@HannahVernon-OnStrike :-)
@PaulWhite-OnStrike is there any end to the "devil is in the details" thing.
@dezso most mods of smaller sites probably haven't seen the letter and don't know about the strike. The rate for technical sites is quite high. On Stack Overflow its well over 50% for instance.
@HannahVernon-OnStrike Yea these were interesting details. Didn't realize the collation would affect what characters fall into the range (makes sense though). I'm not super knowledgeable on that domain. Curious what collation application languages follow in such a case for RegEx, like C#.
I bet young Josh will chime in
Sounds like more of a Solomon question 😀
I've never heard the term "collation" used in a C# context. String comparisons are subject to different rules depending on how you use the different APIs. For instance, you can perform a "ordinal" comparison - which I think equates to "binary" in the sense that it's just comparing each character's bytes. You can also do culture-specific "linguistic" comparisons.
I have mostly used those APIs to get case-insensitive comparisons - because the default is case-sensitive.
if (someStringVariable.Equals("blah", StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
Q: Would the striking moderators welcome a user strike? Should we, the users, go on strike?

Peter - Reinstate MonicaAs we know, there is a call for a strike from the moderators on the entire network. I support the moderators. It occurred to me, perhaps a little late, that my participating on the site as usual — upvoting, downvoting and answering — may undermine the strike. Should regular users like me actively...

@JoshDarnell lately I've been in the habit of always including StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase when doing string comparisons since I'm so unsure how the defaults operate.
hey @ErikDarling, apparently people went Mets crazy this season even though they are sucking lol. Box is unfortunately full for July, but would 8/15 or 8/27 work for you guys?
@HannahVernon-OnStrike Default is StringComparison.Ordinal. Bear in mind that InvariantCulture can do weird stuff, and is primarily meant for comparing text in a fixed way across different installations, such as when comparing syntax.
@Charlieface yah comparing syntax is pretty much all I do :-)
command-line utilities being the sum total of what I typically write in C#
@ErikDarling Apparently 8/27 just got scooped up too. 😔 8/15 still available if it works for you?
@J.D. doh, we’re actually away on vacation that weekend. Got anything for September? Thanks for looking.
@ErikDarling No prob. Let me ask about September. I'll keep you posted.
Wordle 730 5/6

So my 4th word was the only one my analyzer had as allowed. The actual word was not originally allowed as an answer in Wordle...
@JohnK.N. Catch up with the times, we've been on strike (well, I have with no answers and no flagging)
@CadeRoux Yesterday's word wasn't on either list. Wordle is out to get us
@SeanGallardy I'm back to being more verbose in the comments. That's my little contribution.
@J.D. Ah, you chose the path of creating more problems for the site
Every little bit helps? :)
@J.D. 😂
@Zikato Checked your case, sad to see where it is, still.
you and me both
I'd tell you to collect data and stuff but...
would you really?
Yeah but you said you couldn't do anything unless it come from official sources(tm)
Wordle 730 4/6*

wife did 6/6
@SeanGallardy They told me to failover again and run a psdiag
@Zikato I don't remember, what was yesterday's?
SHYLY? Yeah, got that in 4 because had all 4 letters
No other vowels possible, so yeah
Didn't end up using the analyzer
I can't really run it on my phone. It's two tables in a SQL Server database and a script that I fill in the probe words in an array it inserts in a table variable and is just a bunch of CTEs.
@SeanGallardy Me too. Just wanted to give it a poke.
@Zikato I saw the notes this morning :/
Do you know what sort of info we're hoping to collect? Any ideas about the cause?
I do not, reading the notes they wanted to get some information to see where else to go... but there are other ways to get that information with a more targeted approach, so IDK
1 hour later…
I think i found an Easter Egg in the Chat Code.
I typed in CTRL & F5 as fixed width font and my browser refreshed.
I thought F5 always refreshes the page - the CTRL modifier makes it skip the cache and reload files off the wire.
I think he means that his browser refreshed when he posted this message:
46 mins ago, by John K. N.
I'm afraid to try it, because people will think I'm gullible.
I like the one where you try to search for "easter egg" in the chat transcript search, and it gives you fake results.
Okay, I'll try it.
It didn't work.
> my shame
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@JoshDarnell TIL
but i suppose if it hadn't have worked i could have hid my shame
wait... but what if you actually want to search the literal string "easter egg"?

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