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@Roflcoptr come on in and paste your CSV so i can visualize it
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8.11.2011 15:08,713.35,812,2,547,1793,3880,18981,2986,1221
8.11.2011 15:35,713.63,812,2,547,1793,3880,18984,2986,1222
8.11.2011 16:39,709.54,813,3,547,1793,3882,18990,2987,1222
8.11.2011 16:59,709.97,813,3,547,1793,3881,18998,2989,1223
8.11.2011 17:43,710.61,813,3,547,1793,3881,18998,2990,1224
8.11.2011 19:16,712.05,814,4,547,1793,3883,19020,2992,1225
8.11.2011 20:07,712.41,814,4,547,1793,3886,19025,2992,1225
ooh with headers thanks
the newest version of the jar file should generate those headers automatically
i forgot to do that in the first version
especially the y axis have to be adapted
gotta figure out the date format though
yeah i guess there's some way to set a range/scale for each doodad plotted on the same graph
i utterly lack the terminology for this
date format is european ;)
in your stuff or in manyeyes?
in my stuff
and in manyeyes
yeah i can grok it but manyeyes can't at least not without some nerding
i think many eyes doesn't have a way to do nonliner x axis
hmm that's not good
maybe there's a way to make it work with a scatter plot
aha yes scatterplot will work if we use a timestamp instead of a readable date
unless there's some way to get many eyes to convert the readable dates into ticks or something
i could also divide it by 100
the values
and the the scale has to by read by factor 100
i can't explain that in english correctly ;)
think you can add a column for timestamp / ticks?
many eyes will handle the scaling automatically so don't divide anything i reckon
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8.11.2011 15:08,7.1335,812,2,547,1793,3880,18981,2986,1221
8.11.2011 15:35,7.1363,812,2,547,1793,3880,18984,2986,1222
8.11.2011 16:39,7.0954,813,3,547,1793,3882,18990,2987,1222
9.11.2011 16:47,7.1674,818,3,557,1809,3935,19234,3015,1235
9.11.2011 23:15,7.1917,820,3,559,1816,3940,19294,3024,1243
10.11.2011 10:32,7.2167,822,3,561,1818,3948,19381,3041,1247
10.11.2011 13:39,7.3082,823,3,561,1823,3957,19418,3054,1258
i thought like this
for the views
is something different?
ah i'll play with this but see if you can include date as just one number like a timestamp, ticks, seconds since system epoch, etc... whatever java likes best
that's no problem
unix time
that is
milliseconds since 01.01.1970
yep ill see if it needs scaling or not
i can't figure out how to update the data or add a new version of it
ill generate a new file
just for testing
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now with unix time
scaling the views didn't make it any better for a normal line graph
and if you scale it even more
between 0 and 1
no it doesn't like the new date field. maybe chop off seconds and smaller?
thats not so easy
this are just milliseconds
passed since 01.01.1970
divide by (60 * 1000)?
yeah ok but then we can convert it back
not really
don't know how to import csv from the clipboard into excel either
u see the problem no
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now it is somewhere in 1970s...
Sat, 12 Sep 1970 19:33:03 GMT
have to save it as a file and then open it )-:
copy it in a text file
store it with file extension cvs
and then open it with excel
does it work?
both rows are identical but let's see
that's because i just run it twice
for testing purpose
ah of course we'd have to convert the original set into the new format. would require some spreadsheet expertise
but it still refuses to let me choose date )-:…
i'm becoming a grumpy hacker d-;
being too lazy to program it is proving to be hard work
what do you want to do?
get the nonlinear x axis to work
ah hmm
maybe we can use an algorithm
to choose a subset of the data set
that is more or less linear
i think a scatter plot is the way to go but the datetime is proving painfull
aha we could normalize it to start at 0
since it seems to be the magnitude it doesn't like
time to play with libreoffice
wahts that
bah libreoffice calc help talks about datebase but it's not in the app where the help says it should be
what they changed the name of openoffice to
well they forked it after the evil company became the owner of openoffice
ah i didn't know that
nup i just don't have a clue about spreadsheets
its not so diffuclt
just make a second column
there's a function to convert the dates from plain text to something but can't get it to work
and write a small formla
i just want to convert the column in place
sould be =DATEVALUE( ) but no clue what goes in ()
it's the minutiae i don't know
illl do it later
just have to figure out some weird grep stuff
no worries

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