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3:43 PM
@MonicaCellio Well, now. That's a little different. This morning I realized what's wrong with my WIP. It's a series of related incidents but not a good story. I really needed to be dealing with the MC's reactions to being thrust into the story, but it just didn't interest me so I couldn't write it.
What hit me this morning was to make him part of the faction that I keep wanting to write about. Boom. Fits the theme better. Will require moderate changes to make him a mage instead of a knight, but that it isn't major changes means I really wasn't caring about his knighthood.
And this may now turn into comedy. I am reminding myself that parody is protected speech.
@FrankLuke oh, nice! And yes, that this isn't a major change does sound like a signal.
@FrankLuke this sounds interesting... :-)

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