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hey, wolf. another room to hang out in this weekend \o/
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek I'm thinking of using the Stack Exchange API to write a "bot" script that would sort of expedite the cleanup of tags by pushing tag removal edits into the Suggested Edits queue, and all users need to do is either approve its edits or "improve" them and fix other errors in the posts. Do you think that that's a good idea?
I'm thinking of operating the bot at faster speeds (once I write it) during tag cleanup weekends. All I need is space to test out the bot before it can be used during other times, and during tag cleanup weekends I think would be a good time to test out the bot. What do you think?
Have any of you made arrangements with a community manager or developer to have a system message put up during the cleanup (and other cleanups)?
I can put the community message up myself.
I'd rather not use a bot - not enough control
I'd also like to see how much of an actual user response there is
@JourneymanGeek I thought only CMs and devs have the ability to put up system messages. Or maybe I was looking at an old, outdated Meta Stack Exchange post?
4 hours later…
@damryfbfnetsi don't do it, that's explicitly frowned upon
7 hours later…
@Sathya Can you cite a meta post where a CM tells not to do such? It doesn't say anywhere in the Stack Exchange Terms of Use or API Terms of Use that I can't do such.
Speaking of which, @JourneymanGeek, what are the CM's thoughts on having such a "tag cleanup" weekend?
Why is this room's name "Aisle 3"?

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