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9:54 AM
I have a "vignettes" file. Here's a 3-part police story that didn't get there, with the dial turning from irony to cynicism:
Part 1. For years I lived across from the town's police chief's family.
Their daughter asked me for mathematics tutoring.
I thought it was a ploy to meet my brother.
A friend thought it was an opportunity for him to meet her.
So I asked, on behalf of both, whom she might consider.
Turned out to have nothing to do with mathematics or them.
She was interested in me and was hurt by my relaying their hopes.
Part 2. I was stopped one night for "looking black."
"Good golly, what should I do if I see someone who actually is black?"
(I'm not crazy about the term "black" but wanted to jam those pigs.)
No answer. "Should I call 911?" (Local emergency phone number.)
"Uh, sure. Fuck off."
Part 3. My front tire found a piece of glass.
My face found the pavement. A cop car found my blood trail.
"Should we arrest you?"
"Not this time, if you don't mind, under all this matting I'm white."
(I'm not crazy about the term "white" but wanted to jam those pigs.)
"Sorry to bother you, sir."
They offered an arrest but didn't offer gauze.
10:08 AM
Disclaimer: Most cops are not pigs. It's just a convenient term for those who are.

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