So, I'm working on a book of poetry, and I want to use John Collier's (1892) painting of Lilith as the cover. I won't be selling the book though; giving it away for free. Can I legally use the painting as the cover?
How can I include my own words (of an extra information) within the quotation? Can I do it in the following way, with the words in bracket being my own?
To quote the words of the Buddha:
“Here, Rahula, some monks [the Buddha has been pointing to himself, according to the commentary] live in ...
In a story idea I have, there is a race of humanoid creatures that evolved on earth from organisms that originated from another part of the universe and possibly another dimension. Their brains are unnaturally advanced and they seek to learn all that can be through experiments, sometimes at the e...
In his book How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, Orson Scott Card mentioned that you should stick with one or the other (either sci-fi or fantasy). While I think his reason was primarily based on being popular in one genre and virtually unknown in the other, it got me thinking.
Is it a bad...