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wooo! i just sold a story!
on its first submission, which is sort of unprecedented
7 hours later…
@JSBձոգչ Seriously xD !
@JSBձոգչ Seriously^2 xD !!
4 hours later…
@JSBձոգչ Congrats! Is it one of your Nano stories?
@JSBձոգչ great news!
I want to ask a question on Writers, and I'm not sure if it is on-topic.
I'm thinking about the balance between description, narrative, and dialogue.
The best way to find out is to asked it and brace yourself.
You'll probably get some helpful comments either way
I suppose. I could just be brave. But the front page doesn't really need another closed question.
but you need answers!
shh I'm writing it now.
@JSBձոգչ details, man. details!
Q: Striking the balance between dialogue and narrative

KitFoxI am participating in National Novel Writing Month this year. I have never in my life written so much of a single story. Although I am supposed to tell my inner editor to shut up this month, she is constantly nagging at me about my structure. I seem to vary wildly between description/narrative ...

Well, I'll start here.
Yes. I worry about this, sort of. I don't know how to stop the characters talking
@KitFox Could you have asked a harder question?
This one's a bit too easy.
@KitFox I'm not a published author, but I read a great deal. In that regard, I can tell you what I've observed and what I like. I think it comes down to the author and how they best express the story. When reading a "good" story, I don't notice if there's heavy dialogue or heavy exposition.
I tend to prefer exposition for setting the scene, action and transitions. When it comes to character development and plot development, I prefer dialogue, even inner dialogue. That said, if a writer is great at writing gorgeous descriptions and gripping narrations (sans a speaker), I enjoy that as much as someone who writes excellent banter and "talkative" characters.
I don't know of any loose rules in the "how-to-write-a-novel" books
Mostly I judge it on "is this conversation running out of steam?" and "where did the characters go?"
@Zairja @Mussri @MattЭллен thanks! The story is called The Suffragette's Election, and i've been working on it for four years trying to get the ending right
@JSBձոգչ When/where will it be published (i.e. how does I gets a copy)?
it'll be published in Crossed Genres, in their magazine #2
it'll be a few months before it's out, i believe
Looks like my kind of publication. Neat.
@KitFox I answered you
@JSBձոգչ Oh, thanks.
i hope it helps.
I keep wavering between thinking I'm doing OK, despite the crazy plot, and thinking that I'm just drowning in people yapping at each other.
don't worry about the drowning for now
especially if it's just your first novel
@JSBձոգչ It is good to think of description for pacing. I have a lot of "hesitates" and "pauses" that could be done that way.
my first draft of my first novel was 25% longer than my final draft of that novel, because i had overwritten terribly
my problem was different: i had long descriptive passages that did basically nothing for the story
and the plot meandered terribly in the last third
I keep thinking that I could press this one into 7500 words or so.
But that's not the point! slaps self
but the point is, you'll write a lot of unnecessary words at first, but don't worry about it
@KitFox you don't think you have enough plot for a whole novel?
@JSBձոգչ Not remotely. Part of the reason I did this was to see how big a plot it needed to be.
I ran out of plan at around 10K.
And stuff keeps happening that I didn't intend to happen.
I have to figure out who is going to be responsible for the plague, now that I killed off the guy who was going to do it.
ah, well, then you have a mystery
so you have something to solve
again, since this is your first novel, you may find it fun and useful to just plow ahead and write random crap and see what happens
let me reinterpret what you said above: you could have compressed the story into about 7500 words if you had stuck with the original villain. but now that you've killed him off, you have to discover who the real villain is, which provides you with a bunch more plot
Well, that's kind of what I'm doing.
good! see if it works for you
i know myself well enough to know that i can't write that way, but lots of writers do. so experiment and see what works for you
There was a whole new love interest, and some ethical reflection, etc.
I wouldn't think I could write this way, but I don't have options at this point. I'm behind the pace, and even though I said I wouldn't finish, now that I'm at the halfway point, I want to finish.
And Thanksgiving is next week.
And my codez aren't writing themselves. Stoopid codez!
yeah, T-day always screws things up
How did the interviews go by the way?
i have another today
last one went very well
Good luck.
That's great.
Does anyone here enjoy critiquing others' work? Or is it solely about writing and encouraging others to write?
We have some people who like critiquing.
honestly, i don't like writers.se for critiquing
when i want to critique i go to sff.onlinewritingworkshop.com
I'll check it out. I don't have any NaNo events/meet-ups near me. I am part of a writing group that is this motley crew of a couple dozen people around the world. I was leery of it being a circle-jerk, but they do critiques and don't pat each other on the back too hard. I just don't engage with it very often.
4 hours later…
I'm using a simple technique of not letting myself see how much I've already written.
I write 100 words at a time on a blank page and cut and paste it to the end of the real file.
it seems to be working so far.
@JSBձոգչ If I'm completely, totally, absolutely new to writing, never been in a writing workshop or got an MFA etc., is this resource worth the cost?
@Zairja oh, almost no one there has an MFA :). i'd say that it's more valuable if you are relatively green
it depends on how serious you are. if you actually want to get better at writing, it's easily worth $50/year
@JSBձոգչ hmm, well if I make it to Christmas maybe I'll wish for that as a present

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