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@Standback no way you're still online.
4 hours later…
@AarthiDevanathan: True 'nuff.
Listen, over the next few days my long-burst availability is very low. Abovementioned holiday + sabbath are a few days I won't be on the computer at all, and around them, lots of preparation and family time.
But I check in very frequently - just not for very long each time.
So I'm happy to talk about the NaNoWriMo promotion ideas, and promotion in general,
but why don't we leave messages message-board-style, for the time being?
We can talk about this time-lagged, like the good ol' days at the dawn of the internet!
Was there anything specific about the ideas I brought up? And what's going in the care package in the end?
13 hours later…
@ChristopherJKinniburgh: Heya there :)
Popping in for a look-see? 'tsnot very noisy here, but the food's pretty good.
3 hours later…
This made me smile. Enjoy all... theonion.com/articles/…

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