@rumtscho, Borough Market is great! It's changed a lot from when I first moved to the UK. Back then it was only open Saturdays, and it was still partly a wholesale market. It's evolved to have loads of specialist places and is open 7 days a week. It's a bit touristy, okay very touristy but still one of my favorite places to go.
4 hours later…
I had to look up the term @rumtscho, its the first time I've heard it in 20 years in the UK! Britain if full of archaic terms like that, nobody uses them but they're still officially used. Like on cars, rather than saying left side or right side they say near side and off-side. On my inspection document it will say something like "offside brake rotor nearing tolerance". WTF is off-side, why can't they just say right?!
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