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11:56 AM
I am curious about a recent flag I had declined.
This answer is absolutely a link-only answer. Which is why I flagged it as VLQ. Having reviewed questions in the VLQ queue and recommending deletion for link-only answers, I thought it was the appropriate flag.
I can use custom mod-flag in the future. But I thought pushing the question into the VLQ queue and having the community moderate the post was the way to do it?
12:22 PM
Do VLQ flags not push posts into the VLQ queue? The answer on meta that I was directed to isn't clear on that but reading between the lines it implies that the flag pushes posts to the mods (which is why it was declined (sure I understand that))
6 hours later…
6:31 PM
hey @Sobachatina!
I just read the questions on the front page, noticed that you have been active, then started closing tabs one after the other
and coming to chat, I saw you're in here.
How have you been doing?
6:50 PM
I'm well.
It occurs to me that not much has changed in my life since the last time we chatted.
I suppose that means I'm "stable"
My oldest got her driver's license and went on her first date. That is terrifying.
How are you?
@rumtscho Ooops. i didn't ping you by name! Rookie mistake.
@rumtscho- I was actually talking about you recently. Very briefly. I was recommending Mindsets to my sister and trying to explain how I've known you for 13? years but we've never met.
12 years?

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