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@derobert That looks amazingly delicious
Care to share the recipe?
@ElendilTheTall the blank stare? Oh yes....
Morning, @Gigili! Sorry, can't stay - have a nice day!
Morgen @Stephie! thank you, you too, have a great day!
2 hours later…
@ElendilTheTall OMFG It's Jeffrey Tambor!
Look at actual photos and videos.
I'm not even 100% joking.
2 hours later…
@rumtscho @Jolenealaska I flagged an answer because it is copied, but I think I pasted the wrong link.
OK, that's weird
he also has the link from which he got it
but has not made it look like a citation
Do what you can to make it easy.
@Jolenealaska Bechamel.
I replaced the copied part with a link.
Does the question qualify as a dupe?
I don't see it as a dupe of the "how to store" question, but it is of course a matter of judgment exactly how similar it is
if you think it is a dupe, you can vote to close
It is not a question I particularly care to keep
I wrote an answer now, but it is just repeating something we have said thousand times for other foods
probably need a canonical on "you cannot do anything about shelf life"
@Jolenealaska you have left us in suspense here
any news about Kitty?
@rumtscho I will pick her up about 1700 local time.
@Jolenealaska She's a beautiful kitty! :) Very happy for you!
cool, when I wake up, you will have had her for a few hours, so you might just be able to peel yourself away from her and come to the computer tell us everything went well :)
slightly over 1 hour travel time,
so close to 3 hours of my life. Story of my life...
I think travel time affects everybody
I don't care, I just want them to be happy :)
I'm sure your pets will be happy with you
are they both coming from the same home?
(yes, I remember you posted about two of them, I have been focusing on the cat because for me cats >> other pets)
That is one of the few ideas I just own. You have become my pet? Really? You have just defined lucky.
The poor kitty that I plan to adopt tomorrow has never been outside.
Well crap.
Poor thing.
She'll be okay.
Better to never have been outside than to have been and then have to learn to live inside only
By factors of 10.
I wouldn't even try to bring a kitty into my home who's used to being a farm cat.
This poor kitty is going to have a couple of weeks of sorrow.
I am so sorry Kitty.
However, she will learn to love me - and I already love her.
nobody can escape having sorrow in their life now and then
They can try
a fool's errand.
Is the current owner giving you some of her things?
also, I don't know how capable cats are of sorrow
if they are, it is not exactly human-equivalent
human sorrow is very tightly coupled to the way humans experience time, because it is a kind of longing for the past, when we had something we now lost
and cats don't really have the same sense of time
@Cindy some, but nothing I know of that is a heartwarming thing
I suspect her first days with you may be more governed by anxiety than by sorrow
@rumtscho I'm kind of counting on that
It takes two weeks for two cats to learn to live together.
@Jolenealaska Still, anything familiar may help. And especially that you will also have her "friend".
yes, new living quarters are very disorienting for cats
She is giving everything she can.
A few stuffed animals
I second what Cindy is saying here - you don't have to look for something which would have sentimental value for a human, more for something which will make her feel a small part of her previous environment has not changed
I will bring anything I can.
her bed is probably the most important, if she had her own blanket/basket/whatever to sleep on
She doesn't have a bed
I've already spoken about this
The best I can do is invite Kitty to sleep with me.
yes, it's difficult. Sometimes cats just choose a corner of some furniture piece to curl on.
you can't take that woman's sofa together with the cat :)
The easiest thing for us is the fact that I rarely leave the apartment.
She'll be okay.
I'm sure she'll be fine. Not sure which one of you is the luckiest! :)
BTW, what's her name?
yes, the acclimatization part is not easy, but it will be over soon, and then all will be worth it
before I came here with these cats, I had totally forgotten the jolt of joy one gets when somebody comes to you to cuddle with you just because she wants your company
@rumtscho How much longer do you have with them?
I don't know
the family arrived last weekend, but they had told me before leaving to not plan to leave immediately while they are still jetlagged
I had planned to talk to them yesterday about when they would want to have the house back to themselves, but now the husband is going for the rest of the week to his parents to bring his dog back, and the wife was discussing grossery shopping and cooking for these days with me, in a way that feels like she never ever considered that I might be already going
I have the impression that they like having me around too, now that their two children have moved out
so I don't know exactly how and when to have the conversation, and from what angle
I don't want to be perceived as an intruder who is stretching their hospitality
but I also don't want to disappoint them (and leave the cats, and also their company) if they enjoy having me around
Quite a tough spot. I've never been in a situation like that. But they must like having you there, and surely they are happy with the care you took of their home and cats.
oh yes, they are
my feeling for now is that they prefer having me here for longer
but I don't want to be mistaken about that, maybe they are simply being polite
Perhaps the opportunity will present itself so that you have a comfortable way to approach the subject.
Yes. But I am not losing any sleep over it - I will just bring it up at the first convenient moment.
Which will not be this week anyway, because I will only see them both together again on Monday
Must. Sleep. Now.
Night all!
Good night. Recharge well for the big day!
9 hours later…
Haha! :D
oh, Jolene! T = -4 hours, right?
My world is about to change.
your world is about to blossom.
I'm sure mine will. I'm also pretty sure that Kitty's will as well.
You'll love the company!
In a way, Kitty has won the jackpot.
If you can get your schedules aligned.
But OTOH, you are also a nocturnal animal ;-)
Cats can get their schedule aligned to anybody - they are asleep 16 to 20 hours a day
Could you explain that to ours, please...?
He needs an urgent bathroom break around 2:30. And refuses to use the litter box.
I'm almost always home, I know veterinary medicine in a very solid way, she is an 'always in your lap' kind of kitty, and I have an extremely available lap.
Awwwww, cute!
hates new people, doesn't sleep all day long, rescued - are you sure it doesn't have a drop or two of wildcat in its bloodline? I heard somewhere they have appeared in the Black Forest again in the last years.
Here's another great thing! She has never been outdoors. Ever. And she's six years old.
She is solidly trained as an apartment kitty.
@rumtscho they have indeed, but ours is very much a coward, so probably not ;-)
We are talking about 13 pounds of muscle and fur, yet he's afraid of every cat in the neighbourhood.
He did chase a beech marten down the road last summer, though, which is completely illogical.
"I am every other cat's bitch, that's bad enough, and then this weird thing comes and claims my territory? No, I won't fall so low. Off with the invader! (Also, if the other cats see me, they will be on my side for once)"
He might have been defending his favourite tree stump (aka perch, scratch post and jungle gym).

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