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04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

4:45 AM
Hi people :)
especially @ElendilTheTall
And @rumtscho
and that mysterious @Captain Giraffe
Of course the hellhound, @Cerberus
the newbies:
Hi @Logophobe
and hi @Cindy Askew
Life is good, give no thought to my earlier sulk. I had a very nice day, and it's nature led me to believe that I will make it through yet another Alaskan winter.
5:53 AM
Dammit! I hate it when I see a stupid error or typo after it's too late to fix! AARRGGHH
Hello Jolene! I'm very glad for you
Hi rummi!
Yes...good day. I had to jump through all kinds of stupid hoops to get to my PT, but at the end of the day, it was no big deal and I met fun people.
6:08 AM
@Jolenealaska Meeting fun people is always worth it
So you found a way to travel to the appointment? Great. I don't suppose you got approved for the rides programme so quickly?
6:20 AM
Not yet, but today was a very nice day. I got a ride to my appointment with the VA shuttle. But it was too late to even try that way to get home. The bus stop (nice) is actually close enough to the PT office to be doable. It was such a nice day that I was able to make it from the other-end bus-stop to my home by just doing it. It was a slow trek, and for the last 100 yards or so I had to help my right leg along with my hands, but I got home.
This sounds great. Good mood can always make people achieve a lot.
Beautiful, cloudless, crisp, fall day doesn't hurt either :)
I know! I was in the same position once. Well, scaled up - I had 30 km to go to the next train station. It was a beautiful, cloudless, crisp winter day, in a nice area. I did the march.
I didn't even mind the last 100 yards. I thought, "About damn time you got some exercise!"
It's all about attitude. When it's right, our bodies stop whining and let us enjoy the exertion a bit. I wish there were a way to turn on that state of mind at will :) But it's still great when it happens by itself.
6:29 AM
There's a flip side too.
I was sooo stressed at my last appt, it really seems at this point that the stress was the only real reason that my PB was that high.
I've been monitoring it ever since, it's often higher than it should be, but not that high.
This doesn't sound bad enough to be called a "flip" side. And hey, if it has been happening, at least you know it and are better informed. Don't shoot the "messenger" (=the appointment which made you measure it).
My monitor is messed up, I need to get a new one because this one doesn't show the last digit :/. But I can say that my diastolic has remained in the double digits!
OK, so it's not all that bad?
But I have to run, have a meeting in 24 minutes and I'm still at home. See you after the meeting.
6:36 AM
Flip side only of what we can do mentally. We can travel longer/farther we knew we could, we can also make our own blood pressure go through the roof.
1 hour later…
8:00 AM
@Jolenealaska morning jojo - glad it went well
Hi Tall!
hello hon
still full of the joys of fall?
Yep, all in all, today was a good day. How's your tooth?
Yep, Fall is fun. It lasts for hours, winter lasts for years.
It was still sensitive as all get out yesterday. It was also making the adjacent canine teeth ache for some reason
but now it appears to have calmed down
seems to take a while for the nerves to settle after being drilled at with power tools
I currently have this in the background: rainymood.com
Yep, I learned that during my time as a POW.
8:16 AM
ok, now I don't know whether you're joking or not
[Note to newbies: The POW crack was a lame joke, I was never actually a POW.]
it sounds like the kind of thing that is entirely plausible for you
"Oh, didn't I tell you? I was a POW in North Korea for 5 years after the government sent me to assassinate Kim Jong Il. In the end I beat the guard to death with his own shoes, escaped through China, waited for the Bering Strait to freeze over, and staggered into a lodge in Alaska. The rest is history!"
I can't believe you didn't know that.
must've slipped my mind ¬_¬
What you didn't know is I was the guard.
I was there to rescue you, and you beat me unconscious
8:21 AM
4 years of planning down the drain...
I'm hungry, my timing sucks, but there we are. I must make food.
all chat and no food makes jojo hypoglycemic
go, cook
I have a good handful of small diced freshly veleveted chicken and some pork belly.
deep frying time!
do you have scallions?
At 0:30? Prolly not.
nope, no acallions
and no...
8:25 AM
hold on...
you could have made a mean yakitori
shit, no onions either.
is there a 24hr pizza place? get pizza! pizza is good!
Yeah, it's too bad they suck.
8:27 AM
They suck donkey turds.
that's not good food safety
@Jolenealaska oooh?
It's lame, but it's dinner. I have some Nongshim Shin Black Pemium Noodle Soup (Ramen, but better than most).
I have eggs
I have aforementioned chicken
noodle soup time
I have frozen veggies.
Cya in a bit! :)
8:32 AM
use some of that good sesame oil in the eggs!
9:02 AM
I did :)
that's ma girl
This is the kind of meal one might make if they stumble home at 9am, hungry, and unable to find their left shoe.
(not that I speak from experience)
of course
you've just heard it from your friends
that's right!
have you ever played 'I have never...'?
9:08 AM
Is it like "Truth or Dare"? I was my high school's champion of that.
one person says "I have never <done something>" - everyone who has done it has to take a shot, lose a life, do a forfeit or whatever
I win
oh wait..
Oh, nevermind... I lose my left shoe.
being a clean living tee-totaller, I have at 3 and usually 4 that are guaranteed to knock people out
I have never drunk alcohol - boom
i have never been drunk - boom
I have never smoked - boom
I have never done drugs - boom
there goes my shoe!
oh, so you're playing strip I Have Never
better think of some more...
I have never been to Alaska
ditto Iowa
ditto west of the Appalachians
ditto in the military
getting chilly?
9:16 AM
I have never had a daughter.
Or a wife for that matter!
The advertisement for "Tea" in Area51 just needs one more vote before it shows up on the Cooking SE site: meta.cooking.stackexchange.com/a/1949/23478
well, that's my shoes off
@IQAndreas a whole site dedicated to tea?
how many questions can there be?
@ElendilTheTall There are entire stores, websites, and forums dedicated to tea.
@ElendilTheTall Check out the Area51 proposal, there are a lot of questions, and there are a good amount of good questions, and there were more questions in the previous proposal, too.
But why not ask them here?
It's like a whole stack devoted to chicken.
hear hear
Meat SE
Vegetarian SE
Coffee SE
Alcohol SE
where will it end?
@Jolenealaska Many questions would be on topic here (such as brewing temperatures), but some questions related to Tea would be borderline, if not off-topic altogether; such as What material is recommended for a tea pot? or What is an easy and cheap way to measure caffeine levels in my home grown tea?
@ElendilTheTall Actually, I think there is a Coffee Area51 proposal. :-/
Neither of those questions would be OT.
And questions about materials best for certain kinds of cooking.
What would be OT is to ask is certain caffeine levels are unhealthy, or is a cast iron tea-pot bad for me?
The thing about StackExchange is that by nature it will percolate out a disproportionate number of questions on obscure topics
9:32 AM
That stack would likely face the same OT issues as this one.
If not in cooking, where? Does 'culinary utensils' deserve its own site?
Probably not. But disqualifying the question as 'belongs nowhere' isn't a valid strategy
Obscurity alone doesn't get questions closed here.
I'm most familiar with the original, StackOverflow. Those guys play games of tennis with questions between SO, programmers.se, codereview.se, gamedev.se and so on
We are the only stack that deals with making real stuff to eat or drink. We're already small.
I don't keep up with meta, so is there a precedent for 'if you're not sure where it belongs, leave it where it is' on SE sites in general?
9:38 AM
Hmmm...no, not really. There is really only a precedent for migration if the other site truly seems to be a better choice.
That sounds as though it amounts to the same thing
So where would the iron teapot question belong, in your opinion?
Well, cooking and gardening have gone back and forth a few times. Recently someone asked if such-and-such could be made Halal. That one quickly got migrated to Islam.SE.
Well, if it asks "what is better for my health?", the answer is, probably not on SE.
We're not doctors, Jim!
Health is a big taboo on SE I think, because of the potential for being cited as responsible health advice
probably similar to matters of law
i.e. you're usually meant to have a licence of some sort to dispense medical or legal advice
@CindyAskew hey cindy
9:46 AM
Hello. How are you guys?
There was a similar one on cooking asking why some Jewish authority considered alcohol from New Zealand to be (potentially) dairy and not for any other country, once
Now, if the owner of the cast-iron tea pot asks if the cast iron leaches chlorophyll (totally making that up), then the question belongs here.
that got migrated to judaism.se, surprise surprise
As it should have.
Hi Cindy
the upshot of it seemed to be that some guy had told someone at some rabbinic law body once that someone used whey spirit for fortifying some drink once, or something
9:48 AM
wow, 6 active users
Wow! Party!
that hasn't happened in months
Time zones.
<breaks out moderately priced domestic sparkling wine>
9:50 AM
@ElendilTheTall for us, obv.
<breaks out overpriced bitter ale for @TomW>
I'll stick to Appletiser thank you
preferable to the sparkling
Got any vodka back there?
9:51 AM
I'm just trying to wake up. More coffee for me.
I should go to sleep...vodka!
@Jolenealaska Smirnoff or Stolychnaya?
@CindyAskew Irish Coffee it is!
Stoly's, thanks.
Haven't caught you guys in a few days. What did you think about the "diet pill" poster? I couldn't t believe the rudeness!
Chilled, straight up is good.
There's a starred comment about him.
9:55 AM
@ElendilTheTall That could be the answer! :)
<wipes glasses>
<kicks jukebox into life>
It turns out that I wasn't the first one here to deal with the diet pill douche.
just some guy advertising?
Rumscho met him on the cogsci board.
@Jolenealaska Agree with you about not being able to edit here. Can't fix my typos. That person was a real jerk.
9:58 AM
On the board where he was rude to Rummi, he was suspended for a year.
@Jolenealaska Did yu on hear anything about the contest yet?
I still don't know for sure!
More typos. <sigh> I was hoping he would be suspended here.
Bummer. You put a lot of work into that.
meh, just as well that he got bruised a bit. Maybe he'll remember it if he comes back. You know what's really sad about him??
10:02 AM
He probably thinks he can't make friends because he's fat.
@TomW do you ever watch Come Dine With Me?
of course not, you have a life
for the forrun types, Come Dine With Me is a show in which 4 strangers host a dinner party for each other on consecutive days of the week
at the end they score each other
@ElendilTheTall only a couple of times. They seem to pick the worst people they possibly can
@ElendilTheTall giggity
this week, they found the worst human being on earth
she had no filter between her brain and her mouth
a guy made some kind of dessert involving cream and passion fruit
she tried it and said 'This is vile'
He said 'Do you not like cream?'
10:05 AM
That's funny because I know a woman who, with a group of friends, has been doing that for several years.
she gestured to her reasonably slim body and said 'Do I look like I eat cream?'
oh no
He said 'I don't know, what does someone who eats cream look like?'
She pointed to the other woman, admittedly more stout, and said 'That'.
mrs the tall and I were agog
I would be rolling.
haha! Holy Crap!:)
10:07 AM
I would kick her out on her ass
she said in one talking head bit "I don't have any friends because everyone else is boring"
no, you have no friends because you are the mother of all bitches
I think she and the douche would make a fun reality show all by themselves.
someone I know was one it once
if you remember Cat from Belfast :)
that was a while ago
Down to 5.
He's pondering the tea thing...
@TomW season 3, episode 6
(i'm making that up)
so, it's 11:14 in the Land of Hope and Glory, 6:14 in Ol' Virginny, and 2:14 in the Great White North
Tom is lazing around the house on a week off
Jolene is burning her usual barrel of midnight oil
Cindy is attempting to wake up
It appears I'm the only one who does any damn work around here
10:16 AM
Hee! :)
And then there were four. Guess what guys? I'm sleepy! (that is a very good thing)
Good Night!
night jo jo
sleep tight
Good night.
@ElendilTheTall If you didn't who would keep the rest of us straight?
so @CindyAskew, tell us about yourself
<gets notepad>
What would you like to know?
bank details, pin number, that kind of thing...
10:27 AM
Hey, no problem. I share that with everyone.
probably not much use then...
Really! On that note, though, someone did get one of my credit card numbers a couple of months ago and had charged over $3k. Fortunately the bank caught it right away and put a hold on the charges until they contacted me to verify.
cheeky swine
I'm gonna say bye for now. (How did it get to be 6:30 already?) Need to get breakfast and get to work. Take care, all. Have a great day/afternoon/night!
have a good one
11:04 AM
oh, is Jolene already away?
Hello to everybody still here
11:38 AM
@rumtscho Can't sleep
@ElendilTheTall as per usual. Your turn to deal? Or mine?
Hi Cerby!
Sleeping sucks, huh?
How are you three today?
I dreamed that our house was sort of being bombed.
That is, we saw large rockets smashing into the ground around the house, but they fell down with the wrong side up.
11:41 AM
I've gotten to the point that I enjoy even bad dreams.
I have to admit is was strangely fascinating.
At first we hid in the cellar, but then the firebombs came.
At least I enjoy waking up from them.
I think it started with a Thief-like computer game I was playing, except in the physical real world. And then the house I was stealing things from turned into my parents' house. And then the bombs.
Haha, yes, I am glad when it turns out to be fake.
11:43 AM
hello @Jolenealaska and hello @Cerberus
oh, bad dreams :( I hope you're feeling good nevertheless.
I'm not really naked in my bombed out childhood grocery store. YAY!
I wasn't having a problem with dreams, just lack of sleep.
They do leave me in a bad mood, usually. Like there is some problem I need to take care of. I try to remember what it was and remember, the problem doesn't really exist, it was in a dream. Then I concentrate on my day, but the little nagging feeling returns.
@Jolenealaska Yes, I meant Cerberus. I hope you're feeling good too, of course :) despite the sleeplessness.
@Jolenealaska Haha yes, that feeling.
@rumtscho It depends. Most of the time, I think my bad dreams are due to not breathing well, which leaves me with a kind of a headache. So then I'm not happy after waking up.
Do you often have bad dreams?
Naked in school without teeth doesn't count.
@Jolenealaska wait, does this count as a good dream or what?!
11:49 AM
That's just normal.
@Jolenealaska Good grief woman
you suck at sleeping
hello @Cerberus and running
@Jolenealaska Well, whenever my nose is half-stuffed, so often.
I have to say your criterion for bad dreams is indeed rather stringent.
@ElendilTheTall I suck at running?
UGH, I don't even TRY to sleep with one-nostril breathing...screw that!
Total futility.
@Jolenealaska fun fact - you're always breathing more through one nostril than the other
oh rather, one is always more blocked than the other
I just learned that...Hot network list??
11:53 AM
@Jolenealaska But then what do you do? Tonight was more like 0.5 nostril, and that was the one I had used nose spray on.
I believe in nose spray.
It's a friend.
Well, it can be, but not for the long term.
It stops working.
Luckily for me, that has never been an issue.
Really? You take it every day?
No ha!
11:56 AM
I think I will try cut-up onions again.
I've never needed it more than two days out of 15.
I seem to need it every day, some periods.
or a month
@Jolenealaska no, i've known it for years
@Jolenealaska That's good.
11:57 AM
@Cerberus do not take decongestants for more than 3 days in a row
you will cause rebound congestion
@ElendilTheTall I know.
I've been through it all.
I once used them for 5 days. I could breathe fine, but I couldn't taste anything for 3 weeks
it was horrible
11:58 AM
But my nose will always clog up to some degree on a regular basis, nose spray or no.
Hmm I've never had it that severely.
That's a health issue I have never had to deal with. If my nose is stuffed up, I have a cold.
And they usually say more like 14 days max.
I wish my nose were to clog up completely. Then I am forced to breathe through my mouth, but it's better than the headaches and the nightmares.
Oh, well.
Work calls.
@Cerberus try to keep your weight off your nose
How do you do that?
11:59 AM
@Cerberus I've found breathing salty water to decongest quite well
neti pots
Nasal irrigation or nasal lavage or nasal douche is the personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed to flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses. The practice is generally well-tolerated and reported to be beneficial with only minor side effects. Nasal irrigation in a wider sense can also refer to the use of saline nasal spray or nebulizers to moisten the mucous membranes. According to its advocates, nasal irrigation promotes good sinus and nasal health. Patients with chronic sinusitis including symptoms of facial pain, headache, halitosis, cough, anterio...
@rumtscho Really? My friend says it only works for a short time? My problem is at its worst the second half of the night.
@Cerberus I helps me to fall asleep. Maybe I didn't ever have your type of problem, I don't wake up from it.
> It is of note that efficacy studies in general have not been conducted on groups using this specific treatment, and claims regarding the efficacy of the technique rely largely on anecdotal evidence.
@rumtscho Hmm yes, we seem to have different symptoms, alas. But perhaps I could try a saline spray, why not?
12:07 PM
@Cerberus I don't do it as a spray, don't know if it will help that way. When I use it, I have the impression that part of the mechanism is mechanical.
@rumtscho Hmm noted.
By I have to go.
Later, ladies and gentleboy!
Bye doggies!
that's a new one on me
Well, what can you expect from a three-headed dog? He probably has issues.
12:15 PM
ain't no probably about it...
I'm going to try again...
I'll dream now of nasal irrigation.
sleeeeeeep, slleeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeep
@rumtscho can you remove that GIF? I missed the edit window
@ElendilTheTall re and removed
12:26 PM
thank you
12:59 PM
Uff. I have seldom seen an answer which looks good on the surface but is full of so outlandish ideas.
A: Sausage exploded and looks foamy

bambooI suspect the foam is because turkey breakfast sausages have listed as their main ingredient 'turkey water' and potato extract - the amount of protein per 2 sausage serving appears to be only 13g, along with 7 g of fat. Given there's no actual meat in them, the protein must be coming from the fat...

2 hours later…
2:56 PM
The only thing he didn't mention was pockets of swamp gas
2 hours later…
4:43 PM
Just dropped in to say hello. I only have one question - did the fat come from the carbs or the swamp gas?
5:19 PM
Yo yo.
5:47 PM
Informal poll: the help center currently says under off-topic:
Recipe swapping ("I need a recipe for banana cream pie!")
Should we add a second example like "What can I make with bananas?"
(I can just ask on meta later but if it's uncontroversial I might not bother.)
6:03 PM
Got thrown out of bed by a friggin earthquake!
(not really, actually, just kind of woken up by one)
I come here for solace
(again, not really)
and you're speaking of swamp gas
@Jefromi What can I make with bananas? No. Example not necessary.
There comes a point that you have to say RTFM.
Even to people like me.
6:31 PM
om nom nom nom
Om nom?
nom nom nom nom nom
this recipe is more cream than spinach
it should be called spinached cream
Is that what you're eating?
just planning for tomorrow
tonight is char siu pork in oyster sauce with noodles and stirfried miscellaneous green things
lacking portion control, as standard for me
I have been actively stopping myself eating when I start to feel full. Feel much better for it
6:52 PM
it's fine, mostly vegetables
and two big slabs of pork shoulder, but mostly vegetables
7:38 PM
@Jolenealaska The point is that this is the manual (the simplest easiest to read one, anyway) and it currently makes it clear that "a recipe for dish X" is off topic but is not nearly so clear about "what should I make" type questions, which are if anything more common than direct recipe requests. In any case, I'll try and post on meta later if I have time.
7:49 PM
christ, just do it
it makes sense, you don't need our approval! :)
@ElendilTheTall Haha, yeah, but it's a very concise space, I'm not sure whether it's clearer to mention two categories or provide two examples, etc etc, I was going to propose a couple choices at least :)
04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

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