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@waxeagle Monsters can also have arbitrary amount of natural armor, which makes these calculations much less useful. And yeah, I'd much rather just use a number appropriate for a level, than calculate it from scratch and find that arbitrary bonuses given to a monster don't scale well.
I think the main reason cambian got my heckles up, which I'm not sure I've communicated well enough in the middle of the night, is because it's a monster that can be used, wittingly or not, to abuse PCs. It's so very easy to have it destroy a party of uppity adventurers that aren't going along with the plot.
Which is all due to the Fiendish Charm being so incredibly broad, long-lasting and utterly lacking protections from certain-death commands like "close your eyes and stay very still (for coup de grace)". Mind control and PCs don't mix well...
@waxeagle I think it's low-level monsters that don't require magic weapons that might care. E.g. skeletons would have resistance to piercing and slashing, but not bludgeoning.
I'm not sure that was worth all the extra text.
A: Are there ways to concentrate on more than one spell at a time?

briddumsYes, it can be done! But you need assistance. Use the spell Glyph of Warding: Glyph of Warding You can store a prepared spell of 3rd level or lower in the glyph by casting it as part of creating the glyph. The spell must target a single creature or area. ... When the glyph is triggered,...

^I can't find Glyph of Warding in the basic doc, can anyone tell me what level it is and if it really does that? Cast a couple of glyphs with desired buffs before going into the dungeon, step on them, go on with multiple buffs and no concentration required.
@Magician 3rd level, and you can spend higher level slots to pack in higher level spells
single target only
(or single area)
the object has to remain in a single location though
can't travel with you
but you're right, you could take a couple of hours (its got a 1 hr casting time) and grab a couple of 10 minute buffs, and have them up before you enter a tough dungeon to get you through the first bits
Bard Cleric and Wiz get it
it does consume both spell slots though
@waxeagle The "single location" thing has never really made sense. Can an inside of a box be a single location? A wall of a moving cart? A ship?
Also, how long does a glyph last, as in, can one make a bunch and just store them?
2 hours later…
That's a really weird way to get multiple buffs, but I guess it could work.
5 hours later…
@Magician "if the object is moved more than 10' from where you cast it" so I'm guessing no.
@Magician yes, although they can't be transported
So one can't ever put it on a ship? What about a floating landmass, so popular in fantasy?
For that matter, are we on a planet hurtling through space, or is the world flat? That suddenly matters :D
I understand the reasons for the limitation, but it's never really worked in practice.
What's the duration of the glyph, btw?
Ah, I see I had already asked that. Sorry, my mind is elsewhere...
Like, for instance, can one make a very precise measuring device based on the apparent inherent memory of glyphs of their original location.
Huh, actually, that's a basis for a good puzzle if nothing else. Move these blocs around without violating any of the glyphs.
@Magician until cast/dispelled
Next question: how easy is it to teleport to a desired location once the spell becomes available?
Because new plan: have a home base, spend a week putting buffs into glyphs. Alert comes in, assemble, punch glyphs, ROLL OUT.
@Magician 7th level, reliable if you've got an associated object or built a circle.
you can only do the jump and back 1/day
Oooh, ooh, new question. Can I put glyphs into a bag of holding? Or a portable hole. Cause it won't move too much inside. Unless something really screwy is going on with the way they function (which obviously won't be discussed in the rules).
Fill the bag with glyphs in the downtime, pull them out (on nice bronze tablets, lets be classy) as needed before each battle.
I'd definitely rule that when they pop back to the material plane they check their point of reference and if moved dispel.
since spacial location is usually relative to another location (at least the location that typically matters), So I'd rule it has to be a pretty large mass to be considered a relative location. The flying castle from HOTDQ, probably big enough. A wagon? not so much....though again, that's relatively unspecified
Eh, I'm not proud, I can stick my head into the bag, no need to pull them out
And given a large enough bag, the spell can be cast inside of it in the first place.
Don't get me wrong, this is a non-issue. A GM can either go "guys, cut this out," or accept it as a standard adventuring practice and roll with it. But it's an amusing artifact of the way the spell works, and breaking D&D has always been its own fun.
4 hours later…
"Can a Barb2/Lock3 retrain an invocation into Pact Blade? (ie: is 5th level 5th level? or 5th warlock level? also, retrain rules) up to the DM - depends on group expectations. -M" aka "Retrain rules? We don't really have them, make something up."
A bunch of reach clarifications, may help with a question. Stealth is up to GM yet again, with some examples of rulings. Which seems to basically offload these rulings to the GM as they inevitably come up, instead of providing rules for that. Mind you, stealth has always been convoluted.
"can you cast a spell that uses somatic components if you weild a 2 handed weapon or a vertile weapon in 2 hands? nope. -M" Er, so you can't let go of a weapon for a moment?..
"Wizards have insane damage (Meteor Swarm). Will other classes, like Fighters, be able to keep up? yes - compare meteor swarm's 40d6 to 8 attacks from a fighter using action surge. Fighter can easily get up to 140 damage. -M" I think @waxeagle's spreadsheet made that look doubtful, though it's changed a lot over time.
"so how will concentration spells work as potions? same way - effect ends if you lose concentration. -M" Errrrr. So you drink the potion and start concentrating really hard?.. What if you're not the caster, do they suddenly feel the urge to concentrate?..
"can a Cleric or Paladin cast spells requiring somatic components when wielding weapon + shield emblazoned with holy symbol? I'd say yes if the holy symbol is being used as the material component of the spell, so yes if "S, M," but no if only "S." -J" Well that's even more confusing.
Overall, I find it quite curious how they say definite "no" to some rules questions, "yes/no but GM can change that" to others, and "do whatever, man" to the rest.
hear hear!
1 hour later…
heya, quick question on protocol/etiquette--if I choose an answer for a question, then a few days later (or some time later), someone comes along and provides a better answer (and not just by expanding the previous one, but by developing a new line of thought that is more useful/helpful), is it alright to change ?
Seems a bit... flip-floppy?
Totally in bounds.
Ah sweet.
How are you?
@Magician it's really not true. But MS is something I've come to the conclusion I'm completely meh on.
@Khashir all right, need to get my act together and go mow some of my lawn
lol. better Sunday than Monday :)
yeah... then again, mower isn't starting :(
crap /=
meh, figured it out. bad starter :( now to figure out how much to replace
bad starter?
@Khashir would appear so
it's a little electrical part. It's either that or one of the safety switches. The starters only about $15 so it seems a good place to start
ah gotcha
i've only used the human-powered lawn mover
I bought a self propelled walk behind mower when I bought my house...I quickly realized I needed something that could cover a lot more ground at once...mower I have is still too small, but it was free...now I just have to get it working again. Hopefully I can invest in a bigger new mower next summer
Yeah, I can see how it would be a problem (or a boon, depending how you look at it).
I was house-sitting when I had to use said mower
it was quite a workout, even for a small area
but if you build that into your health routine... maybe it can pay off health-wise in the long run

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