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@MikeBorden Since I have cancelled my account (again), I include a link to an article re Mosaic Law and Jesus: researchgate.net/publication/…
@MikeBorden I will still try to reply to this, but I suppose all my input will be deleted after my account has been wiped out.
The fence between Jews & Gentiles has been taken away.
5 hours later…
@JakeWilson "God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law". If under the law = the Law of Sin then this verse equates "made of a woman" with "made under the Law of Sin". Since we know that the Lord Jesus had no sin, and this because of the Virgin birth (sin comes by the man), this interpretation fails. Jesus was not born under the Law of Sin.
3 hours later…
@MikeBorden Jesus was born subject to the Law of Moses, but not to free the Jewish people from the Law of Moses but from the Law of Sin and Death. I asked you: "Since when have Gentiles ever been under the Law of Moses?" The correct answer is: "Never." Yet still you maintain that Jesus has redeemed the Gentiles from the Law of Moses? :-) I refuted your misconstruel of Acts 15/Gal, but you never respond to the points where you have been refuted, instead you jump to your next "proof verse."
2 hours later…
@MikeBorden 1 Cor 9:20-22 does not imply eating unclean animals to "win the Gentiles" (v. 21: NOT being without God's law = Mosaic Law). Why do you think Peter says in 40 CE that he had never eaten anything unclean (Acts 10:14)? Because like all Nazarenes, he was Torah observant. Paul wouldn't offend Jews who keep the Oral Law, but would adapt. Yes, he would eat meat offered to idols, but not pork. That you think an imitator of Yeshu would eat pork is quite something.
@MikeBorden Kefa had been shown not to call any man unclean (ACTS 10:28), so he ate with Gentiles. He stopped doing so when the decree against “circumcision for salvation” was delivered to Antioch (ACTS 15:22-30), as he feared the extremists’ reaction. These were unsaved Jews who had falsely accused Stephen of law-breaking before stoning him. Kefa was anticipating tension and thought it better to submit to Jewish Kashrut again before getting killed.
@MikeBorden "He has abolished the law, the commandments [expressed] in statutes." (Eph 2:15). The context of a partition wall that had been removed intimates which statutes were abolished: the ones that partitioned Jews from Gentiles. The Torah contains various statutes that prohibited Israel from associating with foreigners, particularly through matrimonial and other covenantal relations. These laws were annulled (as Peter found out in 40 CE).
@MikeBorden As said, no one kept the Torah for justification. If you are truly regenerate, then you are not under the law (of sin and death), so that the righteousness of the law (of Moses) may be fulfilled by you (Rom 8:1-4). If you walk in the Spirit, you will certainly avoid pork, adultery, or breaking the Sabbath. The "schoolmaster" btw. (KJV), also refers to the law of sin which enslaves man, NOT to Mosaic Law.
@MikeBorden Honour one day above another, etc. is somewhere in Romans. Some folk fasted on certain days, others didn't. The verse has nothing whatsoever to do with ditching the Sabbath. I recommend studying some history, e.g. how the Sabbath became Sunday in the 2nd century, etc.
@Mike Borden. In James it tells you that the transgression of the Law is sin. That has not changed. Although, as a Gentiles, you were not under the Law of Moses, you are a descendant of a law-breaker (Adam), and thus a sinner ("Torah" means instruction, teaching, NOT "law"). Once you are grafted into "the Israel of God" (regenerate Jews and Gentiles) you become subject to Mosaic Law, except for physical circumcision; it's exactly the other way round than people think.
@Mike Borden. Thus, if after you have been born-again, after you have become part of the "Israel of God" (Gal 6:16), and after you have become subject to Mosaic law continue to walk like a Gentile, then this endangers your salvation. You cannot achieve salvation through Torah observance, but you can lose it through ditching the Torah = lawlessness (there are enough warnings by Jesus in the NT where the lawless spend eternity). Don't follow the majority.
@JakeWilson ""Since when have Gentiles ever been under the Law of Moses?" If they wanted to join themselves to the people of God, back in the day, they would have to be circumcised thereby going under the Law of Moses. I do not maintain that Gentiles have been freed from the Law of Moses. I maintain that they no longer need to join themselves to God's people in that way.
"But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.". The Law is spiritual but, to those sold under sin (both Jew and Gentile) it cannot save but only condemn. It is a ministration of death.
A gentile, having been born again and circumcised in the heart, needs not obey the letter of the Law because the righteous requirements (spirit) of the Law are fulfilled in those who believe. Abraham was called out of the Gentiles 400 years before the Law of Moses and the Law did not override that covenant. Jew and Gentile who receive Jesus are Abraham's children and heirs of the promise (without Law).
Love God and love neighbor (all the Law and the Prophets hang upon these two) because, as Paul says, love is the fulfillment of the Law. If the love of God is shed abroad in the hearts of the redeemed then this is how the righteous requirement of the Law (Love) is fulfilled. Not by obeying the letter but walking in the Spirit.
Striving to obey the letter kills. That is all it can do.
@MikeBorden Striving to obey the letter as a vehicle for salvation kills, not as a way of life. If you break God's instructions for his people, you neither love Him nor your neighbour. You follow religious sentimentality.
@MikeBorden Once you are born again, you're not under the law's punishment anymore, you can keep it freely without dreading punishment if you fail. Yes, in the sight of God, according to the New Covenant, a true Jew is a regenerate person (who keeps the God's instructions not in order to be saved, but because he is saved).
@Mike Borden. Mainstream Christianity is truly controlled by the Man of Lawlessness (I do hope you know who that is). «The Nazarenes […] accept Christ but have not relinquished the observance of the old Torah» (Jer. Comm. Isa. 8.14).
@MikeBorden. A note on the early Christians, called Nazarenes: «They [the priests] often sent for us, asking to tell them about Jesus, whether he is that Prophet, the eternal Messiah whom Moses foretold. Because only in this point we, who believe in Jesus, differ from the unbelieving Jews» (Clementine Recognitions 1.43). I wish you well, Mike.

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