Q: Calculate drag and lift forces on a discretised cross section based on CT data

DunlopBased on the excellent question and associated answers here, where the lift and drag forces on an airfoil are calculated, I am trying to modify the same approach to then solve the same problem on a cross-section derived from a CT image. This means that I don't have an analytical equation for the ...

You could use second code by Tim Laska starting from bn = bmeshFoil["BoundaryNormals"]
@Alex Trounev Thanks, I must have missed that, could be that it is already there in the other question . Could be that I should delete the question as it gets close to a duplicate then..
Your code generates errors. Could you please run it again?
I try again, could be there was a problem with copy paste from MMA to SE will check.
I see, the image changed its size upon being uploaded, I had a strange format which came from a CT scan so think something went wrong there. will check
I copied the image from MMA and it changed the format upon being uploaded. The code should run now, but with different dimensions
bmesh generated with this code looks like roughness surface.
Should we move this to chat?
Yes, we can open chat room :)
Hey thanks for this, I think I am getting the code by Tim Laska working now. the structure of his code is a bit different to mine.
To answer your question the mesh is not very nice, but I wanted to start with small poor resolution images before I go to high res stuff. This means that everything will be rough and poorly represented
The next thing I will do is to go for higher res, but first I need to get the different steps working on something small
Ok! I added some answer to clear your code usage, since users are not so advanced to understand how it is working. :)
this is great! I am still struggling a bit in decoding Tim Laska's code to calculate the forces, but almost there I think
I think I am working out what could be wrong, it seems like the mean in Tim Laska's code is not correct. I guess the idea of this is to calculate the middle of the elements and then calculate everything there. but it seems to be averaging the x with y in each coordinate and not x1 with x 2 .. maybe I am getting there. If it truly is a bug I will comment Tim's code
Please, use my reduction of his code.
Did you upload this to your answer ? I only see the visualisation of the pressure and flow at the end. sorry I missed that