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A: How is "no self" (Anatta) supposed to be a helpful?

BonnAnatta is uncountable helpful. If one can’t see the real arising and vanishing realities, their analysis it's origin going to be wrong. It's the beginning of wrong view object. For the example, your case, because you never see arising and vanishing realities, so you thought "no-self is no friend"...

I’m just saying it hasn’t been helpful and led to no loving kindness or compassion. It just led to a cold heart. Also loving kindness is attachment.
You don't really know them so you judging them wrong like that. You can't even analysis self into elements between loving kindness and attachment. They are so very difference. While you still attach on self "loving kindness is attachment", the practitioner can see 28 matters, 121 minds, 52 mind-factors in 11 angles. The practitioner see "loving kindness could be 20 awesome-minds, 33 mind-factors", while "attachment could be only 8 unwholesome-minds, 22 mind-factors". You never know them then you are judging "loving kindness is attachment", etc. Is it proper? This is how Anatta helpful.
I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about. Also you don’t really have to know people to judge them right. But this is just nonsense. I already told you what happened so you can either accept it or not.
You are judging Anata. I don't think I read it wrong. And I think what I've written "you can't do what" is real. That's cause of your judging on Anatta.
+1 for failure to see the benefits of anatta due to a judgemental mind. The wise understand that there is always two sides to a coin; everything has their good and bad. There is nothing to gain from staring only at one side or insisting there's only one side.
@Desmon I think it’s more like the “wise” might not be as aware of the bad as they think. You call it “judging mind” when every moment of our lives is judgments, we just aren’t aware of it. That includes the “enlightened”. I mean in our exchange you couldn’t understand how I could suffer but it’s not suffering. You’re too mired in Buddhism, even Buddha wasn’t Buddhist.
@Bonn I think it’s more like you don’t understand it. In fact I’m starting to see people on this stack exchange don’t understand the teachings. I’ve met maybe 1, possible 2, people on here who seem to understand. Everyone else is kidding themselves.
When I begun in Buddhism, I thought of Anatta like you doing now on this topic, but I have nothing like your topic's description 20 years later. And it is impossible for the practitioner on seeing Anatta continuously, to be like your topic description, cruel, no loving kindness, no relationship, etc. except his meditation is on the wrong path. We not even hate Putin, Trump, Biden, Jesus, Muhammad, ant or cockroach. We are not even kill a mosquito. Our family relationship is good. That's how the practitioner loving kindness going on. So your Anatta meditation looks very weak in my opinion.
@BoltStorm every moment of our lives is judgments. Wrong view! There's a proper place, time and skill needed for every tool. Even judge/jury know when to suspend their judgement/prejudices to listen to both sides and gather all relevant evidence. After careful consideration and looking at the big picture then would they make a verdict. Without awareness, one is just a tool slave, not a tool master.
Anatta is also a tool. It has its dangers when used wrongly as you have pointed out. But what is its benefits? I leave that to you to discover or ignore, your choice. The wise used tools to make their life better, not for the worse.
@Desmon No that's right view given new information we have today that they didn't back then. Everyone is judging so long as they are alive, that's just how it is. Even vision itself is judging. You also don't understand anatta if you think it leads to loving kindness or compassion.
@Bonn Anatta only leads to a cold heart, other people on here made that clear. You're mistaken and have wrong view to think it leads to loving kindness or compassion. Your relationships aren't good either since relationships and friends go against it.
My friend borrow me money every month. Can you give me money every month? I never have long angry on people for long time ago [very fast stop], when your last anger arise? How your longest anger go on? I give my money and my life to my parent, how much you give to your parent? I can't remember who is one I hate. Do you still hate one? I can say I will never be kind like tihs if I don't understand Anatta. I think these questions explain your reply to me and how Anatta impact one's living. "You don't like my comment" is not friendly for one like you, but not for all human being @BoltStorm
@BoltStorm No that's right view given new information we have today that they didn't back then. Can you show the scientific evidence behind this claim?
the nature of consciousness is called self. not all natures are the same, ie. not Buddha-nature..thanks
@blue_ego Maybe according to Buddhism but not the world.
@Desmon Vision itself is judgment. Our brain predicts reality to make up for the delay and then corrects when the data it gets doesn’t match its prediction. There’s more than that but it’s just not possible to stop judging, except in death. And the thing is, you aren’t aware of this nor can you stop it.
@BoltStorm the size of the world is a delusion. do you understand?
@blue_ego no it isn’t. It’s pretty measurable. This just goes with my earlier claim that people on here don’t understand Buddhism.
@BoltStorm how can you measure the future? or the past for that matter?
@blue_ego Easily, we did evolve to do that. Some people can see the future, at least I can but only in dreams and only my future.
@BoltStorm actually, we only evolved to have more sex
@blue_ego Not only that, we also evolved to predict. Like I said the past and future exist and I’ve seen my future in dreams. Few can do that though, and lately I haven’t had many dreams like that.
@BoltStorm I don’t believe you. Do it again
@blue_ego It’s not something I can control. It happened more when I was younger, so in a sense I know what’s gonna happen in my life but not anyone else’s. But past and future are quite real, not concepts.
@BoltStorm dreams never come true
@blue_ego they do, I know that for a fact. Can’t tell you how though, it just…happens
In Buddhism, we focus on practicing seeing the past and the future to the best level, finishing rebirth of the suffering. According of your story, you have good basis more than me, but your view is the barriers of yourself. I can say if I have an abilities like you, I will go to practice the 4th Jhana and the insight meditation at PaAuk Tawya for the best level. Because we all never see the Buddha again for a long time after this life. We almost can say It's the last bus to meet the Buddha of us. It's the last time to get out of the suffering. And you have that abilities.@BoltStorm
@BoltStorm Vision itself is judgment. This is not scientific evidence! A mosquito react to my swatting so it is now thinking!? Please put some efforts to research the difference between intuition and deliberation. You are condescending others by your off-the-cuff, intuitive responses.
@Desmon It is, our vision is an average of the last 15 sec of input and in addition to that our brain is constantly making predictions about what is going to happen to make up for that delay. Maybe try reading neuroscience from this century. This isn't intuition, if anything it runs counter to it. Vision only appears seamless and smooth because our brains are hard at work to make it that way. Hence why you can never stop judging. Maybe learn what intuition means. Also thought doesn't need language.
@BoltStorm Maybe try reading neuroscience from this century. I did, intuition and deliberation involved different regions of the brain. I had shown my scientific evidence, care to show yours? (Hint: I am calling your bluff).
@Desmon You’re not really calling my bluff. That’s from 2009, it might as well not even exist. I’ve told you about vision, you can look it up. Also FYI both intuition and deliberation still involve judgments, the only difference is speed. So even your evidence doesn’t make your point.
@BoltStorm Hahaha to only difference is speed. Now you condescended generation of researchers in neuroscience. I find it pointless engaging in further discussion if you insist on condescending others with off-the-cuff and unsupported responses, goodbye.

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