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Q: How to make a plasma cannon with magic metal?

IMP9024How can a cannon be designed that shoots a stream of blue or white flames(or plasma) at least 100m, while being hot enough to melt metal easily? This would be near-impossible in the real world, but you have several types of magic metal to play with: Energium: starts a controlled nuclear fusion re...

Maybe it makes sense to you, in which case leave an answer. I'm asking for the correct arrangement of these factors into a result, so your analogy is correct. However, my grasp of physics is not good enough to intuitively design this weapon.
@IMP9024 - I am almost certain to VTC this question - firstly, we don't answer questions about other already built worlds - you mentioned Godzilla and Vibranium, which are both from other fictional universes. Secondly, you are already using hand-waive materials, AKA Magic - in which case the answer is 'It works because I say it does'
Excuse me? I said in appearance it looks like Godzilla's atomic breath: that is, a standard blue laser. Vibranium is merely a name for something. If you want, I'll change those both, which won't affect the meaning of the question in any way. Therefore, this isnt about 3rd party universes. Furthermore, I'm not going to handwave it. Just because magic materials exist doesn't mean that anything can be justified as magic. There is a thick line between handwaving everything and creating a few magical materials.
@IMP9024 - No, there really isnt. Once you use a Magic Material, you are no longer bound by realistic properties. Why is it that you need to use multiple materials, when one would suffice. Unless there is a reason why in your world only these 4 magic materials exist - but you haven't given any context or reason. I appreciate the edits to deal with 3rd party universes, but as it stands - I am not seeing a question that has any other answer than It works, because I say it does.
Yes, that is the root of the issue. These 4 and only these 4 exist, because I say only they exist. I'm not going to make another one. Any answers will just have to make do with combinations of the 4 magic materials. This is a much finer line, between certain amounts of magic following laid-out rules and handwaving practically everything.
@IMP9024 - Cool- you say only these 4 exist... WHY - what is world building reason that only these exist? We are happy to assist within the confines of your world... But to do so requires more effort on your part. L.Dutch's initial comment is still very relavent. Why is it that simply saying that your weapon uses those 4 materials is not sufficient... To Re-Iterate: If you need us to work within these confines, we need more context on your part as to why
Magic exists along with matter and energy. What I mean by that is, everything in our universe boils down to matter and energy, which are really 2 sides of the same coin. In the fictional universe, everything boils down to matter, energy and magic, which are 3 sides of the same coin. However, magic is unstable and decays into matter or energy over time, which is how you get Synthesium and Energium. Similar to how matter and energy cannot be destroyed, only redistributed, magic cannot be-
Okay - so that, right there, would be really good info to put into the question.
-destroyed. Magic exerts an attractive force on other magic, more like matter which clumps together due to gravity, than energy which spreads out. Therefore, more inert forms of magic, insofar as they could be called such, hold together despite any other forces, which is how Unbreakablium exists. Activium destablises magic, causing less inert forms to begin decaying.
I'll put this info into the question, then. It's just that I thought no one would be interested in the details behind it.
I am with you so far - now onto the Plasma Cannon - From a World Building perspective - which is stopping you from saying that it is made possible by the unique properties of your 4 materials. What world building problem do you need to solve by having the exact ratio or composition known.
Simply put, I don't know how to design a plasma cannon, but I know that it will probably require the use of magic materials. Therefore, I need someone to tell me how to design the weapon.
So, firstly - feel free to look at my Answers on my stats page - you will notice I have a penchent for Weaponary, Military stuff etc. Why do you need to design it - Are you looking to publish an in-depth set of schematics, is there a story reason why the characters might need to know exactly how it works etc.
In the first few chapters after its introduction, the Plasma Cannon will seem like an unstoppable force to the characters. However, I'm planning to increase their morale by having a character figure out that the seemingly divine weapon is actually a cleverly designed machine making use of the standard 4 forms of magic, and explain its inner workings to the rest of the characters. After all, humans fear what they understand less.
I see your reasoning - but from a narrative perspective - once the Character figures out that it is just a machine and utilizing the known 4 materials - does there need to be a detailed explanation to the rest of the characters - or is the fact that we know that it is no longer divine, sufficient to advance the story?
Well, it does not necessarily require a detailed explanation, but this is Worldbuilding Stack Exchange, and so the design of a superweapon is definitely a part of worldbuilding. I do see your point though.
To give a classic example: - The characters are terrified of the Great and Powerful Oz, until they realize he is just a man. The Audience does not need to know how the machine he is using works - only that it is a machine and not magic
I would prefer to have a detailed explanation on my hands to put into an appendix
Or to use another classic Movie line - from Predator: If it Bleeds, we can kill it. When I think of a weapons system for a world building answer, I am not designing it down to the point of knowing which materials are needed for which components - unless there is a good world building reason for that to be known. Sometimes World Building requires restraint - allow the user to fill the space with their own imagination.
Thanks for sharing your viewpoint. I understand that it isn't strictly necessary for the story. If I can, I want to see if anyone gives a good answer to the question though, for my own peace of mind.
I am clocking off SE for the evening - some other WBers may read the exchange and chime in.
OK, thanks again for the chat.
I know you've clocked off for the evening, but on second thought I believe that I need a detailed explanation for the characters. After all, if the only pieces of magitech you have seen were some flying boxes, would you believe a person who told you the giant laser that obliterates anything in its path is basically the same in terms of principles, without telling you how it is the same?
Hopefully we can continue our discussion in the morning
8 hours later…
Possibly a failure of imagination on my part, but I can't see how this could be anything other than opinion-based. The relationship between matter and energy was established over centuries by people 1) observing 2) hypothesizing 3) testing those hypotheses. Is there a reason that your character knows so much? Who are they talking to, and what's their level of understanding?
Cont.: - In order to construct a scientific explanation that works we'd need to know the science of your magic - which sounds silly, but I'm sure you get my meaning. There's a rule here somewhere in the posts on the meta site that discourages technobabble. If you want a non-technobabble explanation, then we need to know much more about how your magic works. @IMP9024

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