@Relaxed Turkish immigrants were fine. The problem is that they were allowed to actually settle in Germany without having proved their full integration into German society. NO LANGUAGE TEST AT ALL was necessary up until the 1990s to become a permanent resident and even today you need a measly B1 to become a citizen which is completely ridiculous.
@Relaxed Yes! It's a huge, huge difference - even B2->C1 is a big jump. I know this for a fact because I've done the B2 test in Czech back in the day and then did the C1 just for fun after a few years in the country and it was quite difficult
And like I said, hundreds of thousands of people became permanent residents without even passing a B1 test
@Relaxed yes, that's why you should find ways to filter out people that adapt to the changing global marketplace. I'd grant German permanent residency to any graduate of the world's top 500 STEM schools who can pass the C1 test in English, for example.
@Relaxed OK, sure, its not realistic to send them back en masse without first revamping the ECHR and the founding EU treaties to clearly say that foreigners have no rights on European soil - which would take a massive effort and require some extreme trigger
but you can at least prevent new people from coming in and settling without proving that they're better than the average German
Just look at India - you could steal all of their top people by simply granting German citizenship to any graduate of an Indian IIT, with no other requirements - these are the top 1% of Indian society and would cause zero problems
same with China - give out passports like candy to top university graduate - steal all their bet people
but no - countries like the UK continue issuing permanent residencies to people who will be a net drain on society and scare away the most talented by asinine requirements
OK, sure, the UK cannot control the "boat people" all that well and they don't have the guts to follow through with the Rwanda plan. But why on Earth did they issue 1m legal visas to new people in 2023, most of which will likely never do much good for the British taxpayer?
heck, you could probably get a much better system by simply doing in-person interviews and having smart people judge each applicant completely subjectively by how rational and educated they seem, but that again would require shutting down the ECHR first because someone would complain that its "racist" after having been rejected, despite this happening because they couldn't act nice and polite to the interviewer for 15 minutes
The smartest immigration system in the world is in the UAE where millions of workers come in and out but nobody is allowed to stay permanently without meeting a relatively high bar or bring in their families, plus there's a very clear understanding that as a foreigner your only right is to pack your bags and GTFO unless you're highly desirable and then the system will be nice to you
The Western countries should be completely machiavellian and have an immigration system designed to drain the rest of the world from talent while preventing the bottom ~95% from settling down in the country.
And, heck, you could also do some nice things while being machiavellian: for example allow any single woman under the age of 35 to immigrate freely without any restrictions, as women are 20x less likely to participate in violent crime than men. Let the Afghani and Syrian women flee the people who want to put a veil on them and lock them down.