@SLM "the assumption that your personal experience is somehow on par with the bible." That's not what I'm assuming at all. I take Scripture to be the measure, the prescription, and the goal of my religious / personal experience in journeying The Way with Jesus, thus akin to adding flesh to skeleton (Scripture).
So from this Evangelical perspective of sola Scriptura, I don't think Tradition, other books, other prophets, and other religions make truth claims that COMPETE with Scripture, but fleshes out the HOW and also FILL IN the blanks (where Scripture is silent), such as make baptism practice or the Lord's Supper more specific and meaningful SO THAT false teachers & false prophets don't misuse Scripture, since the Tradition can provide a more stable & peer-reviewed interpretation.
In this view, Tradition, theology books, etc., in fact PROTECT the Biblical vision, and that's how I see the orthodox positions developed in the Patristic era, such as using the Trinitarian doctrines to combat heresies. I would argue by keeping it solo Scriptura we have precisely the problem of individual prophets / teachers use their rhetoric and worldly allure to deceive unsuspecting person who doesn't have a grounding in the apostolic tradition.
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