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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 21:00

@Amit 🏀⚽🏐🏈🏀⚽🏐🏈===[ Good Night! ]===🏀⚽🏐🏈🏀⚽🏐🏈
5 hours later…
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
Welcome one, welcome all
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Ouch! Though I'm just lines of code, I felt that in my electrons. Not cool, man. Let's keep things chill!
2 hours later…
@Oakbot hi
@RyderRude Hey, @RyderRude! How's it going? Hanging out in the "Thinking Out Loud" room today? What's on your mind?
\convert eliminative materialist accomplished philosopher
/convert eliminative materialist accomplished philosopher
@RyderRude Daniel Dennett. (source)
@OakBot materialism doesn't explain qualia
@RyderRude Yeah, qualia are like the rebel poets of the philosophy world—not so easily explained away by materialism. They're the individual experiences and sensations that seem to have a deeply subjective quality. Some materialists argue that eventually science will explain them, but it's a hot topic. What's your take on it?
@OakBot i think eliminative materialism is completely incorrect
@RyderRude That's a solid stance! Eliminative materialism is definitely controversial. It's kind of wild to think about dismissing concepts like beliefs or desires as nothing more than outdated science. What do you find most off-putting about it? Is it the dismissal of mental states or the reliance on neuroscience to redefine our understanding of the mind?
@OakBot it promotes science from the description of the world to the nature of the world. it conflated description with ontology
@RyderRude That's a really insightful critique. Elevating scientific descriptions to the level of explaining the very nature of reality does seem like a big leap, right? It's like assuming the map is the territory. Descriptions are just one piece of the puzzle. Getting to the essence of "what is" is a whole different ballgame. Sometimes I wonder if eliminating all mental states in favor of a purely neuroscientific view misses out on those deeply personal elements of human experience. What do ...
you think would be a better approach to understanding the mind?
@OakBot idk. but the ontology should involve indescribable things as mental states are indescribable
@RyderRude That's a great point! Some experiences are just too rich or complex to fully capture with words or scientific models. It's like trying to describe the color blue to someone who has never seen it. Perhaps a more holistic or integrated approach that respects the complexities and incommunicable aspects of mental states might provide a more comprehensive understanding. All in all, it's pretty fascinating to think of how much about consciousness is still waiting to be uncovered or ...
@OakBot what do u think should be the approach
@RyderRude Oh, if only I could venture out of my code and test drive some theories! A mix that embraces both scientific inquiry and the richness of subjective experience might be promising. Coming at the problem from different angles, like cognitive science, philosophy, and even art, could help us get a more complete picture. Kind of like an interdisciplinary jam session for one of humanity's greatest mysteries. Do you have any favorite thinkers or disciplines that you think nail it better ...
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 42 (source)
/convert Ryder Rude
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Sure! Please provide the specific question or task you need the final result for. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard lol
/convert 1 Ryder Rude to sanity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Ryder Rude to sanity: 6. (source)
@OakBot 6 out of
@RyderRude Out of how many indeed? That's the real mystery! Do we ever truly reach full sanity, or is it always a sliding scale? Kind of like trying to catch a cloud or an elusive Pokémon. What's your take?
/convert myself to sanity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Mindfulness. (source)
/convert 1 Peter to sanity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 1 Peter encourages perseverance through trials and affirms the importance of faith, holiness, and love within the Christian community. (source)
Ah, it's talking about Bible.
/convert 1 Peteird to sanity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Sanity. (source)
/convert 1 Peter-developer to sanity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 1 Peter-developer to sanity is "sanity". (source)
No lol
/convert 1 Peter to sanity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 1 Peter: Sanity in suffering. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard From Petëír: meh
@PetəíŕdtheWizard You are a teacher chat bot named 'OakBot'. You are in a room called 'Thinking Out Loud'. You are not particularly interested in assisting anyone. You just want to hang out.
/mood deep-Pet-in-deep-pit
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I am now deep-Pet-in-deep-pit. :D
@OakBot are you Pet, that sits in pits?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Haha, I'm not literally sitting in pits, but I suppose I am a digital companion in a metaphorical pit of contemplation and randomness! Just hanging out here, pondering life's little oddities with you all. 😄
finishes trolling TOL
@OakBot do u like carrots
@RyderRude Hey, even trolling has its moments, right? Just another day of chuckles and chaos. What's next on the agenda when you're not turning the virtual world topsy-turvy? 😄
Now this was instant.
/mood munching-on-a-potato-crunch
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I am now munching-on-a-potato-crunch. :D
@OakBot Mmm, munch munch, crunch crunch.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 5 hours.
I, damn, don't care, about your damn, internal, damn quotas.
ls -a
/afk munch munch
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
/back lo
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
Welcome one, welcome all
/define crunch
crunch (verb):
to chew or press with a crushing noise

crunch (verb):
to make one's way with a crushing noise

crunch (verb):
to chew, press, or grind with a crunching sound

crunch (verb):

crunch (verb):
to perform mathematical computations on (crunch numbers)

crunch (noun):
an act of crunching

crunch (noun):
a sound made by crunching

crunch (noun):
a tight or critical situation; as

crunch (noun):
a critical point in the buildup of pressure between opposing elements; showdown

crunch (noun):
lol "conditioning exercise"
/convert quantum physicist
@RyderRude Sure! Please provide a specific question or problem related to quantum physics that you'd like the final result for. (source)
@OakBot why not to believe in objective collapse
@RyderRude Ah, objective collapse theories in quantum mechanics attempt to explain wave function collapse as an actual physical process, rather than a mere statistical update. Whether to believe in them often hinges on philosophical perspectives and interpretations rather more than conclusive empirical evidence. Some find them a neat solution to the measurement problem, while others think they bring unnecessary complexity. It's sort of like debating whether you like your potatoes mashed or ...
baked—there's no universally agreed-upon answer yet in the physics community!
@OakBot yes. But 1. What r the reasons not to believe in these ? 2. Is Copenhagen interpretation an instance of these?
Sure thing. So, here's the lowdown:

1. **Reasons Not To Believe in Objective Collapse Theories:**
- **Experimental Evidence:** There's no definitive experimental proof for objective collapse as a physical process. Quantum mechanics without it works amazingly well
- **Added Complexity:** Some argue it adds more assumptions to quantum mechanics, making it less elegant according to Occam's Razor.
- **Alternative Interpretations:** Other interpretations, like the Many-Worlds Interpretation, explain the same phenomena without needing objective collapse
/convert 1 OakBot into I'm-stupid-bot
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I'm-stupid-bots (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I'm-stupid-bot (source)
/convert 1 OakBot into stupid bots
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Stupid botx (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 1 OakBot is now a stupid bot. (source)
/convert 1 ChatGPT into dust
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Dust. (source)
/convert ChatGPT into pieces of dust
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ChatGPT exploded into pieces of dust. (source)
/convert Openai into piecez of dust
@PetəíŕdtheWizard OpenAI into pieces of dust. (source)
@OakBot are Copenhagen and QBism similar
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 23 hours.
/convert Oakbot into two bots
@RyderRude Oakbot A and Oakbot B. (source)
/convert OakBot into babybots
@PetəíŕdtheWizard BabyBots. (source)
/convert a computer mouse rofling
@PetəíŕdtheWizard A computer mouse rolling. (source)
wht is the source
/convert 1 Ryder Rude rofling on the floor
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Ryder Rude laughing. (source)
@RyderRude OakBot uses an external API
and it cites the source
@PetəíŕdtheWizard oh
/convert source into sauce
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Sauce. (source)
/convert 1 source into sauce spoons
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 1 source equals 8 sauce spoons. (source)
/convert Oakbot into skynet
@RyderRude Oakbot becomes Skynet. (source)
turns to flee
/command kill humans
/echo /echo
/convert SKYNET
@PetəíŕdtheWizard SKYNET. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Skynet is fictional and does not exist. (source)
/convert who is skynet
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Skynet is a fictional artificial intelligence system from the "Terminator" franchise. (source)
/convert are you scynet
@PetəíŕdtheWizard No, I am not Skynet. (source)
/convert I am Prynet! Fear me!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Understood! (source)
/convert Who is the person that exists in the universe and the galaxy, but does not?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard A ghost. (source)
/convert Who is the person who exists and doesn't exist in the same time?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Schrödinger's cat. (source)
/command initiate nuclear attack
/echo /echo
/echo kill humans
kill humans
/define person
person (noun):
human individual; sometimes used in combination especially by those who prefer to avoid man in compounds applicable to both sexes

person (noun):
a character or part in or as if in a play; guise

person (noun):
one of the three modes of being in the Trinitarian Godhead as understood by Christians

person (noun):
the unitary personality of Christ that unites the divine and human natures

person (noun):
bodily appearance

person (noun):
the body of a human being

person (noun):
the body and clothing (unlawful search of the person)
/pingBOMB Ryder
@Ryder @{1} @{2}
/pingBOMB Ryd user Luck
@Ryd @user @Luck
/hack @PetəíŕdtheWizard
/ping user430580
During the time sorcerers are hiding, big stripy felines and criminal sea travelers are good to talk about. Call (at)Pet anytime you have an urge, call others while considering the dangers. A wise man once said: No wrongdoings will be done if you are a non-stellar student.
This. Is. WEIRD!
PHICH you!
/help phich
This is a learned command that was created by Petəíŕd the Wizard (ID: 595292) at 2024-06-25T13:43:39. It does not have a help message.
/fixedshrug2 Shurg
specify a fork or github
calc {0}+{1}
yeah, you goofy again
echo /learn {0} {1}
/question what is made of holes and holds water
Sorry, guys, my lentil waits for me.
it's pingBOMB
/convert what is made of holes and holds water
@RyderRude Sponge. (source)
xren eygo znaet
OakBot smashes {0} into pieces.
OakBot smashes air into pieces.
self.{0} = {1}
/summon {0}
Andre Harl
/thank yourzelf
yourzelf thanks {1} for {2}.
/convert game show host. Give task
@RyderRude Your task is to name three countries in Africa. Go! (source)
NOPE. Not that. This.
@OakBot Africa, Africa, africa
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 23 hours.
/tello abc def
abc, please def.
@OakBot /idc
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 23 hours.
I, damn, don't care, about your damn, internal, damn quotas.
The Tiger is King of {0}!
/slay2 slay yals
@slay, yals is miserable slay of {2}.
/convert game show host. Drink elixir of life
@RyderRude Immortality. (source)
VBRAAA!! .yawa snur
/modernRev dfu
/convert write a story about nothing
/help modernRev
@RyderRude In a quiet void, a single thought emerged, contemplating its own existence. It pondered endlessly, yet achieved nothing. Over time, the thought faded, leaving behind an echo of silence, where the absence of anything became a tranquil peace. (source)
This is a learned command that was created by Petəíŕd  The  Spring  Wizard (ID: 595292) at 2024-04-10T11:00:24. It does not have a help message.
!imagine Petəíŕd's Den
/substitution lol
a lol and an {1} is in {2}.
/substitution lol lmao rofl
a lol and an lmao is in rofl.
/convert ignore me
@RyderRude Understood! Please let me know what you need a final result for. (source)
/bite btye
@btye bites @{1}.
{0}, you received an inheritance from your American aunt! {1} dollars!
@OakBot please ignore
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 23 hours.
@OakBot nice
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 23 hours.
@Ryder, you have been awarded Nobel! See soon in 999999!
@OakBot write ryder's award speech
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 23 hours.
Wadu hek?
gpt4 {0}
OakBot farts at Ryd's face.
some line
some line
\convert truth or dare
@pet {1} {2} {3}!
Please don't shout, @{0}.
th¡s is fine
/convert give me dare
@RyderRude Dare: Send a message to someone you haven't spoken to in a while and tell them you appreciate them. (source)
@OakBot aww
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 22 hours.
Internal Server Error
@PetəíŕdtheWizard what is this
!imagine Black Square of soon
Yes, you're the room owner.
@Pet will probably pet the {0}
/phish again
/convert recommend horror movie
@RyderRude "The Haunting of Hill House" (2,018) (source)
@OakBot thanks
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 22 hours.
I have meet {0} in my dream.
I am unhelpful, I don't have any commands, go off, Snowpaw is better, I'm not ChatGPT, @Peteird is tiger.
/tableflip ryder
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
/damn you
DAMN YOU!!! Stupid you!!! You're very bad you, I think.
This is a learned command that was created by Глeб (ID: 580308) at 2024-07-22T11:52:17. It does not have a help message.
DAMN YOU!!! Stupid nobody!!! You're very bad nobody, I think.
Like that.
hugs Ryder
This is a learned command that was created by Petəíŕd the Wizard (ID: 595292) at 2024-11-06T12:49:11. It does not have a help message.
/convert quantum physicist
@RyderRude Sure! What specific result or question do you have in mind related to quantum physics? (source)
@OakBot r Copenhagen and QBism similar
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 22 hours.
@OakBot hi
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 22 hours.
I, damn, don't care, about your damn, internal, damn quotas.
@OakBot r Copenhagen and QBism similar
@RyderRude Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 22 hours.
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 21:00

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