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studiohack has unfrozen this room.
anyways, just bought my case, for $55, hoping to get $10 back with a mail in rebate
so basically, give me a budget for your parts, and i'll send you the requisite funds via paypal. do you have a paypal account set up?
the HDDs have almost doubled in price... worried about that.
have a budget, just let me tweak the price on HDDs
ok. take out the GPU for now since we don't know what that'll end up being
if you need to buy a GPU we can add that later
don't worry about the HDD price hike. stuff happens.
@nhinkle that's gonna be a flat $100, not worried about that.
are you willing to cover the case, that I've just bought?
We should probably run everything by Ivo before finalizing, but I don't see why not to.
@nhinkle okay
@JourneymanGeek you have write access now.
anyway, from what i've seen, least here, Sata drives have tripled in price. so on the short term, 6 months or so, they probably arn't a good idea
@studiohack do you have any smaller drives you could use temporarily until prices come down?
@nhinkle nope... I have a couple of old IDE drives, but I don't trust them, I scrapped them
Hm. Not even extra laptop drives?
@nhinkle a 7-8 year old one that I replaced years and years ago since the OS wouldn't boot.
Hrm. Well that sucks. Oh well.
One consideration is that if @Kronos ever reappears, he might be able to send you one of the SSDs
and you could use that and then get an HDD to suplement once prices come down
@nhinkle not a bad idea...
I've had trouble getting in contact with him though. I even sent an email a while ago and didn't hear back.
to get it running, bare minimum, no customization, set up, etc, I just need a HDD/SSD (and GPU) @nhinkle @JourneymanGeek
I can borrow monitor/keyboard/mouse
have RAM, and a DVD/CD drive already
and of course the mobo and proc
so my question for you, @nhinkle, is, how much is the Blog willing to cover? the bare minimum? or extra stuff such as keyboard/mouse/monitor, etc?
what all do you actually need to buy? case, hdd... anything else? GPU if it's not free i guess
@nhinkle I have processor + mobo + RAM + PSU and case on its way
well i already had all the peripherals
did you see my question, @nhinkle?
sorry - just a sec
take your time, just wondering if you had cleared the notification w/o seeing it :)
idk about monitor - i bought my own - but keyboard probably if it's a reasonable price. i mean we're not going to get you a $2000 DAS keyboard :P
@studiohack: DVD drive is probably more useful. I might be tossing out the small stack of CD drives i keep.. 'in case'
@nhinkle $16 for keyboard - have other mice, so no worries there.
@JourneymanGeek I have an old DVD/CD drive that I can use
@studiohack lol that's fine
@nhinkle: eh, datahand! ;p, though, i've been using a cheapie logitech set for ages
(very expensive obscure keyboard suggestion made totally in jest... even if i'm temporarily a keyboard expert)
$61 USD for keyboard + case. then whatever it is for HDDs, SSDs
just out of curiocity, what case?
if the blog can cover that (assuming I get a GPU), I'll be more than happy... everything else on the list (card reader, more RAM) is optional and I can add over time
i'm sure that would be more than feasible @studiohack
ooh, nice for the cost
actually, slightly better than the case i have at the moment, and it was slightly more expensive i think (not that i remember how much it cost)
@JourneymanGeek getting it for $55 + $10 mail in rebate
so $45, it'll cost...
which is pretty good considering
lots of space for fans!
question is, should I try and get a SSD (like a 64GB), and then have the blog pay for a another HDD later?
or shall we wait and see if we can ping KronoS?
i'd hold out on seeing if we hear back from Kronos
he had 2 or 3 OCz drives
said he'd mail me one, but apparently never got around to it
@nhinkle all right. shall I draft up something and post the link in here later? (its late on my end)
Sure, that would be fine. Just let me know :)
@nhinkle okay, sounds good! :) let me know what KronoS says, I'll add him to the room's access
k. FWIW he hasn't been around in a while, but we'll see what he says
okay... good night @nhinkle @JourneymanGeek! its getting late here, I must be moving on :)
thanks for the help/advice!
forgot to mention this earlier, but I don't have a whole lot of time right now, so I'm collecting parts right now, plan to probably quickly put it together with pictures and such on a free afternoon...and perhaps finish it out more early next year (jan-Feb) and blog about it @nhinkle.
sounds good
i'll be working on an exciting new post soon as well
working on the actual thing the post will be about right now
if you guys would rather, I can buy the parts now, and when I actually do blog about it, you guys can reimburse me, if that's more fair
nah it's fine. ivo let me get mine before i'd written much of anything about it, though i had done a load of blogging previously
yeah, just have a lot of schoolwork right now, and hopefully will have more time around the end of Jan, or into February...but I intend to blog about it :)
thanks again. catch you later @nhinkle
see ya @studiohack

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