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context is useful, but there's a difference between "can be used by blackhats" and "can only be used by blackhats"...
or skip the entire white/grey/black hat and go "can only be useful for committing a crime"
and here its the last :D
5 hours later…
@MechMK1 that question could have been deleted for various reason. It failed on a number of our checks. I just wanted to make it very plain to that person they were not welcome here.
There was no research or white/grey hat possibility for that question - it was a script kiddy being useless
5 hours later…
Why are SAST tools so useless?
I spend 90% of my time just filtering false positives
3 hours later…
they are quick to run, anyone can run, and it's more desirable to have a false positive than a false negative
8 hours later…
why can't users read the screen?
this is a ibm z/vm system, so a bit alien... operator is struggling to renew a certificate without help. He did one system fine but couldn't find the file on the other. the problem? he tried to access a directory, mistyped it, didn't read the error message, went straight to the import and obviously failed.
sent me a couple screenshots, first line says "cd /some/place" and the second line says "No such file or directory" and all the other lines are errors because copy and paste only works when all steps are done correctly...
when I was a technical instructor, I started the first day of the course writing RTFM on the left and RTFS (where S stands for Screen) on the right on the blackboard (or whiteboard), and let it there for the entire course. When someone asked something that the screen would answer I pointed there...
change of subject, one missing space during a change broke a system and we spent more time fixing the issue caused by the space than doing the change...
it's a VSE system, even more alien than z/VM, and we were installing libs for IPv6 on it. It's unlike anything you all have seen, required editing a file, submitting it, editing another file, submit again, a dozen times (really). and the files have 80 column limit, and if you need more than that you need a special char (the continuation char) exact on line 80
what happens if the continuation char isn't on column 80? Nothing on the edit, nothing after submit, it does not work when you restart the system. To fix the issue you edit the file and submit again, and start the job again. But what if the job is the equivalent of init on a unix? yep, that... system does not boot (or IPL, as we say on VSE). To fix you have to edit the file and submit again, but you cannot because the system is down.
we spent an hour trying different workarounds to finally get the system up on "safe mode", submitted the fixed file, and it went ok.
VSE can be excused for having fixed width control statements and position dependent options, and spaces breaking things, it's an OS from the 60's... python, on the other hand...
I think that's one reason why I dislike Python. The other is that I am a PHP programmer by hobby and PHP is way faster... and yeah, I know PHP is an amalgamation of diverse programming languages and styles, nothing makes sense, have weird syntax for some things... but I like it...
@ThoriumBR that's an advanced skill
I was on nexusmods getting a mod for baldurs gate 3 and it had some prereqs... usually it's another mod, a library or something. I don't remember which mod but in the prereqs was a link for "English Reading and Comprehension" course...

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