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1:26 AM
@FireQuacker It looks like this was relatively benign
but the CA operator's resellers site was hit with a DDOS after this post, and they just shut it down and redirected the traffic to whitehouse.gov :DDD
6 hours later…
7:27 AM
How should I learn ethical hacking?
I know there are plenty of free courses, but whats the easiest and most fun way?
1 hour later…
8:56 AM
@CaffeineAddiction The biggest problem is that GPT is really really bad at providing answers in specialist areas of expertise - but it sounds convincing. Dealing with this has raised mods workload through the roof. It isn't as easy as saying - well we moderate existing crap answers from people who are wrong. It is a new level of bad
Sure, it's easier on the smaller sites, but on SO where individual mods may handle many thousands of flags it's an absolute nightmare
11 hours later…
7:35 PM
So reddit is banning users that strike
Lets see who burns through their community faster. Reddit or SE
8:40 PM
Reddit is just so much bigger, but I think both have enough users who don't know/don't care
Are there any stats on how many users Twitter lost?
Mastodon showed up as almost a full replacement for Twitter. For Reddit and SE, I don't think there is a reasonable alternative (yet)

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