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2:22 PM
I love that we have a guy called 1488
Q: Suspicious wmiutils.dll Loaded

RemRemI have an IIS server and while monitoring the windows logs I encounter an interesting sysmon log. It was an Event ID 7: Image loaded log which showed that w3wp.exe loaded wmiutils.dl. Does anyone know if it's malicious or not? Thanks

2:44 PM
@MechMK1 C'mon, just use your psychic powers...
3 hours later…
5:24 PM
@MechMK1 I can confirm that the letter did include profanity.
3 hours later…
8:23 PM
QUX? what the heck is that?
9:01 PM
In the webdev world, QUX means something like Quality of User eXperience
Like some sort of combination between QA testers and UX testers
9:24 PM
looks like it's just a random device made by trolls to take money away from MAGA people...
9:41 PM
As usual, the question is: Are they delusional or scammers, or both?
1 hour later…
10:43 PM
I believe they are scammers...
I don't think someone would honestly develop such an atrocity

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