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1 hour later…
Hello guys
So I asked this question
Q: Is KeePass # of rounds relevant if you use a key file as master password?

FreedoI used to have my database set to 20.000.000 key transformation rounds and it would be fast enough on my PC but I found it takes too much time on my phones so I went to lower it and couldn't notice this: I use a key file as master password so as far I know, I'm safe from dictionary attacks on ...

Seems you guys here think that not using a password and only key files provide no security
Can you explain why/how exactly having a password instead of a key file would help to protect your passwords if your PC/Mobile is compromised already?
I think I'm happy enough with just a key file, it allows me to store my database anywhere and I don't need to remember a long password for it and I can use one-time 200 bits passwords instead of using combinations of the same password
16 hours later…
Freedo: The ideal solution you have long key stored on the system and secured it by the simpler password which is computationally hard to find it out (so it's using PKBF, it's random and let's say it's 12 characters which is usually 72 bits). So the keys may be encrypted with AES-128 or 256 and the key for AES is derived from password which takes e.g. 1-2s on your PC to compute.
Freedo: It's actually working slightly different, from the password is derived the key which encrypts another key from the store sometimes so it's like this:
Password -> PKBF -> AES key for AES key -> AES KEY -> Store -> Password, so you can change password without re-encrypting everything and you can have also multiple passwords, e.g. recovery password
With only one copy of the password store

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