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@AviD Yup, and there's nothing in this area that provides paid internships for EE/ME/CE grads.
It depends in which country I wanna say.
Granted, I think their internships turn into paid positions after 4 or 6 months or something like that if they make the cut
Still dumb.
Each year they hire like 50 interns and cut upwards of 30 of them by the end
That's called slavery in my book.
@DavidFreitag watch the video.
@Simon Yeah but starting salary is $45/hr
So 6 months unpaid is worth it once you get your foot in the door
@DavidFreitag Sure that's a good salary but it doesn't justify 4-6 months of not getting paid.
@Simon They all have a second job
The very same jobs they were working in college
@DavidFreitag no its not.
sorry, my privilege went and shoved my foot in my mouth again.
$45 an hour is more than three times what I make now
What did you type? Damn it, I was looking away.
@Simon Yeah I was paying attention and even I missed it
Damned insufferable self-censoring tigger
I remember back in the days when Tigger was all about freedom of speech.
@DavidFreitag true, another good point. But sometimes its okay to take a pittance.
@Simon I was looking down on what could be considered a decent salary by some.
still below dovids market rate though
@AviD But like I said almost no companies are hiring engineers in this area. The only ones that do are huge multinational companies that do paid internships for pennies, and the ones that do unpaid internships for serious monies
do you live in Mad Men in the '60s?
@AviD Heh, it's kinda funny that you guys have so much faith in my abilities
@AviD o whoops
That's an easy mistake to make.
@Simon wasnt a mistake. Just checked my privilege is all. Didnt wanna wreck myself.
@Simon Yeah well I know people who are in the same field as me who make me look like an infant in the corner drooling on himself
EE is part black magic, maths, skill, and encyclopedic knowledge
@DavidFreitag awww lookit 'im, sooo cute
@DavidFreitag We all had those kids studying with us.
Doesn't mean we're shite because of dem crazy ponies.
@Simon Yeah well it's not just a few people
@DavidFreitag I knew a company that did this in my hometown. They only hired interns, and offered people $10 an hour as a web dev.
@MarkBuffalo I mean an unpaid internship is a great way of finding out who really wants to be an engineer
If you don't seriously want to be an engineer or you don't really know your shit, they don't want you anyway
Especially if you're working on a team that's contracting for Boeing or Lockheed Martin. You screw something up and planes fall out of the sky
@DavidFreitag Many engineers get paid internships of around $7k per month in good areas :/
@MarkBuffalo That's very doubtful.
The only places where this isn't true are where unscrupulous employers want to take advantage of you because there aren't many other options.
Yeah dude $7k is a lot of monies
Yeah, actually, google it.
o pls
Yeah well this company in particular isn't taking advantage of the interns. They don't actually "work" they spend their time in training seminars and other various workshops so the company can gauge their knowledge and particular skills.
They don't usually stay 40 hours a week and the hours are flexible. It's kinda like post college verification
So on one hand it sucks that you're not getting paid, but on the other you aren't really working
I just reverted an edit which purported to be a "simplification" of a sentence, and actually reversed the meaning.
Somehow there is no comment field for rollbacks
link pls
@DavidFreitag And therefore aren't learning critical skills needed to succeed...?
@ThomasPornin Wow that edit
@MarkBuffalo What part about training seminars didn't you read?
That edit...
Haha, yep.
Oh and the original answer is yours too, lulz.
@ThomasPornin but umm it also makes it less simplified.
@DavidFreitag Well I am ready to believe that the editor found the sentence difficult to understand, since he did not understand it at all.
You might wanna reword the sentence though, Thomas.
Whoever accepted that edit should be publicly ridiculed
@DavidFreitag Awkward!
@Simon Why it makes perfect sense...
@DavidFreitag IT WAS YOU
actually it was @Ohnana.... Shame on you @Ohnana
@Ohnana WFT UWOTM8
@AviD Pls I have like 800 rep on this site
Oh, sorry, 1k
@DavidFreitag "does any good only" can get confusing for sure, especially to non-native English ponies.
cmon man, this is getting boring
It still makes me smile.
@Simon Yeah perhaps "does any good only" could be replaced with "helps"
@Simon happy?
heh lil bit
its educational
@Simon Is that a euphemism?
@DavidFreitag Ask ovid.
I dont know anything about it.
@AviD I don't want to hear about what @Simon does with a pony, thank you.
8 secs ago, by AviD
I dont know anything about it.
@AviD Yeah sure I bet you video taped the whole thing you weirdo
you do NOT want to watch that.
definitely NSFW
@AviD Hahaha I fucking love that movie
but not as bad as you might imagine
I was about to say something super inappropriate about that pony but I decided that it was probably better to not to.
@Simon I am convinced that native English speakers can get confused over plain English sentences as well.
@Simon Eh, roro would edit it anyway
@ThomasPornin Of course.
@ThomasPornin Nah, sometimes some of us end sentences with the wrong potato.
@DavidFreitag roro?
There's no active roro around here.
@Simon Yeah roro
@Simon He'd get around to it.
Like he did to the pinned post of mine
Like he's going to do to the pinned post of yours
@RoryAlsop is gonna pin you to the post?
pin me roro
@ThomasPornin Are you still in town?
@Simon You mean Montreal ?
No, I was there just on Monday and Tuesday
Do you play pool?
You mean that kind of billiard with holes ?
Yeah that thing.
Well no, I don't play pool.
I am aware of the underlying physical principles, but I don't practice.
That would have been a fun activity if you had free time the next time you were here.
Eh. Last time I went to Montreal, you hid in a cave or something.
Fearing that I would eviscerate you.
@Simon what a pansy
@ThomasPornin I could try to channel my inner courageous man and invite you on a date next time.
Should have had some dignity and been eviscerated
@DavidFreitag Your dignity or your bowels, you have to choose.
@ThomasPornin Who needs bowels anyway.
@Simon I am supposed to come to Montreal regularly, but usually I won't spend the night there. I'll warn you if this happens again.
@DavidFreitag Bowels are necessary to make some boudin.
Probably NSFW, but funny as shit
Downtown is always a damn pain to navigate through, I try to avoid it as much as I can and park at a metro station when possible.
@ThomasPornin Yeah but presumably I wouldn't be making boudin with my bowels.
@ThomasPornin Did they offer you a parking spot when you were here?
@Simon It would have been inappropriate since I did not came with a car.
@ThomasPornin You rode the bus?
@Simon This time I went with a colleague, but, in general, I take the bus.
Desjardins has a special bus just for them.
With free food.
Damn, nice. So it goes straight to Montréal?
Yes. Straight from Lévis to Montréal.
(And another in the other direction)
That's good then, absolutely no reason to not take it.
It is even good for security.
How so?
Because it allows talking about job related subjects without being overheard by external people.
This can matter a lot when working in a bank.
But then this means that we are talking about information security in the DMZ, which is probably inappropriate.
Oh yeah, my bad, let's talk about something that suits the chat better.
Like, uh, something.
@MarkBuffalo Post a dumb link like you always do, son.
Okay, let me find one.
@ThomasPornin If you can manage to time it somehow, the first Tuesday of every month, there's an iOS dev meetup with usually 2 talks given during the evening which I attend with a mate.
It happens at McKibbin's so of course there's beer available.
@ThomasPornin I like this consideration. Your tinfoil hattery is showing. JOIN US!
@MarkBuffalo It's the biggest bank here and everyone knows it so it's not really tinfoil hattery at this point.
Tinfoil hattery is not always wrong.
In fact, it's often the result of considering almost every possible angle.
It only becomes a problem when you allow it to consume you, and prevent you from functioning normally.
@ThomasPornin It's not inappropriate, it's just not common.
Q: Can A Powered Down Cell Phone be Turned On Remotely?

Sam SkuceI know this is tin-foil hat fodder, but at least one judicial opinion (http://www.politechbot.com/docs/fbi.ardito.roving.bug.opinion.120106.txt) referenced a bug that could track/listen in on the subject "whether the phone was powered on or off," although that may have been a judge misinterpretin...

Someone should make a thread asking how you can tell if your phone is affected by that
If you do, it will probably put you on reptrain
@MarkBuffalo It is always wrong because tin foil is not made of tin. It is aluminium.
@ThomasPornin Nah I ordered a roll of the real stuff from China and I've been dolling out the DMZ's fix pretty regularly
Yes, but "tinfoil hat" sounds funnier than "aluminum foil hat."
A: Is the butterfly effect real?

David Hammen Does the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? This was the whimsical question Edward Lorenz posed in his 1972 address to the 139th meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Some mistakenly think the answer to that question is "yes." (Othe...

Fantastic answer.
@ThomasPornin My apologies. I found the original sentence a bit clumsy. This is why the rollback button was created, though
it sounded good at the time
@Ohnana Yeah yeah and we all have 20/20 hindsight
i mean, i spent more time than usual scrutinizing it because it was complicated
that one stood out because the grammar confused me, and usually the technical content is over my head
Must have been some serious confusion... Perhaps next time if you're not sure you probably shouldn't accept.
I've had to decline to moderate a lot of posts because of my lack of technical understanding of the topic
A lot of times, the edits confuse me...
@DavidFreitag the edited version sounded clearer in terms of structure. unfortunately it also killed the meaning in the process
@Ohnana was more convoluted, ergo less clearer
@AviD Clever is never a good idea
@Ohnana wait wait - you're a bit clumsy
> I don't need a color organ
Man I wish my organ was colorful.
@AviD 4/10 keep practicing
@MarkBuffalo did you just endorse me for 5 random things on Linkedin? I have no idea what any of those things even are.
@DavidFreitag Yes, I did. But they aren't random: they're things you know about, and we've talked about.
Would you like me to remove them?
FFS linkedin should have skill wikis
@MarkBuffalo Oh I see you endorsed me for a bunch of things but linkedin only told me about the ones I don't already have listed
@DavidFreitag You must know them enough to make @MarkBuffalo believe you master them. That still counts as "skills".
@ThomasPornin Yeah I can see going over that in an interview. "So I see you're endorsed for ${skill} on linkedin" Me: "Yeah I have no idea what that is"
Or "Yeah I was endorsed by a friend of mine. He says I'm great at it, but I have no idea what ${skill} even is"
@DavidFreitag Done properly, that can mark you points in an interview.
Yeah, you don't even have those skills listed
That's weird...
"They say I am good at crypto but I don't see why, it is just easy if you mind the details."
@MarkBuffalo It will only list them if I tell it to
do not list
@MarkBuffalo I wasn't planning on it. At least not until you explain what the hell they mean
Well, I thought they were ones I already clicked "Endorse" for. So I clicked the "Endorse" group
Then I saw others pop up again... and I'm like "Wait, what? Those aren't listed..."
I clicked the endorse group because it usually shows up on a page, even after I endorse them manually (which I always do)
and clicking "endorse" doesn't change already-endorsed items; it just gets rid of the annoying popup
Specifically the ones I don't know are: 5S, Continuous Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, and Root Cause Analysis
Someone advocating input sanitation on s/e
answer is accepted...
@MarkBuffalo Two more? Don't know those either
Q: White list or black list sanitation for international input?

jaketrentThere seem to be so many ways to create nefarious input that white-listing what input is good usually feels like the safer, simpler option. For instance, one can fairly easily craft a white list regex that includes good things [a-zA-Z0-9], but this seems to fall apart quickly when considering ...

accepted answer is giving me heart palpitations
When copy and pasting text carries over the style, making my text bold or italic, instead of respectable plain text. https://t.co/Dm5jVZApyV
@MarkBuffalo and its author insists in the comments, doesn't even get it
I'd invoke security monkeys
Markus, you've got commented on a 4 years and half answer.
"it's hard to validate names correctly to prevent SQL injection."
you know, it's possible to write to a database without SQL
people too often forget that
Yeah, I know
and if you really have to, you can check for records affected before you commit
that accepted answer is awful also from operational standpoint, he's actually suggesting to use masks based on server locale for a question asking about supporting international inputs?
well that's a -1 from me then
and we should enroll our little Bobby tables into every program he attended
@DavidFreitag s/looking to buy a nixie clock/who wants to get invited to the white house
@DavidFreitag I too have the same problem with parentheses.
@TildalWave Now he's stating that he's published several books, so he "knows what he's talking about." Guy says it's hard to use input validation to protect against SQL injection...
Sometimes it makes sense to alert the user to an error (validaye), like removing the apostrophe from a name. Sometimes it makes sense to silently correct (sanitize) the input, like the trailing space on a login page. It depends on the audience and application. — dannysauer 20 mins ago
Wat is that ^
exactly :)
@JonathanMusso Mazda concept car
@DavidFreitag Hnnnnnnnnng
I would give my left testicle to have that car. And that one is my favorite.
"The author" has contributed to multiple published books on database development as well as written quite a bit of open source and commercial software that uses prepared statements. He is quite familiar with how prepared statements work, which is irrelevant to the question as asked. — dannysauer 3 mins ago
@DavidFreitag interesting
Oracle is finally killing, Java. Rest in hell, Java. http://gizmo.do/EI1X4Wv https://t.co/yh4dqBJkQT
cc:\ @MarkBuffalo
@MarkBuffalo that just goes to prove that they'll publish anything these days
@DavidFreitag Good, but that's the dumb browser plugin. Java is still very valid for web dev, backend, embedded systems, etc.
I hope I don't come across like a dick in that thread. I am just very worried about his defense of input sanitation, stripping apostrophes, etc.
@DavidFreitag awesome, thank you
@JonathanMusso TBH most of those don't look that great
I'm sure he's very smart and good at what he does... but this security thing doesn't seem like it's his thing.
The Mazda Shinari is damn sexy
paint it black and that's a batmobile
@MarkBuffalo I actually gave him a -1 not because of his take on sanitization et al., but because he doesn't actually give a reasonable answer to the question as it was asked
@JonathanMusso Hahahaha
I like the Shinari because it looks eerily similar to my car.
@TildalWave His suggestion also doesn't work for Chinese characters. I tested it. Nothing tested true, except a few random English letters.
Ah yes, looks a similar nose but pulled down
@JonathanMusso it's kinda cute... for a hearse wagon :)
@JonathanMusso And those sexy rear-view mirrors
and the headlights
now this is properly cute
@TildalWave Lulz. Guy downvoted out of spite
@TildalWave I... I think we have different views on "cute"
@TildalWave now that's my style
@MarkBuffalo dude, move on... think positive, as in the more people take his advice, the larger our paychecks
chop the roof on that, remove a full pillar!
@JonathanMusso Yeah then fill it with shag pile and a water bed
@TildalWave I just don't like blatantly incorrect security practices. Alright, I'll move on. I've said my piece.
@DavidFreitag rofl. well there certainly is enough room
I could totally live in a hearse
It's actually a nice looking car
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@MarkBuffalo why? it happens to be completely correct.
your answer does add some good points, but several points I don't agree with.
@AviD dude, it suggests that he uses server locale to support international, multiple locale and possibly MIME types inputs, and worse still to constrain input to [0..9,a..Z]... that at the minimum invokes your security at expense of usability rule, if not getting OP fired for incompetence because he actually accepted that even tho he should have known it isn't a reasonable answer to the question
if you don't know what characters are valid as input in some field, you don't start securing it by disallowing most of them
sure, it'll be safe... to the point that nobody will use it
one thing that's missing there, tho it wasn't really asked about, is that certain encoding like into HTML won't be good for length constraint validation, so fixed-bit per character encoding should be used
Where is everyone?
not here
I'm here. Sort of
me too, kind of
RIP Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane
so many great ones left us this January...
@TildalWave I was off cooking my friday chulent ;-)
Cholent (Yiddish: טשאָלנט, tsholnt or tshoolnt) or Hamin (Hebrew: חמין‎) is a traditional Jewish stew. It is usually simmered overnight for 12 hours or more, and eaten for lunch on Shabbat (the Sabbath). Cholent was developed over the centuries to conform with Jewish laws that prohibit cooking on the Sabbath. The pot is brought to a boil on Friday before the Sabbath begins, and kept on a blech or hotplate, or placed in a slow oven or electric slow cooker, until the following day. There are many variations of the dish, which is standard in both the Ashkenazi and Sephardi kitchens. The basic ...
shit that reminds me that I promised that recipe to @DavidFreitag
well that's a weight off my mind :)
passed my CCT exam
Yay - well done
And I have a weight off my mind - successfully got to London without crashing :-)
So it's a good Friday
@RoryAlsop \o/ yeah it's been extremely windy over here today (keep expecting the power to go) so not a day I'd want to be in a plane, I think
Unless you really like planes...
@RoryAlsop and that nice rollercoaster feeling you get with heavy turbulence
It did remind me of flying round skerries at an altitude of about 25 feet to watch seals with my dad when I was little
@RoryAlsop except with rather more large buildings to potentially get too close to!
Actually we were well away from buildings, it was the water and ground that was more of a worry
@RoryAlsop yeah remembering the runways at city, there's not a huge amount of leeway at the sides for gusts...
@RоryMcCune yay congrats!
"in the case of a landing on water, your lifejacket can be found underneath your seat"
@AviD s'a relief :) means I get another 3 years before doing that again
In the case of landing on water, try not to drown...
hahaha I have to go back to watching the Office (yes US version is just fine...) dorkly.com/post/77092/ranking-the-office-pranks
@RoryAlsop please take the time to identify the exit door nearest you , bearing in mind that you might need to climb over slow people to get to it
bookmarked for if/when I go back to working in one...
It's F... Fr... Friiiiii... FRIDAY!
Time to get naked and run around the office.
@Simon Friday, Friday, Time to get down on Friday, everybody's waiting for the weekend
pls ovid
She got enough hate, she doesn't need mine.
I think RebeccaRolled should be more of a thing than RickRolled.
Naaah, at least Rick Astley's song is not completely retarded.
@AviD I seem to recall the same producer made something even worse
@Simon exactly
its a worse prank to Friday someone
@JourneymanGeek hehe y'all liking that now
I really cant get over how good that is - it is really a fantastic edit job
I should listen to some music, but I've got a bout of skin allergies so I don't want to use the good headphones :(
(Over the ear, so they're a little bit incomfortable in my current state. Love em to bits otherwise
Bone conduction?
I have decent ones, (Gen 2 xiomi pistons. Prolly one of the best cheapish headphones there are)
Not the same oomph as my proper cans...
and can't use my speakers, my dog gets annoyed at anything but classical
@RоryMcCune grats
@AviD blanket-rejecting is a lot of work from a usability, maintability, and integrity standpoint. he pushes for input sanitation (removing apostrophes for example)
also, blanket-rejecting/accepting entire unicode sets doesn't work for many ideopgraphic collections
almost all unicode is fine going into a column where it can be accepted. you just need correct input validation and prepared statements with output sanitation. If you can show me a result where this becomes a security issue, I'd like to see it.
as for regex, yeah, it's going to crap the bed in python, probably
@JourneymanGeek Ah, you need to get your dog some headphones and an iPod full of classical music. Then you can choose the speaker tunes!
@Matthew or leave him with my mom ;p
But he likes me, just not my taste in music.
Then he'll love you with his own iPod. Dogs love iPods
naw, he'd still glare at me. ;p
@MarkBuffalo oh was the question specifically python? didnt notice that.
re validation / sanitization - you are right, those are different things. I assumed the OP was speaking from ignorance, but the answer there didnt specifically mention it. you specifically do call that out, though (correctly ofc)
@MarkBuffalo you definitely have a lot more experience than I do with eg Chinese, which is among the more difiicult to handle for this. So I could be wrong, but in general you still DO want to restrict to specific character classes, regardless of the codepage.
I must have missed where he says to remove the quotes, vs block them...
vs block them...
I'm like the annoying little brother who repeats what you just said.
damn you

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