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@ScottPack I think those are both secondary. The main point is ease, simplicity, quick cleanup, and ease. Oh, and minimal effort, too.
@AviD Much like your love life.
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. "Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are ofte...
@ScottPack Had to look it up LOL
The more you know.
@Simon Will you try again?
@D3C4FF Only time will tell.
You know, I was about to VtC this then decided to freaking Blow His Mind.
Q: Most secure way to partition linux?

redIagoI recently acquired a netbook to play with, and I want to install Kali Linux so I can start learning about network security and exploit development. I want to use this to learn as much about security as I can. What is the best way to partition a linux box so that it is most resistent to a secur...

@ScottPack Awesome!
@TerryChia I was expecting a "that's what she said" but you've changed so much since you've joined Red Hat, Mr. Mature.
@Simon That's what she said!
You guize makes meh chuckle!
> Extra points if you can go into details about the threats possible. I want to learn as much as possible.
I wanna give him a -1 just for that... but nice of you to blow his mind for us :) good answer
And yet you gave him a +1?
Say whaaaaaat?
@Simon yes, it's an experiment... I'm always doing follow-ups on such promises :)
Oh I see.
btw the question hit the SuperCollider.... if any of you wanna jump on the bandwagon, now would be the time
No idea what I could add.
I'm gonna read both replies in a few though, it's an interesting subject.
@Simon it's a really vague question, so you could add pretty much anything and nobody could say it's not relevant to the question asked :|
and the more answers the higher it'll land on the SuperCollider... irrespective of the quality of answers ;)
It is indeed very large.
@Simon I get this response all the time :P
Haha. I totally didn't think about it and then I realized it while doing maths. Terry's slow these days.
@Simon he's an intern now, he's got loads of coffees to brew :)
I'm gonna say it: I prefer Scott's answer simply because I'm a man of examples.
2 hours later…
Can en edit be disapproved even once accepted? I got -2 rep and there's no log about it.
I really don't get it, I think someone robbed me.
@Simon the site was partially down about half an hour ago (slow hours so they take this opportunity to do smaller updates), maybe it's just some revision that didn't yet update? I can't find anything in your suggested edits log that looks suspicious
@TildalWave Yeah that's the thing, I'm fairly sure that my last edit was more than 24 hours ago.
@Simon well I can't see anything like what you describe in your activity logs or rep history either... any idea on which suggested edit it's supposedly removed those +2 rep?
I bet it's because I said I preferred Scott's over the bear's answer and this is his warning.
@TildalWave Nein, I have absolutely no idea.
That's a good one.
@Simon have you been editing some questions or answers that might have ben deleted due to poor quality or other reasons?
I'm not entirely sure that's how it's supposed to work for approved edit rep points but it would explain why there's no history for it at all
@TildalWave Oh that could be possible.
Anyway, time to go bed, ttyl!
@Simon me too ... t/c ;)
Q: Security instructions for a mobile banking REST API

OrlinI am designing a .NET Web API-based REST API that would be accessed via a mobile banking-like app. We plan to use OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner flow for authorization. All requests will go through HTTPS with server certificate and will include the signed refreshable access-token received by the Aut...

Oh god
@LucasKauffman LOL
So I see you're doing your morning reviews :) Good comment there
and what's with that question about ... "Incident Response Monitoring Positions (Entry Level)" ... what the hack does that even mean??
What would such a job include? Tracking a team of Ukrainians from an office via GPS and sending them to the next poor guy that needs review of his kneecaps?
I have problems extracting the meaning of your question as well. Are you asking us what considerations are there regarding candidate suitability for an entry level incident response position? Response to what? What entry level position? The way you formed your question, it could fit any position from a back seat in a van filled with baseball bat equipped east European "security response team" guys to an ISP call centre operator. And recommendations could stretch from attending eloquence lessons and elementary English courses to not having a criminal record and not having money/health problems. — TildalWave 6 mins ago
"harsh times" :))))
2 hours later…
@ anyone, i don't suppose there's a table comparing DoS attack tools anywhere?
@D3C4FF ping
@TerryChia Not quite sure if that compares them xD
@D3C4FF You don't need anything else.
@TerryChia ><
I just used inviteflood for the first time on the SIP phones at work to great success
4 hours later…
Everyone got wasted last night or what? So calm here this morning!
indeed this is the quietest I've seen it on a weekday for a while...
Nobody mentions the fact that you can generate 2 certficates with the same hash but different keys?
Q: How exactly is MD5 vulnerable to collission attacks?

Arman HI've often read that MD5 (among other hashing algorithms) is vulnerable to collisions attacks. I understand the collision part: there exist two (or more) inputs such that MD5 will generate the same output from these distinct and different inputs. There are 20 examples of such inputs given here. ...

@copy Apparently not
@Lucas What the hell?!
You would need to re-hash the key you derived with PBKFD2. Otherwise you store the decryption key directly with your encrypted files. — Lucas Kauffman 45 mins ago
Also, a 1024-bit AES key?
Are you okay today?
@Simon Hey man. We all have our specialities. Some of you guys sling code, some of you guys fiddle with solder. System configuration hardening? That's what makes me hard.
@ScottPack Dayum.
You have a huge point of weakness here, @Lucas.
> You encrypt the key itself with AES using your password (which is a bit shorter but easier to remember
@copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste!!!!!
@Simon I get wasted every night.
@D3C4FF Go stand in the corner and think of what you've done.
@Adnan is already in the fun corner
@D3C4FF you forgot @cut !
@RoryMcCune Shit.
I totally didn't think of that.
@D3C4FF it's a shame there's no mechanism you could use to easily recreate the message without manually retyping it all....
@D3C4FF That's kind of sad.
@Simon NOT
@Adnan Don't make me marry you.
@Simon You can't afford it
Damn cougar.
@Jeff Calculating Lift Force of the Hulk's feet isn't exactly my specialty, but I'm coming up with rough numbers of about 7-10 kN for each kick (assuming a foot area of 0.25 m2), in air pressure of 1.2 kg/m3. If the Hulk could kick every other second or faster, he would actually be able to fly with his feet. If he didn't go too fast, he would definitely be able to change direction mid-air. — jono 8 hours ago
No doubt.
@TerryChia This is the first time I hear of this SE site
I feel like i'm getting into a dick waving match with Michael Kjörling in this comment thread. Am I off base here? security.stackexchange.com/questions/38793/…
@ScottPack WOOOHOOO! Dick waving match!
@ScottPack Sounds like @Adnan would like a front-row seat to see your dick being waved.
@Iszi Ughh! Don't be disgusting, Iszi. Of course not.
I wanna see Michael Kjörling's dick being waved.
"I know you said baseline, but I was still a bit surprised at the numbers"
Shut up.
@Simon Was that what she said?
@TerryChia That's what I said.
@adnan - go to stackexchange.com and read the full list. Loads in there. Or my profile has the ones I'm interested in, for example
@Simon Not a good idea. I only say "Shut up" afterwards.
@RoryAlsop So you're basically showing off your high rep on gazillions of sites.
Damn! You have 1k+ on so many sites
Me? Show off? :-)
Meh it's easy to get 1k on things you are really interested in
2 days ago, by Adnan
> Sarcasm, at a sarcasmaholic meeting? Noooo
My favorite quote ever.
@Simon Have you seen the sketch?
@Adnan Of course, you linked it a few weeks ago.
@TildalWave Was yesterday your birthday?
@Adnan no... ??? where did you get that information from?
Afternoon @tildal
@TildalWave I just saw that you're here later than usual and you said "morning". You know, birthdays come with extra benefits that might leave tired in the morning.
@RoryAlsop it is, and a sunny one too :) what's the weather like in Scotland these early summer days?
@ScottPack No, I don't think you're off-base at all. He just wants to nitpick server vs. desktop/netbook. And honestly, I don't think it makes that much (if any) difference for a toy netbook in any case.
@Adnan oh I slept in chunks, I have at least 2 mornings per day :)
Sweet, I just SQL injected one of the company's software.
I know what I'm gonna be working on this morning.
@Simon Getting injections?
@D3C4FF Junkie life.
toodle-oo all.
@TildalWave Meh. I only managed two votes yesterday. I figure if I let @ScottPack catch up, that'll help his self-esteem. Just don't tell him that I'm letting him win.
@Adnan parents went to the seaside so I had to go at them early in the morning to help them carry stuff and collect those keys I don't have copies of... like for the garden and stuff :)
@tildal - today, I don't know, as I have been in London all day. Went to stack exchange's London office for lunch, which was nice.
Scotland has been too hot. London is hotter and muggier. Not good for us Scottish types.
Ooh - injections. Might need to think about vaccinations. Off to India for a few days on the 22nd
@manishearth - any recommendations?
@RoryAlsop Oh, you realize this only raises more questions, don't you? Nevermind the Scottish weather, how is Aarthi? :)))
@RoryAlsop Where in India?
Probably just going to take anti-malarials (gin and tonic)
Yeah, monsoon=malaria
Maybe Chennai and Gurgaon too
@RoryAlsop Ah. That and some stomach medicine. And be careful what you eat
OR eat whatever you like :P
Aarthi - not sure... @manish, when is aarthi-cast
More curry
@RoryAlsop tomorrow, today, depends on your timeone
@RoryAlsop Are you on mobile?
Midnight CEST is what badp says
@RoryAlsop Yes curry :P
Will check when back on my pc this eve. Am on useless iPad now
You're in GMT, right?
Weird, this chat works fine but TL is just hanging for me
So... 6pm Friday+ 5 hours= 11:00 PM
BST (British summer time)
1 hour out
@RoryAlsop GMT+?
So 10:00, I guess
Does anyone know if there is a quote smart(ish) function in VB?
@RoryAlsop Good man. Malaria is a killer.
So I suppose I should go read Aarthi's blog post. I'm getting a feeling that something wonky went on.
Sounds like it from her post. A bit of a major misunderstanding I think.
Wow. StackExchange is sucking it. I get more vacation time than them.
What are they sucking, exactly? I'd love to know.
They only get 20 days. Lame.
On their first year at the company?
My benefits package includes 22 vaation days per year. That number never changes, though.
@ScottPack Read it.
@ManishEarth I just finished.
Bugger, I won't be available for that. Anyone know what the topic is?
@ScottPack Aarthi
Anything, basically
Just catching up
It's really lame. Whenever I think of the face of SEI I think of her.
Speaking purely as a user. Jeff and Joel always struck me as self-righteous. Shog as abrasive. Chernoff was nice, but I never had a lot of experience with her. Aarthi was is just fantastic.
@ManishEarth What is Aarthi-cast?
@copy Aarthi Devanathan, former community manager.
Just a chat event
Oh, not security related
@ScottPack Update: The time has changed. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/2691/…
@ManishEarth It's still 6pm EDT.
it is too damn hot.
Oh. :(
Time zones confuse me
user image
Chat image upload has been busted all day and last night for me.
@ScottPack Pussy.
@Iszi That was for @lynks. My temperature is quite lovely.
74F at 55% humidity. Not bad at all.
@ScottPack You're lovely.
@ScottPack it really is. 28C and 55% humidity...feels hotter than hell
See @Iszi, this is how you talk to people.
@ScottPack I'm one of these people that prefers cold-country holidays.
@lynks You're complaining about 82.4 F, seriously?
@lynks Not bad, that's a dew point of 18. Pretty much all of last week we were sitting at 29C with a Rh of 75. That puts the dew point at 24C
21C feels like 24C here. That's just perfect.
@Iszi I'm a cold weather person. I'm much happier at around 10C.
@Iszi also, humidity makes a big difference. The UK tends to have higher humidity than warmer countries in southern europe.
Currently at 84 F with 64% humidity - "feels like 89". And this is a mild summer.
At this point I have mentioned several times that my ideal is 68-72(20-22) and slightly overcast.
@Iszi you and I are made of different parts.
@lynks You're a cold weather person? Have you been in -20C?
@Simon Even -25F isn't so bad so long as it's not windy.
Gawsh, what is it with you guys and C?
@ScottPack Yeah, when it's windy at that temperature it's horrible.
@Iszi Somewhere where we both have the same queen.
@Simon yep, in sweden. But that is a little too cold
@lynks A little.
Prague was around -5C when I was there. For me, that is pretty much perfect weather, when it's cold enough that nothing melts, so you get nice dry snow everywhere.
Also perfect for drifting
@Simon Heh -20C.. how cute!
@Adnan BLABLABLA, you northern prick.
My data on Hello Kitty is very serious. — Simon 13 mins ago
@Simon Finally, someone who understands!
Who the hell wouldn't understand?!?
I answered a reptrain before it went hot. Unfortunately, my answer is the third >.<
@Simon Here's a picture of my friend's car
@Adnan Really?
@Simon Yup, it's her actual day-to-day car
@Adnan Oh god.
I would never ever date a girl who's driving a car like this.
Unless her name is Lucy Pinder. If that was the case, I'd get over it.
Boo at censorship.
@Simon Somebody is.
@Adnan You?!?
@Simon Oh god no!
@Adnan Hahaha
@Adnan does she work at a circus?
@AviD Nope.
@Adnan cab driver that caters exclusively to clowns?
@AviD Nope. Her car has nothing to do with her job
ah, so she bought it from a circus.
@Adnan Is that hello kitty on the front?
seriously, first time today I pop my head in, and I see a car painted with pepto bismol.
bad timing, I guess.
@copy Yes, That's why I showed it to Simon
@Adnan I thought because it was an oldtimer. But that makes sense too
My girlfriend would like that car
@AviD I'd like to speak to you in private. How can we do that?
@Adnan come to the alley out back. I'll be the guy in the trenchcoat.
@AviD Do you have CryptoCat?
@Adnan no... how private did you need?
@Adnan nice, a 2cv 6 special. I used to race those :D
@AviD an SE room is okay. But I'd like it to be private, at least until we finish the conversation.
you can connect to me on linkedin (from my profile) and go from there... or I could open a moderation room here.
@AviD Yup, a mod room is good
not email?
@copy Run away while you can.
Avi never emails me. :(
@Simon Shh, not so loud
@copy DO IT NOW!
@AviD The room is kicking me out the second I join
@Adnan sorry, my wiretap must be playing up. try now.
@AviD add explicit write access in the ACL
its already been done... though I would expect that done automatically when creating a room for X and Y....
@AviD You should never expect anything from a developer to make sense.
@ScottPack damn code monkeys
@ScottPack I have seen logs that read "nothing to log"
@ScottPack haha look at the hairstyles in the background
@lynks '50s?? Hello???
@lynks What about them?
@lynks or do you not have a clue what that bit is from....
@AviD I have never seen this before in my life.
@AviD So you're gonna ban @Simon just like we agreed?
Grease is a 1978 American musical film directed by Randal Kleiser and produced by Paramount Pictures. It is based on Warren Casey's and Jim Jacobs's 1971 musical of the same name about two lovers in a 1950s high school. The film stars John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, and Jeff Conaway. It was successful both critically and at the box office; ended 1978 as the second-best selling album of the year in the United States, behind the soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever, another film starring Travolta. A sequel, Grease 2, was released in 1982, starring Maxwell Caulfield and...
@lynks SHAME ON YOU!
@lynks you now have plans for this evening.
@Adnan lol, but of course.
My poor account!
@Simon It's not you're doing anything useful with it
@Manish Where's that reptrain?
@Adnan RUDE.
@ScottPack I seem to remember a girlfriend trying to get me to watch that. I made her sit through 12 angry men while I constantly paused it to explain why it is so good. The relationship ended reasonably shortly after.
@ScottPack I went to local amateur production a few months ago. It was surprisingly good, but more than that I was surprised to find out how much the movie was different from the original play.
@Adnan Not on SecSE. See top of multicollider
@Adnan yeah, she said that too.
@AviD Last weekend I saw a production of Willy Wonka. It followed the movie surprisingly closely.
Second reptrain on Phys this week ^.^
@Simon Real-Time UDP Data Emitter
@Adnan !kb Adnan
@AviD There's a single line that was added to the play that would have made me like the movie so much more.
@ScottPack which one? the one with the cool candy eccentric, or the scary pedophile?
@AviD Gene Wilder. I've not seen the new one.
@ScottPack I find the new one inappropriate for kids.
@AviD But, in this play version, Wonka says that everybody failed because they were bad kids. Then Charlie admitted to drinking the soda and apologized. Wonka came back and said, "You now won! You were smart enough not to get caught but good enough to admit your mistakes and feel regret. Yay!"
@ScottPack hmm, yeah, that would have clarified the ending a bit better. I think the way it is left does go a bit over most kids heads, too much left unsaid.
I would tag this for @RoryAlsop, but he probably doesnt even remember his '30s...
@AviD It always bothered me that Charlie basically got out of being punished for his bad behavior by simply hiding it.
actually, I found most of the "exemplary" behavior in that movie to be reprehensible.
@ManishEarth That top answer is awesome.
@TerryChia Yeah :P
the first half of the movie is about the joys of laying in bed all day and making someone else slave to feed you, and the pride in dreaming about random lottery ticket luck.
My answer has funny bits too, but those are physics-funny
Wait...am i misremembering? I have an image of Wonka getting mad at Charlie for drinking the soda, but then being forgiven for showing integrity by giving back the gobstopper?
the second half has his "role model" encourage him to steal, cheat, lie, and etc.
other than being a whiny bitch, its a wonder charlie turned out half as good as he did.
@lynks Different movie
@ManishEarth No, I think both movies are under discussion here.
I have no idea what is going on. flies away
@lynks no, thats right.
@Iszi Ah. Yeah, that's it. He had the fizzy soda and didn't confess
but the point was he was honest about it, and volunatrily came clean.
But Wonka knew
@Adnan why?
and was disappointed.
But Charlie gave back the gobstopper
I think I need to read the book.
Book is good
I love Dahl
but not as good as Wilder.
I'll queue it up. I'm going through the Mistborn series now.
@AviD Is anything?
Also, @AviD, I just finished that 30 list. It makes me sad.
hehe, true.
Danny Kaye.
@ScottPack lol, hits em all, eh?
@AviD No. We still like Ikea.
well that's odd
However, we did get really excited to buy a Broyhill loveseat off Overstock and get free shipping.
I mysteriously lost 2 rep
@ScottPack Ikea is having a huge sale here next week. I might just drag the wife and baby out and go.
@ScottPack free shipping?? w000t!!
I had 12,990 yesterday. Today I have 12,988 and there are no negatives in my last week of rep
@AJHenderson autodeletion roomba
@AviD The closest Ikea is currently 3 hours from us. After we move it'll be 1:45
Check "show removed posts" on your rep page
@LucasKauffman I think it's a mixture of your answer lacking a small piece of information, and my initial misunderstanding.
@ManishEarth of 2 points?
@AviD I know right?
@AJHenderson suggested edit
I guess maybe a post I suggested edit way back
It's happened to many people today, not just 2 rep
@ScottPack oy. I can pretty much get to the other end of the country in 3 hours...
@Lucas In that step you haven't mentioned how to encrypt the key with the password. A key must be derived from that password to encrypt the encryption key.
and you didn't mention that.
:yeah, but in that case it showed up
@AJHenderson The same thing happened to me last night.
@Lucas It confused me a bit and I thought there's something wrong
@AviD The state of Ohio is, essentially, a square that's 3-4 hours on a side.
but I guess that has to be the answer
nothing else makes sense, I'm just sad to no longer be 1 upvote from 13k :(
and it ruined my nice big even number
@ScottPack so about 5 hours SW corner to NW corner?
maybe I should go downvote 8 people's answers
from this day forward, all garbage-collection related routines I write will be called 'roomba'
@AviD Ish. It's all rough math.
@lynks do they have to repeatedly free the same ram over and over again before crashing
@AJHenderson aww, are they that bad? I was hoping to buy one one day
@ScottPack simple Pythogorean statement.
@AviD I'm also going to be driving back home for Saturday, not bothering to stay the night. It's about a 2.5-3 hour drive.
@lynks I hear they are fun with cats. And stairs.
but especially with sentient AI.
@lynks I don't know if bad is the word, but they aren't very smart about how they clean, they tend to just move around a lot going over and over to make sure they get everything, but they get stuck if there is anything like say, a cat 6 wire across your floor
like, say, the link cable I have running between the router at the front of the apartment and the 20 port switch in the office
at the back
so no roomba for me :(
@AviD stairs they are actually very good at detecting
but Roomba's suck, even when they work great
and by suck, I mean, brush with a fan
as in bad air flow jokes
And lunch. Gentlemen. Tiggers. Other genders.
@ScottPack sounds like a rather unappetizing lunch, except for perhaps the last part
@AJHenderson interesting. The other thing of course is the possibility of a hilarious dog poo incident.

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