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Anyone around that uses SonicWall firewalls?
8 hours later…
[Bigger is better right?] (arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/…)
Hmm, not sure where that went wrong.
@TerryChia Mucking Farkdown.
1 hour later…
@TerryChia Well to be fair, the article is written a bit strange. The real news is of course the required support for SAN certificates, and that Google might save with it a pretty penny. The 2048-bit RSA key size is really not newsworthy considering most CAs don't issue long term validity 1024-bit certs anymore for future-proofing reasons.
@TildalWave hehe. obviously it's not written by a person that well versed in security.
> The online encyclopedia went on to say that a 1024-bit key has not yet been factored. While it may take years for that to happen, it's only a matter of time until it is.
I find this one kinda amusing...
@TerryChia Yup that's an awkward sentence, tho it's still quite possible it's true, if the factoring started well before now and is a continuous process LOL
The article is otherwise reasonable but I find it strange where they emphasised it.
@TildalWave Well it all comes down to Bigger Is Obviously Betterâ„¢ in the eyes of most people.
And yes, "That's what she said" and all.
@TerryChia That's actually another good point that's been omitted from the article. I'm pretty sure Google would much prefer being able to use 1024-bit keys with a clear consciousness for the foreseeable future. Bigger is definitely not better for them here, it's more of a price to pay for sleeping with the devil ;)
And it gave somebody, somewhere,... something to do and earn their pay grade... armchair wizardry :))
1 hour later…
@TildalWave yeah, we do have a photo competition over there but we have to do it through the QA format, so basically it's based on cumulative votes. Which ever has the most votes gets moved to a hall of fame wiki and placed in the header for a week
and then it moves on to the next week
we're also considering some special event type things for it
where we'd have a separate post and have people put one for a theme
it's all a pretty intensely manual process for the mods over there though and there are only really 2 active mods on photo
And we don't really want to push our luck asking for too much custom stuff from SE since they already gave us custom code to be able to place an image in the banner
but yeah, as for how it currently works, you can post one photo a week and people vote up (no down votes on the honor system) for the ones they like
@TildalWave I'm sorry but I'll have to disagree. All of these are really big leaps and speculations. To the best of my abilities, I tried to show the plausibility of the attack according to the OP's story. If the daughter was forced to cooperate and until now can't confess it, then the family has way bigger problems and police should be involved as this is a continuing threat. — Adnan 25 mins ago
@Adnan I'm a bit annoyed by your comment here. You really can't think of a reason why I commented under your answer and not add a new one? It's certainly not to try and mock any of what you wrote.
I've also added 3 other possible scenarios, and newer said they're any more feasible than what you described. I did however refrain from drawing any conclusions, unlike you did.
@TildalWave Oh no, please don't be. I didn't think that you were mocking or anything. I just politely disagreed. I don't think we want to add to what the mother is already feeling and make it worse. Telling her that someone is threatening her daughter based on speculations isn't something I'd do
If this is ever going to be investigated properly, then all the possible scenarios will have to be tested against all gathered evidence. Leaving any possibility out is gross negligence and far greater cause for alarm, than $200 gone missing from some individual's account. It is a possibility and it should be considered.
@Tildal I agree.
@Adnan I guess what I wanted to say is that I was merely adding to the list of possible scenarios and trying to show that I completely understand that woman's fury. Bank reacted with arrogance there, pointing fingers at their client when neglecting to see they might be responsible. I dig that they need to advertize confidence and trustworthiness, but pointing fingers before actually even trying their best to establish what happened is... well... moronic.
@TildalWave 100% with you
But if we were gonna go that route, why not say that someone in the bank has forged the logs? What if someone broke their house a week ago and cloned the cards then stole the PIN that was written on a post-it note on the desk?
What if someone intercepted an SMS containing the PIN while the daughter sent it to the mother?
We can come up with tens of scenarios
But we're just making the poor mother worry more and more.
@Adnan I believe none of it should be dismissed actually. It wouldn't have been the first time some bank employee was involved in such schemes either. But there's easier ways to clone a card than breaking into one's house... girls leave their wallets and cards in them on chairs with their "girlfriends" when they are asked for a dance by a cute man... e.t.c.... anyway, it's rather trivial to clone a card before
Now, imagine one of their "girlfriends" having drug problems? Would she have problems "borrowing" a little form her "friend"? Not to mention what kinds of boyfriends that "friend" would have then... all of them with money problems. Coercing also shouldn't be dismissed IMO, and is by far more difficult to get credible testimonials from victims than merely asking for them politely.
@TildalWave I think we're going off-topic here. I'll just summarize what I think of your comment.
Yes, I, 100%, agree with you. There are 100s of scenarios that shouldn't be dismissed, but I think it's pointless to list them for the mother. If you think otherwise, please, be my guest, list 10 or 20 of them.
@Adnan Coercing? I think it shouldn't be dismissed that easily. Coercers don't just magically disappear all of a sudden, especially not college bullies... they need to be dealt with special gloves, ones that police don't carry.
@TildalWave Jesus! Are you reading what I'm writing? I'm agreeing with you that nothing should be dismissed.
@Adnan Neah let's not get funny here, I wanted to add a few more possibilities to show the bank's attitude is wrong, maybe give her a little something for her to take to her lawyer, so they can either defend her daughter if the bank wants to prosecute, or maybe better - strike first.
I think you're taking the whole question a bit personally. I'll get out a bit before we carry on with this. Relax a bit, we're friends here, I don't want to see this talk turn into what it was not meant to be.
@Adnan Oh it's fine, you probably think I type slow :)) Neah, I dig that with all my 10 fingers :P
@Adnan No no... nothing personal damnit! If you want to get personal, how about you send some of your hooch down my way first? I'm.... conventional :))
@TildalWave I'm screwed on that front by the way. I don't have any room here below 24C, that's too high to store the wine. I'm afraid these two batches will be ruined
@Adnan Ouch! Can't you move them to someone else's place or bury them in the yard?
@TildalWave I'm afraid it's gonna be difficult to move them without upsetting the sediments.
@Adnan temporarily freezing the bottom is not an option?
@TildalWave I think that would kill the yeast.
I'm currently trying to make this DIY cooling system. I hope it's gonna help
@Adnan No, shouldn't ... and if there's still enough unprocessed sugars in it they'll just resume as if nothing happened... at least, that's my 2 cents. You could freeze the bottom with a fire extinguisher, if it's not a problem to refill them
6 hours later…
Anyone here?
me neither
@CodesInChaos hehehe
user image
Today I realized that I'd be so awful as a moderator on any SE site. In fact, I think I'd be awful moderating anything.
The current mods are doing an amazing job balancing following the rules and staying nice to the users.
I can't do that.
@Adnan Which is why you should go answer a question or two on serverfault and contribute to that election.
@ScottPack Actually, being awful at moderating makes me, consequently, awful at electing good moderators.
@Adnan I could help you with that. :)
On SE elections, I usually just give my votes to candidates with 1:2 or less downvote:upvote ratio.
I've always thought that being hard makes you a good mod
@Adnan Why? That sounds like policing, not moderating... actually, quite the opposite IMO
If being hard is what you look for then I could be fantastic.
@ScottPack Sadly, you're not of gender I'm looking for :P
OK, I'm not looking actually ...
@TildalWave Even if he was a female, I still don't want her to be hard down there.
@Adnan You're reading it wrong! :P
@TildalWave See? Bad mod!
@Adnan I agree with you that it's probably not easy being a mod for some, but @Scott shouldn't have problems with that, he's backed by a good sense of snark
@TildalWave Oh no, I fully support him. I just don't wanna write answers at SF.
@Adnan well in this context, that's mutually exclusive ;)
Sorry, I got distracted.
c'mon SF isn't MSO... it's a bunch of tough cookies that's all... warm up your tea and dunk them in ;)
Damn! I'm still impressed by my SOAP-REST comment.
@ScottPack Snark is so strong with you, someone even contracted a "know your meme" virus :)))
Q: Virus affecting MS Office files

soroush(I'm not sure if here is correct place for asking this question) I've come across a strange virus that changed contents of all MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and image formats. It places this ASCII string in all files: Because fuck you! Thats why How do I restore back information? Can trying to b...

@TildalWave That totally wasn't me!
@Adnan: if I am wrong, you're free to say so in a positive manner. Bitching about the fact that I said sometimes and linking that to a question on Sec.SE where I said something, which I have been corrected on (and corrected), makes you sound like a total jerk. — Sébastien Renauld 55 secs ago
I guess I should stop bitching and being a jerk
Hugs dude. Hugs.
IMHO, it was completely constructive criticism. Nothing negative about that.
@Adnan oh I get that all the time don't worry about it
@ScottPack Nah, not gonna reply.
@Adnan What I meant earlier was that I get complaints about you bitching all the time but I just tell them that's how you are, and if they don't like it maybe they should stop bitching about it :))
@TildalWave Naaah, bitching is alright.
j/k of course,... but I hate redundancy in people bitching about bitching
Or was that slutting?
@Adnan you mean whoring
slutting is free tho
@Adnan hmm that can be seen as illegal weapon concealment in some countries tho... not sure about yours
why remove it?
@TildalWave Shit! I forgot about that!
@Adnan I meant carrying it around, not showing on DMZ ffs!
@ScottPack Something is wrong in my room.
Outside is 12C, inside is 24C
@Adnan because of all your silent farting.
The only two heat sources are the me and the laptop.
@Adnan wooden paneling?
@TildalWave Nope
@Adnan hmmm well in my previous flat I rented I've been in the 1st floor and all the heating pipes went under and around it for the whole building... the walls and floor were really warm to the touch when they were heating it... try touching your walls, also behind (or on top of, heat goes up anyway) furniture
is my latest edit enough to get this question out of jail? security.stackexchange.com/questions/36371/…
@Sulla It's putting your question slightly more into a specific context, but I'd say it's still missing quite a bit. Most of it is quoting an answer from another thread, and it would be advisable if you could provide even more details on what you're trying to do. Will you be authenticating users, and how? What are your data's trust boundaries, e.t.c. Basically, anything you can think of and can share with us could prove helpful in answering it.
@Maerlyn To bring this in a proveable, reproduceable relation: In my benchmarks, using the offical examples from the crypt() doc page, BLOWFISH wins as the slowest algorithm, but only very close to SHA512. 100 loops of hashing+salting with the standard cost factors are 1.9sec for BLOWFISH, 1.35sec for SHA512. Sorry, the "designed to be fast/slow" argument is not really valid here. And if we have a deeper look on the cost factors (can we compare "04" base-2 logarithm in blowfish to 5000 rounds in sha512 ?), i'm even more unsure if BLOWFISH is really slower than SHA512. — Panique 1 hour ago
I'm sorry but I have to say it - PHP programmers are the worst of the whiny bunch of little bitches and even my pets are better at abstract reasoning. Sure, program in PHP, that's fine... but call yourself a PHP programmer and you've just lost all my respect! Your skills are an oxymoron!
PHP programmer is as much of a programmer as the silence is deafening, darkness is bright, and vacuum filled with matter
</end rant>
how about now? @TildalWave
@Sulla Seems fine, I'll vote to reopen and we'll see what other guys/gals think ;)

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