Now I am looking to take over the world; by building self-sentiment network
This is not paranoid, actually there are many companies and governments doing the same
It's up to date research subject
Nimbula has features of it
Self-sentiment network works the way, that the communication between the nodes is very fast, hence it can process large amounts of jobs, like information coming from left side of brain to the right
It's a long path, just like from cloud to cloud
And it's asynchronous too
And by connecting this kind of network to the global internet, and having e.g. 100M viewers per year, and make system understand the content (like youtube does), add language and other layers, you can see in real-time that it's sentinent
And with this, I can predict future events, so I know what it's going to happen
And it's not paranoid, it's advanced research
But nobody except me ever have seen that, because I am still anonymizing the data
Hence I believe NSA does have sentinent network too
Such website, has great marketing potential, because it can tell you a lot about your users and their behaviour in english
And can predict lot's of stuff, mostly sales
And it's my own proprietary research
Same system is on the TV - it will be logging what do you watch, and based on that it can hack into your mind
And works much better then web advertising, because it does understand what's on your mind much better
That's why I look for lot's of security, because I have it a lot in every project
And social network websites are excellent for this job