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Q: How to decode this runforestrun gootkit

idontknowInfected site is hxxp://www.infraredpsi.com/Pluginlab/Scripts/menuscript.js online scan result: http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=141893 I can de-obfuscate the first layer of the code that use the eval(function(p, a, c, k, e, r,) but stuck on the second layer of obfuscation. Can anyone show me...

Too Localized?
@Gilles This question on HTTPS GET and POST should provide a basic understanding of the way SSL wraps things, but it's not a panacea in terms of answering the question: security.stackexchange.com/questions/12531/…
@Polynomial yeah, I think so. flag it quick now.
and just for morning giggles
Q: Simple proof that GUID is not unique

KaiI'd like to prove that a GUID is not unique in a simple test program. I expected the following code to run for hours, but it's not working. How can I make it work? BigInteger begin = new BigInteger((long)0); BigInteger end = new BigInteger("340282366920938463463374607431768211456",10); //2^128 ...

some of the comments are priceless.
Following on from my answer about obscurity in "less popular software", I have a great example
some guy at InfoSec was giving me some spiel about his product. essentially it's an RSA SecureID token, except it's your smartphone.
so you install an app, and it acts as a SecureID, so you don't need to lug a bunch of tokens around with you.
great idea, except android malware (and iPhone malware for that matter) could just screenshot the phone using the standard API
and then they've stolen your token.
so I asked him about it, and he said "oh, but it'd have to be some very specialised malware, and they'd have to put a lot of work into directly targeting our app. I don't think that'll happen."
to which I said "until I go home and write a PoC."
awkward silence ensues
in case anyone missed this (I almost did):
A: Clarify our stance on black hat questions

IsziAfter several discussions in chat, most notably ones involving @Gilles, I've learned a couple key points. To sum up, these add up to say that any truly undesirable or inappropriate "black hat" questions should already be getting handled per existing StackExchange policies. For the TL;DR version...

I consider this answer accepted.
@Polynomial nice. and nasty. Good combination.
I didn't actually write the PoC, but his reaction was enough.
he's presenting a security-through-obscurity technique at a hacker conference. what the hell does he expect?
@Polynomial yeah, now if only he took that reaction back to the office with him, and shared it with product development.
Of course he didn't :P
but it's going to eat in the back of his brain
double-guid chance of that happening.
they would have to scrap the product and start over.
kind of hurts their business model.
just a little.
especially since YubiKey essentially does what they're doing, but properly.
you still get a hardware token, but no batteries, no screen, USB operated, and tiny.
yeah. but securID on a phone? dumb idea.
then again, RSA builds the SecurIds properly-ish, too.
@Polynomial actually, I dont think its a dumb idea, I think its a great idea.
not a secure one, but a good one nonetheless.
I agree there.
It's a great idea in theory, from a usability point of view.
to some extent, it is security theater, but sometimes that has some value too - consider if the actual equivalent security is too expensive.
but the security is flawed.
and from a business point of view.
possibly. I dunno.
YubiKeys are cheap.
so, there are some risks. so what? A much cheaper, easier securid.
he was licensing the software at £10 per app download, plus £35/year subscription.
the thumbprint scanner on laptops? also not secure. but its cheap biometrics.
whereas YubiKey is a one-time £25 purchase. no license.
@Polynomial whoa. not cheap for an insecure security app.
and it relied on their servers being up all the time.
and, to some extent, connectivity.
there was a long-winded explanation of their probably-not-secure "corner case" where your phone has no signal.
@Polynomial wait, this all goes through their own hosted servers?
even worse.
you can see why I was sceptical.
I dont think skeptical is the word you're looking for.
I almost lost it when he mentioned "cloud service".
but basically it was an interesting concept wrapped in bad security, bad reliability and a bad costing model.
@Polynomial I hate it when totally clueless people don't know they're clueless, but know just enough buzzwords to fool the mostly clueless (and themselves)
Damn. That's my raison d'être out the window then.
no no, the cluefull playing with the mostly clueless is all in good fun. Besides, we know we're doing it, so that makes it okay.
gtg now, that stupid document is not writing itself. Sadly.
kk, laters :]
Is this where all the cool kids hang out?
of course.
@LucasKauffman thats what we tell the not-so-cool kids, so they dont bother us in our real spot.
mornin' all
Hello Rory's!
I for one disagree about the phone token issue. I think that the effective security of using PC+yubikey is lower than PC+phone if the phone software is well written.
It's simply an issue of one trojan to KO, or two trojans on separate devices to KO
(But of course I don't claim that the phone application in question was well written)
@CodesInChaos I don't think that's true. You only need one trojan on one device in both cases. You're still typing the token in.
and it's worse in this case, because if you trojan the mobile you get the token before it's used
A good phone token displays the transaction details
@Polynomial be specific: one trojan on one out of two devices. So according this line of thinking, you're effectively doubling your attack surface (at least as far as trojans go).
So with phone+PC you need a trojan on the phone to fake the displayed data(and that trojan needs root privs), and you need a trojan on the PC to capture the login password
With yubikey a trojan on the PC is enough, and it doesn't even need root
no, you only need a trojan on the PC for both scenarios.
just have it trick the browser into timing out when you log in
and send the data to the attacker
I'm assuming a scenario like online banking
the point is that with an RSA SecurID or a YubiKey you can't infect the device. They're sealed.
where you need to confirm a transaction, and not just login
I'm not assuming any specific scenario. Just in general.
If you log into my bank account you can't do any real damage
and what about cases where the attacker already knows the password, e.g. from a dump on a compromised site, and a re-used password?
then you've got an attack surface twice the size.
If you assume that that once side has already been compromized, then the risk is higher
But I don't think that's a valid assumption
Of course a specialized hardware device with display would be preferable over a phone
But a phone is still better than a non interactive device like yubikey or RSA tokens
And are root exploits for android really that common? I thought most android malware runs without root
@CodesInChaos a. yes b. exactly, it doesnt matter.
but you guys are talking about different things.
@Polynomial is talking about 2nd factor user authentication (much like securid or yubikey). @CodesInChaos is talking about the potential for transaction authentication.
different feature set, different use case, different security profile. Different security benefits.
transaction authentication is a fantastic twist on authentication, and does provide some very interesting possiblities. however, because its implemented on an insecure, non-closed device, it is open to additional risks.
the basic difference between secure software and security software.
which is part of why I was saying earlier that it's a great idea, just not a secure one.
hmm, does this mean noone else is coming?
I'd forgotten about that.
I'm actually not sure what the whole deal is about. Just doing some talk/discussion about moderator elections?
Or is this more like one of those televised debates they have in the US, where the electorates bitch at each other for an hour?
"I say your 6 cent titanium tax goes too far!" "I say your 6 cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough!"
somewhere in between.
its supposed to be like the televised debates, but last year there was (almost) no bitching.
to paraphrase @ThomasPornin, it was just a big Care Bear Love Fest.
he's right, everyone here is a sissy.
gives those who are not usual on the chat to get to know the candidates.
@AviD hmm, but this year @Iszi is running, so...
how are folks doing with this week's topic?
the native stuff?
it's interesting, but quieter than I expected.
@Polynomial I feel that that is exactly what Captain Cook said. Right before they killed him.
speakers include Dennis Groves
Steven Furnell
on the same day as 44Con
@Polynomial well, for those of us who can't get to 44Con, it's something...
(jealous, moi?)
yew jelly.
that sounds most unpleasant, actually.
@Polynomial I read that as jew belly. really couldn't figure out what kind of racial slur you were aiming for.
unless you're just really bad at slap talk
I don't go blue, that's the lazy man's comedy!
I dont understand this comment:
It's... pretty much pointing at itself. well, the question it's on. but, duh.
nor I.
hence why I flagged.
@AviD Blue = blue-collar comedy. fart jokes, shock comedy, etc.
basically the concept that vulgarity is comedy.
@Polynomial ah, okay. I know blue collar comedy, wasnt sure you were referring to that.
Figured it was a Britishism.
@Polynomial sometimes it is, but not usually.
It's an Americanism, I believe.
Adam Sandler can get away with it, but you can't.
@AviD Hence why I prefixed it with the qualifier "basically"... :P
@Polynomial yes. but do you mean "blue collar" is an americanism, or "vulgarity"?
haha, good question ;)
blue collar was my intent, but now that you mention it...
I know I probably shouldn't, but I seriously have to promote this kickstarter:
a proper RTS game. smashing planets into each other! looks very fun.
@Polynomial wait, is it a computer game? I want that IRL
the video was jaw-droppingly awesome
@Polynomial if you're reverse engineering malware, is that a blackhat activity?
I wouldn't say so, no.
I guess so: if you were legit, you'd have the source of the malware
if you were weren't legit, you'd have the source :P
since you'd have written it in the first place.
or you'd be working for the malware guys.
I'm trying to follow the point of view of the sissies
you're just coming across as conflictory :P
On MSO I've heard several times that reverse engineering is intrinsically bad
I don't even consider reversing commercial software blackhat
like on MSF they consider firewall piercing intrinsically bad
The way I see it is blackhat is NOT about WHAT you're doing. It's about your intent.
@CodesInChaos as you can guess, I agree with that
blackhat and illegal are independent terms though.
a lot of blackhat stuff is illegal, but some non-blackhat stuff is illegal too.
so just because something isn't blackhat doesn't mean we should allow it.
@Polynomial Yup. if I go and murder my neighbor, it's not blackhat
it's RedHat!
oh, wait.
It's blackhat if you do with by hacking his insuline pump
but I meant more along the lines of cracking commercial software.
Q: Is there a word to describe someone who tends to disagree with others only to upset them?

ArchWhat's the word to describe someone who acts arrogantly and always disagrees with others unreasonably in order to upset people around him/her? [I'm not looking for adjectives like unpleasant, annoying, unfriendly, rude, I'm looking for a more specific term like opinionated, didactic, loquacious,...

the irony there is immensely silly.
Deck the halls with pics of goatse, trololololol lolol lolol...
@Polynomial for that matter, there is some blackhat that is not illegal.
but it might be morally unjust.
at which point we leave it up to the answerer.
@CodesInChaos or his wifi-enabled pacemaker.
Wanted to say that at first, but couldn't think of the English word for it
@Polynomial well, it depends - if its malicious, then no.
of course.
I sort of agree about leaving the much more subjective "ethical" out of it. But blackhat is ambiguous, so I'm liking the illegal/malicious.
@Polynomial then again, drjimbob was proposing to ban all black box pentesting here
@Gilles old meta argument.
@Polynomial I'm in a dirty mood today. So: if you break a DRM enforcing software, is that ethical?
@Gilles don't think he was quite advocating that. He was proposing to ban all black box pentesting questions that showed malintent.
at some point some wanted solutions only, no testing techniques. Ala OWASP's builders, not breakers.
@Gilles Grey area. Let the answerer decide.
@Polynomial he was in his revised answer (maybe you only saw the original)
@Gilles I agree, very gray. Or rather, specifics matter.
e.g. Sony's DRM was particularly malicious to begin with.
haha, yeah.
iphone jailbreaking is another good example
I consider breaking DRM ethical
that's just off-topic here.
in almost all cases
there's an explicit legal decision that makes it ok (for some purposes)
iPhone Jailbreaking isn't a security topic. unless they're asking about how it works, in terms of exploiting the kernel.
and then it's a grey area depending on the intent.
@CodesInChaos here's an example that its grayer: copying content, outside of fair use, and posting it drm-free to the internet.
DRM in a corporate context can be ok, since there it's the owner of the system who decides to use it
@Gilles Maybe. I think a lot of what he was doing was taking his views to the literal extreme, so that when a compromise was reached he'd get what he really wanted :P
so it's decidedly not illegal, and while anyone may argue anything to be ethical, something that the law goes out of its way to allow has a presumption of ethicality
or a licensed software, for that matter.
@Gilles That's one way to put it, yes.
but again we rely on the moral compass of the answerer to judge whether something should be answered.
there's plenty of stuff on SO that I just ignore because I suspect that it's a question related to malware.
One interesting variant is cheats for games. One of the few times I actually worked on enforcing some kind of DRM
yet it doesn't get downvoted or closed.
@Gilles the law specifies "fair use" (mainly to limit malicious licenses). Outside of that, its questionable again.
@CodesInChaos Off-topic here, so we'll never have to deal with it.
@Polynomial not completely.
@AviD I was refering to jailbreaking in that message, and to US law
there was a q on games dev that I wanted ported here.
hmm? A question of how to detect an executable was modified in memory seems on topic here
it was basically about how to implement some signing on game data.
@Gilles oh, my bad.
@AviD In the context of the game, it's off topic. In the context of breaking the copy protection, it's illegal. In the context of breaking cheat protection, it's partially on topic, but then it's going back to the DRM problem really that's already been answered to death.
@AviD no worries, I realize the conversation was getting very disjointed
i.e. you've given the user the data, and now want to stop them using it as they wish.
@Gilles so's your face.
I miss @ScottPack.
@Polynomial yeah, pretty much. But there are always some special circumstances and context.
@AviD but then if it's a specific implementation, it's Too Localized.
@AviD in that top answer, the last message shouldn't be “why hasn't the universe ended yet?” but “your RNG sucks”
@Polynomial not necessarily.
@AviD How so?
@AviD it's my reproductory apparatus, actually
@Gilles I'm not sure I want to know where you're going with that.
That's what she said.
oo oo! That's what SHE said!
@AviD are you aware of the meaning of the word gills that my avatar illustrates?
oh man, you ninja'd me. :(
@Gilles ohhh riiiight.
A lamella, or gill, is a papery hymenophore rib under the cap of some mushroom species, most often but not always agarics. The gills are used by the mushrooms as a means of spore dispersal, and are important for species identification. The attachment of the gills to the stem is classified based on the shape of the gills when viewed from the side, while color, crowding and the shape of individual gills can also be important features. Additionally, gills can have distinctive microscopic or macroscopic features. For instance, Lactarius species typically seep latex from their gills. It was...
@Polynomial given a specific set of circumstances, as my context, that's not too localized, it's what we keep asking for.
how many comments were left on questions "give us some more context" "tell us about what you're doing" etc etc.
anyway, lunchtime
not the specific implementation, but the specific context.
be back in an hour for the chattage.
@Polynomial so you can't turn around and say, well now you've given the context so it's too localized ;-)
@Polynomial enjoy.
A brute-force collision on a 128 bit function isn't that far out of reach
In a cryptographic context I'd avoid 128 bit random values if I need uniqueness/no collisions
I dunno. 2^127 operations before an expected collision? granted it'll be less than that in practice, but still...
personally I use SHA256
@AviD Whaddup sweetness?
A 128 bit value only needs 2^64 operations before a collision
@ScottPack your face, of course.
and that's to small for my taste
@CodesInChaos You sure on that one? :s
@CodesInChaos no, on statistical average it would be 2^127.
@CodesInChaos most applications don't fear collisions, only collisions with known data
@AviD Don't mind me. I'm eating breakfast.
@ScottPack mmm, lasagna.
@AviD Collisions only need 2^64, pre-images 2^128
@AviD 2^127 if the point is to find a collision with a given value, I think CodesInChaos was refering to the cases where the attacker supplies both values and a collision damages more than the attacker
@AviD Homemade granola with soy milk. My cholesterol is something for the ages.
I generally like 1) 256 bit if collisions are relevant 2) 160 bits if there are multi-target pre-images 3) 128 if there is a single target
@Gilles ah, right. I was talking about a given value.
shouldn't that mean 2^65 rather than 2^64 then? since we need to compute two hashes per operation.
depends on what you consider an operation in this context. I considered creating a value a single operation. But I don't really care about small pre-factors. If those matter, your security margin was far too small in the first case.
@Polynomial especially inexcusable because in most smartphones you should be able to do it right
@Gilles I'd have assumed they'd be using USB-based transfer to send the token.
I think all high-end phones have Trustzone, I don't know what proportion of them have the associated machinery that let you have secure boot and secure access to the screen
but they weren't. so... derp.
@Polynomial if done properly, you should be able to do it all on the phone
Can non root applications take screenshots of other applications? WTF
@CodesInChaos Yeah, apps continue to run in the background. They can take screenshots at any point.
Being able to take a screenshot of other applications should require a special privilege
@CodesInChaos isn't the usual assumption that malware can root the phone anyway?
many vendors don't provide updates for Android, so you end up accumulating the known vulnerabilities
no idea how often root exploits turn up
@CodesInChaos I dunno, it's harder to keep track with Android because sometimes the exploit is in vendor-specific configuration or drivers
I'd expect quick fixes when using a good android distribution
with iPhones most of the relevant data points are on Wikipedia
(most vendor specific distributions don't count as good)
@CodesInChaos sure, but most users use whatever their vendor provides
@ScottPack You awake in here? Gonna come join the THC?
@Iszi Just got to the office
That's creepy. Someone just text me about it.
@ScottPack Ah. Had a feeling that might have been it.
@ScottPack You're welcome.
Where's the room?
Oh, that was you!
/me fixes his contacts list
@Polynomial Hey, it's starting!
@AviD That's "smack talk" dear.
@ScottPack no, that was the gay version of it.
not that there's anything wrong with it.
But I don't wunna be a pirate.
@ScottPack shush, you need to concentrate.
yknow, so you dont say something stupid about rape victims.
Boiler plate, boiler plate, blah blah
Define "stupid"
@ScottPack your face.
I am not supposed to answer, right....?
@AviD what do you think? :P
@TerryChia I feel like I'm being interrogated! I want to be helpful! :D
oo @ScottPack is talking about his own face!
heh - @AviD - Stanley :-)
@RoryAlsop been reading up on it, since it's been mentioned here a while ago. Luvving it.
@AviD Cuz my face is awesum.
@AviD I hadn't heard of it before, but it has become timesink
@ScottPack mods need to be able to spell right.
there, i said it! :P
oh snap @Iszi started with the mudslinging. This is gonna get fun!
Has anyone heard of Nicter?
awesome tech, i saw a presentation on it today.
@TerryChia That's true. Moderators, on an ostensibly English site, should have a strong grasp of spelling and grammar.
@ScottPack waddya syaing nwo?
@ScottPack I thot this waz a Scottish site, ye ken!
English language. My sincerest apologies for any unintended implications.
@RoryAlsop Contrary to popular believe, the scottish DO NOT run the world.
@TerryChia eh, wot now?
shurely shome mishtake
@RoryAlsop Sorry for the cold, hard truth... Bacon?
mmm - bacon
@TerryChia LIES
bacon cookies?
Well, I suppose the Scots don't run the world. They just invented it.
@ScottPack No, the martians did.
@ScottPack oh, we leave others to do the admin - sure
@RoryAlsop Admin duties cuts into drinking and being awesome time.

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