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Is that a groupie or a blowup doll?
@RoryAlsop Whoah, cool! Who did that?
7 hours later…
@RoryAlsop excellent
Does Lego Inc provide a service, to produce customized Lego, or did somebody do that by hand?
@ThomasPornin Oh my goodness, @Thomas the Cryptographer said that my answer is better than his...? I am Truly Honored. :)
hehehe, @Thomas the Tank Cryptographer....
5 hours later…
hmm, interesting - my answer is also the least controversial, judging by the relative number of comments (and downvotes) per answer...
Just a note to moderators. The rootkit outline I posted here: security.stackexchange.com/questions/6218/… is not totally armed and dangerous. The ssytem call table changes per compiled version of the kernel, so every kernel update will break that compiled kernel module. Also, the lengths of pointers issue makes it non-portable between 32-bit and 64-bit kernels.
I've also omitted build instructions, headers and how to find the right address for the system call table; the blog post I link to does discuss that. Feel free to take it out if you feel that its inclusion crosses the line from educational to dangerous.
@Iszi By the way, non-grounded but polarized outlet. i.imgur.com/tSypr.jpg
9 hours later…
and I ended up writing a new, I think better, answer from scratch. Ignore my previous message totally; I deleted said post and it's no longer visible to anyone below 10K rep in that state.

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