Holy crap. Couldn't stop laughing as I read this: cracked.com/blog/… Haven't played Skyrim at all, but I think the issues are pretty universally applicable.
@thisjosh I find the best way to solve that problem is to simply act like a 2 year old and say no to everything. "Is this secure?" No. "Can we finish this on time?" No. "Can you do this within the current budget?" No.
@ScottPack Luckily I don't have a 2 year old quite yet :) I do however have some cousins who have mastered the word "no" and are currently employing it to great effect.
@ScottPack Such a tease: "... the video ... features an F4 Phantom ramming a concrete barrier. We'll give you a hint, the jet doesn't win." And the video has been removed by the user.
I was having a conversation recently discussing security approaches. It had to do with the idea that data placed on a networked device can never be completely secure.
In the age of the Internet and on-demand data availability, are there situations where data security and integrity is so importa...