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6:13 AM
@Dɑvïd Yes, big swash!
And not just the caps either, that font swashes and swooshes all over the place. It's actually kind of messy if you try to set more than a word or two with it and even at that some words obliterate themselves, but for this title (and the "Revelations X:Y" chapter headings inside) I think it is just the ticket.
6:34 AM
@Dɑvïd Yes, the devil is going to be in the details. As nice a concept as it is in my head (of course) and as opinionated as I am I'm not actually very talented in the graphic arts department.
5 hours later…
11:23 AM
@Dɑvïd Here's a slightly more developed concept. I was initially thinking about keeping it B&W with the "revealed" parchment being an accent –and that may yet be the way to go– but making the page a parchment with a lighter inset was a lot easier to clean up.
5 hours later…
5:03 PM
@Caleb Like it! Still at mock-up stage? That "torn parchment" revealing the manuscript will be a challenge to nail. Also - like your logo. :)
@Dɑvïd Very much a mockup. Complete with "iStock" watermark on the clipart. If I think the concept will fly I'll get somebody with some skills to sketch the bowl and horse.
And yes the torn parchment thing will be a pain. I might have to do it the "real" way and tear a paper and scan the effect.

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