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@MonicaCellio :)
@Dan good to know that somebody other than me (and Jon) is using it. :-)
(Jon thinks other-language keyboards might actually get implemented in the system -- cool!)
@swasheck see:
This thread is getting too long, let us continue this discussion in chatDan 2 mins ago
@Dan meh. i'm looking at my parsing charts just to make sure we're not way off base ... we're not.
@Dan i'm so lost with this argument. is this re: v31 or v34?
also ... it'd be awesome if we could change color
in text
@swasheck πίστευσον in v. 31
@swasheck either way, it's still not imperfect ;)
@swasheck yes
@Dan so he sees the omicron-nu and thinks ... "Aha! Imperfect!"
@swasheck yes, never mind the sigma preceding it
I think he is trying to say it is a second aorist, but the sigma rules that out
so he looks at the parsing chart sees the omicron-nu and decides "Imperfect Aorist"
@swasheck also note that I addressed 'ganging up on him':
@PatFerguson I just want to start by saying that neither I nor swasheck intended to gang up on you, we were merely trying to explain the grammar. My point is that both aorist and imperfect are both tenses, and thus a verb must be one or the other. It can't be both. Also, there are rules of grammar each follows concerning form, specifically an imperfect will place an epsilon before the verb stem. I'm simply trying to help you see that πίστευσον is a 2nd person singular aorist active imperative. — Dan 26 mins ago
@Dan saw that +1'd it
@swasheck based on his recent comments, I think he may realize he is wrong but he doesn't seem to be the type to readily admit it
Hey @Dan, note that moving the thread to chat only picked up your and Pat's comments, not @swasheck 's. One of you will need to add those manually if they're still relevant. (You can just get the URL of each comment and add it as a stand-alone message to get the usual oneboxing; no need to cut/paste text.)
@MonicaCellio i noticed that, wasn't sure if I should bother though because it may throw off the discussion as they would be out of order
@Dan yeah
oh well
@Dan yeah, it's a limitation of the "move to chat" feature (been burned by that in the past). Other than manually creating a room and pasting everything in one at a time, there's no good solution. If there's anything that you think should be in there you could set it off somehow -- precede with an intro or the like.
@MonicaCellio true
@swasheck feel free to dump any messages in there that would be important :P (passing the buck haha)
@Dan hahaa. no.
@swasheck :P
@Dan i'm back to trying to figure out how to parse these treebanks into something relational (that i can understand)
@swasheck 10-4
@swasheck I probably should work on two separate publications I need to submit by September 2nd, but am not motivated
@Dan about ...
@swasheck I've already written the software for the one, and I have written the methods and results and analysis
I just need to do the lit review
but I don't want to
ps ... i've read your james ... it's good
@Dan hrm
@swasheck a heuristic methodology that uses NLP and supervised machine learning to identify criminal behavior in text messages
pretty much what I always write about :P
I just test different approaches/methods
next I will be using hidden markov models
to analyze context of conversation threads
then eventually another heuristic approach to tie it all together
@swasheck thanks!
I'm still torn on a few things, seriously considering translating 'patient endurance' as just 'patience'
and a few other things
But re:publications I think I'm gonna go the Ph.D. route next year, so decided I need to submit more stuff to journals to beef up publications section of my CV ;)
@Dan no. patient endurance is good. it brings out the sense of the word. i translated it as "militant endurance." it's not a "whatever happens, happens" but an acknowledgement that you absolutely must engage "self" to ensure the endurance
@Dan and that's all kinda born from your employment?
@swasheck EXACTLY - glad you see that too. Confirms my initial thoughts
@swasheck yes, I'm basically just publishing stuff I actually use haha
to some extent anyways
the publications are a lot simpler and more or less just concepts
at work we have better software and some proprietary stuff we use
Several tools now have Python interfaces/environments that let me script within the tool to work with data
So I basically rework my existing code to use alternate environments such as NLTK and WEKA
@swasheck I just noticed that Pat does seem to have a clear theological bent to his approach to the text: hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/5401/…
He seems to pop up several times to grind this axe
good observation
:10997080 some people have more faith in their favorite theologian than their God.
when the theologian is challenged, the challenged party falls back on the infallibility of God (but really the logic implies the infallibility of the theologian)
@swasheck bingo
@swasheck PS I am currently answering this
4 hours later…
@swasheck u still around?
@swasheck I'm surprised how strongly Wallace pushes for the gnomic and continual sense of the present participle in 3:16 ("everyone who continually believes")
I don't feel the grammar lets us make that assertion that confidently
I think you could argue it with context and other passages
But not from grammatical and syntactical features alone
I would argue this is one area where he lets theological bias interfere
@swasheck it is probably somewhat of a moot point
Otherwise you run into issues in Romans 3:24 with δικαιούμενοι in my opinion
I could use the same argument to state we are continually being justified, it is not a one-time deal
(an argument I am willing to make, but for Wallace this is an inconsistency)
@swasheck thoughts?
sorry. work emergency
@swasheck no prob
@Dan wallace isnt infallible either
this is where porter is fascinating with his verbal aspect theory
@swasheck what are your thoughts on the participle being adjectival and not substantival?
(ὁ πιστεύων)
@Dan which passage?
I suppose that would be odd because it would be an adjectival use of a participle to describe an adjective functioning as a substantive
john 3:16
πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων
πᾶς is an adjective
ὁ πιστεύων is articular however, and it agrees with πᾶς
but can it really be adjectival, being that is would be describing and adjective functioning as a substantive?
I guess I should check to see if πᾶς is used substantivally elsewhere, but I've already spent WAAAY too much time on this question
@swasheck this answer could almost be a publication at this point
Arg... this is taking too long
hahah. sorry. still working through issues
I am tempted to just stop now, I doubt anyone will notice that I never finished it
Because no one will know where I intended to go with it :)
@swasheck no prob
@Dan after all this buildup, I'm looking forward to seeing it. :-)
I quit, I don't have any more time to spend on this - and I keep finding rabbit holes to pursue
A: In John 3:16, is the word believe a continous action for everlasting life?

DanThe post-positive conjunction γὰρ in John 3:16 clues us in that there is some preceding context which this passage logically follows. Thus we must also look at vv. 14-15 before returning to v. 16. Context Καὶ καθὼς Μωϋσῆς ὕψωσεν τὸν ὄφιν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ, οὕτως ὑψωθῆναι δεῖ τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ ἀνθρώπ...

@MonicaCellio @swasheck it may actually be a let-down, most of the interesting rabbit holes are not written in the answer (why write about it if I'm not willing to pursue it and clarify it?). I only mention one such rabbit trail since I think it is very important to the question but don't have time to answer it at this time
@Dan wow, you wrote a lot already; I can understand why you wanted to just stop. :-) Thanks for the link, which I hope to digest this evening.
Hey all. I just posted the following on meta and would like to draw some attention to it. It's time to rename the site as previously discussed. Please help.
A: A roadmap to Biblical Studies

Monica CellioWe should just change it now. The current name is neither attracting knowledgable people nor educating new users. Biblical Studies has overwhelming support (by the standards of this site). Yes, there are some unresolved issues, but we shouldn't block on them any more. This change can only help.

@swasheck @MonicaCellio I have a feeling I'm going to read my answer later and kick myself for getting tunnel vision
I think the answer is a lot simpler than I'm making it, but Wallace is throwing me off here
I wouldn't expect him to argue so strongly that it is gnomic and continual here
@MonicaCellio +1 from me
@Dan y'know, on reflection I should have just edited more justification into yours. I started to edit my existing answer, then decided it was enough of a change that I shouldn't carry the votes, so created a new one... not quite noticing yours in the process. Sorry! I'm fine with merging.
@MonicaCellio no, I still have one condition in my response
just leave yours
I upvoted it
@Dan ok.
@Dan thanks!
@swasheck now only imagine if I went into a discussion of aktionsart vs. lexical aspect (a la Wallace vs. Porter). If I also did a proper lit review and found who is on which side for lots of scholars, plus teased out and broke down every similar construction and supporting use, not to mention instances where πᾶς is (or isn't) used as a substantive - this would quickly become a 50+ page paper
I had to leave a lot out
including a discussion of the meaning of the present tense itself
@Dan in the end, though, it would all be foundational information ... "summary of past research"

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