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"On 28 October, after a ten-year development process marked with myriad technical and financial challenges, the SF50 earned its type certificate from the FAA.[64] The design became the first civilian, single-engine jet to be type certified." ... and the last? Only? And it's $2m. "first jet to come with a whole-aircraft ballistic parachute" because... I'm telling you; you're gonna want more cowbell. "FAR part 135 approved" "the most-delivered business jet in [2018~22]"
- If you have 600 pre orders at 100k each, and 150M in the bank to start a company, then go nuts.
Also first jet with auto land... for $170,000
Then threaten to leave. "Duluth, Minnesota committed US$6M and had asked the state of Minnesota to contribute US$4M to build a US$10M factory"

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