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[Minesweeper] 16 Games Played. 16 Bombs Used. 2509 Moves Performed. 1 New Users
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 issue comments
[Zomis/Games] 832 additions. 530 deletions. 6 commits
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
5 hours later…
@MathieuGuindon ohhh, that's a good point.
you want me to do that, 'cause I also did it last time
or you want to figure out the way to encrypt the token as ell.
5 hours later…
Well, turns out the API doesn't actually do a "contains" search, but it can do a "starts with". So, my goal of finding all last names that "contains" and asterisk won't work.
However, I managed to get all the names, save the data in a file, open it in Excel and use Excel to find the asterisks, then paste together the POST URL necessary to make the name changes.
Not quite as automated as I'd like, but it's a simply copy/pasta process and it's good enough.
Has the added bonus of not needing to go through their web interface and specify the now mandatory Race field for those who haven't yet updated their accounts to indicate that.
@Vogel612 basically just a click here, copy that, paste there thing, yeah? I don't mind you doing it at all =)
@MathieuGuindon not quite, you need to encrypt the token, to avoid it sitting in github in plaintext
so it's "google appveyor ci encrypt token, click, copy, paste, copy, paste, commit & push"
you will need to log in as the rubberduck account, I think
If it's not already done by the time I get back to my VM tonight, I'll do it =)
@FreeMan I hope they at least let one choose "Prefer to not disclose" or whatever. Mandating data entry of one's race is.... racist. :-)
@this Yeah, there's a "decline to answer" option. To me, asking about and focusing on "race" as much as we do is racist, but, it seems my opinion is in the minority. Or at least, those who think like that don't yell as loudly as the rest.
3 hours later…
From a medical perspective there is sufficient genetic diversity between groups originating from different parts of the planet that indicating your genotype origin can provide very useful input to a treatment plan. Race is a bad word for Genotype.
and there is immense genetic diversity in what is colloquially referred to as a "race". (Race isn't real)
FWIW I've read that it's insignificant --- the genetic lineage is usually more determinative, rather than the amount of melatonin.
I think that should be melanin.
That's ok. I'm smort, you know.
I was wondering more if you had woken up yet today (terrible terrible joke)
not sure I can handle being woke.
oh it was a reference to melatonin, not wokeness
5 mins ago, by this
That's ok. I'm smort, you know.
:) I'll go and wander off to stun the rest of world with how smort I am.
@Freeflow When I worked for a pharmaceutical manufacturer about a decade ago, they were just starting to seriously dig into this to determine not only which drug, but which quantities were appropriate based on genotype. That's about the only use for any sort of "race" differentiation. The rest is just to stir up trouble.
@Freeman. That's what I meant.
@FreeMan there is some sense of cultural heritage and systemic discrimination (in the neutral sense of the word) associated with the category race, so it's not a meaningless label
but in an ideal world that would not be a thing, except that this world isn't ideal and to properly have data associated with that discrimination, it's useful to get that information.
what does one do with data on discrimination? Most people don't discriminate. Those that do are going to no matter how much you browbeat them.
@FreeMan, it only matters when the discriminator is in a position of power. The problem we face today is "systemic racism" which has been so deeply ingrained in to institutions that we have managed to teach AI how to be racist. I first heard about an AI that was trained on previous case law and then asked to judge future cases. Due to the fact that, per capita, guilty charges are more common against african americans the AI would be more likely to convict african americans in the future.
It also affects your field: nihcm.org/publications/…
If the concept of race was removed from the records used to train the AI then it wouldn't have come to those conclusions and would have used other indicators to make decisions. Thus, sometimes just recording the data can have unintended consequences.
Which has been my point all along - the more you focus on it, the more you find it, even where it doesn't exist.
Exactly, So while I said "race isn't real" people can make anything realized through misguided belief. A self fulfilling prophecy.
There are many social constructs like this and they change all the time. Hopefully, we change them for the better as we learn.
I'm glad women can wear pants and I don't have to wear a tie to work. Unfortunately, discrimination based on features of your body that you can't change are more insidious. They have deep psychological repercussions.
1 hour later…
InStr isn't reserved in VBA, correct? i.e. Dim instr is legal.
not all keywords are reserved.
That's what I thought. But I can't then Debug.Print instr ... that won't compile.
(not sure InStr even qualifies as a keyword since it's a function)
Q: not all keywords are reserved names(?)

6diegodiego9I read somewhere that keywords are special words that are reserved and used by the compiler to determine the structure of your code. So I tried to test some keywords officially found here and here, with surprising results: Dim Me as String ' systax error Dim Len as String ' syntax error Dim Mid A...

Right, there's some semantics going on here
What I don't get is that for example I can do Dim msgbox As String, msgbox = "foo", and Debug.Print msgbox. Yet I can't do the same with instr.
That's spooky.
I think it might be just a edge case that VB's internal parser failed to handle, in spite of InStr() not having any special treatment as a handful of other functions (e.g. conversion functions or Mid() )
Yeah I think you're right on the edge case.
If there are any C# excel interop experts in here, I would like a review on this question.
2 hours later…
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1495 stars vs. [decalage2/oletools] 1879 stars

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