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[Zomis/Duga] 5 commits. 17 additions. 10 deletions.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 124, Bombs Used: 89, Moves Performed: 17526, New Users: 17
11 hours later…
@Duga, who's your daddy? Why, it's @SimonForsberg! :D
sorry, trying to keep from going insane.
Certain topics that are undergoing heavy censorship (here and elsewhere) are getting to me, and it's only 7:30am here. :/
Can anyone change the appveyor webhook to https://duga.zomis.net/appveyor/14929 and send an example payload ?
@FreeMan What is the U.S. up to now?
Employers are starting to require a fear-virus vaccination. Any comment or question about why is being deleted as "unprofessional".
Do note, that I'm not inherently against anyone getting vaccinated. I'm against people being forced to take an experimental drug against their will. If any of you have chosen to be vaccinated, good for you - you've made your own decision as an adult. I'd like to be allowed to make my own decision.
@FreeMan I wouldn't call it "experimental". It was quickly developed and released, but that was due to simplified bureaucracy rather than any experimental science.
If it's not experimental, why is it available under an "Emergency Use Authorization" label from the US FDA instead of simply being "Approved"?
@FreeMan Because it's a pandemic. And regular approval process takes years.
A question for you to think about. Since "no-one in particular" has been told to "drop the subject", I'll refrain from any more comments. We don't need a mod stopping by, sweeping loads of comments under the carpet, and I'm not sure if my user account can take another beating like that.
@FreeMan I already answered your question.
Why does it take years to get a drug approved? Why can't they all be approved in 90 days. Think how much cheaper medicine would be across the board!
Again, my last comment. I won't be baited into more - I don't want to be banned.
@FreeMan That's a question you should ask FDA, not me.
I encourage you to all investigate the wonder drug thalidomide as used in the late 1950s to early 1960s.
@FreeMan That was 50-60 years ago. Plenty of women have already taken the vaccine and gotten pregnant, and had their babies.
The point is that it took years to discover that there were harmful side effects. That's why it takes years of study to get approval. Until we know the long term effects of this vaccine, it's experimental. And, there is plenty of evidence that it is causing harm in otherwise healthy, 16 to 30 year old young men.
Again, get the vaccine if you want it, don't FORCE it on me.
@FreeMan I'm not forcing it on anyone. You always have a choice, you just have to be aware and live with the consequences of your choices.
Not according to my employer.
You always have a choice, the consequences of some choices are just more severe than others. Even to pay taxes is a choice, the consequence of not doing it is that the government will chase you for not paying your taxes, but it's still a choice.
@FreeMan That sucks. I'm fortunate my current Directors are firmly anti-bullshit.
And I'm leaving anyway. Going to go remote & freelance.
@SimonForsberg I understand that, and I've made my decision. Unfortunately, I'm now job hunting against my will.
@FreeMan Where are you based?
@Kaz so that means your employer is looking to replace you? :D ... Indiana I'm not fond of working remote, but I can do it.
@FreeMan I figured it'd be the US, but thought I'd check anyway. We're in London so not really viable.
@FreeMan I believe the "no-one in particular" really did mean no-one in particular. FWIW I've decided to lurk here so such an event is less likely to happen again.
@Freeman Any drug submitted to the FDA is no longer experimental. Expedited review by the FDA means that the risks that they can deduce from the provided data are less than the risks associated with not allowing the vaccine, but that the review process is not complete. The expedited review will be under strict review in case there are pharmacovigilance signals that were not evident in the data that has been assessed to date.
Just to give my two cents, purely from a statistical point of view, it is actually possible to do effectiveness studies faster in a pandamic and with a smaller numbers of participants because the chance to get the desease is much higher. You simply get a sufficiently large number of cases in the control group much faster.
Also, the amount of public money thrown at the problem has certainly sped things up massively (at least for the AZ vaccine, not sure about others). Normally, all the steps needed for getting a drug through approval would happen sequentially, because it's cheaper to stop if one of the steps fails.
I haven't noticed any short term effects (2 weeks from my second Moderna shot today) other than the immediate reaction.
But in this case, they were run concurrently, speculating that each would be successful. Risk is that a step fails and lots of money is wasted, but the payoff is a much condensed timeline if everything works.
I felt pretty rotten after my first AZ jab, but fine on the second.
@Hosch250 The mRNA jabs (Pfizer and Moderna) seem to have the fewest side effects anecdotally
I'm not going to say long term effects aren't ruled out yet, but the short term effects have all been shown in actual cases of the virus, so I'd be surprised if long term effects weren't caused by the virus too.
First shot I had a triangle area at the top of my arm get locked stiff, and it was painful to the point of losing sleep for a couple days. Second had some chills and general muscle pain.
Both made my brain react somewhat similar to delirium, with racing random thoughts, but no loss of memory or control if I actually tried to think of something specific. No fever either.
For me: Moderate flu symptoms on jab 1 for 24h, nothing at all jab 2.
You may have already been immune. I've heard that can happen if you'd already had it.
I'd been exposed a number of times, but didn't get it.
I sincerely hope that there are no lasting side effects from any of the various vaccines that are being used. Unfortunately, this whole thing has become so politicized and there has been so much censorship of any dissenting opinion that it's really hard to believe what I'm being told.
@Hosch250 Unfortunately, that doesn't count as far as my employer is concerned - natural immunity, whether from having had a confirmed case or simply testing positive for the antibodies is not acceptable for skipping out on the vaccine. If it were, I might consider getting tested for antibodies. Unfortunately, they've thrown down an ultimatum that I'm not willing to accept. It's time for me to move on.
@Peilonrayz lurk away. On occasion, we've gotten a bit passionate about some very off-topic subject. To the best of my knowledge, that's never scared anyone away on a permanent basis and we've all remained friends - or as "friends" as one can be with people you've never actually met. Maybe that's just my feeling on the topic.
@FreeMan I'm guessing all the CR chat rooms have a similar 'ethos'/'ecosystem' (can't think of the right word) so I very much doubt I'll need to do much. :) Also things can be off-topic on CR chat rooms?! ;)
there seems to be a "topic" up there on the right under the room title. We generally stay in that vicinity...
@HackSlash Thanks! I use rename quite a bit as well, but I also use Encapsulate Field and Implement Interface a great deal too.
2 hours later…
Stuck again. I'm trying to write a test when a module is inserted but the chosen name already exists. My implementation displays a confirmation dialog informing the user that the name will be suffixed by a numeric to create a unique identifier. When trying to do so in my test I don't see how to mock the viewModel behavior since the dialog is contained within a member whose signature is protected override void DialogOk().
Because of the protected keyword that member is not part of the public interface.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 108d2972 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
I may not need to. The second confirmation dialog when confirm/canceling is assigning a result to DialogResult...
mumble mumble setting up behavior mumble return value from second dialog as result.
@IvenBach I'm wondering about the use case...If the user is interacting with a dialog, the conflict can be identified prior to clicking 'OK'. If so, the user can be forced to resolve it before dismissing the dialog. So - no subsequent pop-up required. Possible?
I'm not sure.
Can the user enter/edit the new module's name within the dialog?
They can.
I'm just not sure if as part of the dialog it can review all the component names within the vbe to check for a conflict when there is a case-insensitive match.
Self note: If I can do that I'd want a tool-tip or other indicator to note why it can't be added.
It should be able to...just like the RenameRefactoring dialog looks for name conflicts.
Yes...IMO the tool-tip or other indicator would be preferred to a subsequent pop-up.
I've already leaned heavily on smothered the other refactoring classes as a guideline result.
Keep on leanin` :)
Reviewing renaming tests to see if it has a test for conflicting names.
Trying to learn.
ExtractInterface (and tests) may be simpler to review/leverage. The ExtractInterfaceModel has an IExtractInterfaceConflictFinder property that is used by the ViewModel to verify user input.
A different topic: Although my builds 'succeed' and tests pass, my VS Build Error List shows errors like the following:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Custom tool PublicResXFileCodeGenerator failed to produce an output for input file 'Refactorings\Refactorings.it.resx' but did not log a specific error. Rubberduck.Resources
All the errors involve the 'it.resx' files.
Every step forward I find several new things I had no clue of before. :le-sigh: #Breathe and keep trying.
Brain-tickle: mocking a VBE with more than one project to test for conflict resolution. Need to figure out how to do so.
@IvenBach Key take-away: "step forward". You're making progress, even it it's slow.
@IvenBach See DeclarationFinderTests.cs test name: DeclarationFinder_NameConflictDetectionRespectsProjectScope as an example of testing with multiple projects.
Lots of Sideways and backward steps intermingled. Far too many circles paths I’ve made.
TYVM for guidance towards multi-project tests.
@IvenBach but you keep finding places where you're stepping forward. Keep the faith!
2 hours later…
I have to take the small victories wherever they are. Knowing to use Enumerable.Single instead of Enumerable.Where(...) or Enumerable.First(...) helped me avoid a possible issue.
@FreeMan I understand your frustration. And anger, at being forced out of your job. But certain comparisons are very sensitive.
@MathieuGuindon @Vogel612 Any one of you who can try this?
10 hours ago, by Simon Forsberg
Can anyone change the appveyor webhook to https://duga.zomis.net/appveyor/14929 and send an example payload ?
Ohai @SimonForsberg, how's @Duga?
@mansellan She's doing okay AFAIK
but I've been working on updating her to Kotlin
which really is way overdue
Kotlin is... better.
Significantly better than this Groovy + Grails mess she's currently running
but of course, Kotlin is just better than anything ;)
Haha! Migrate to C#, feel the joy!
@Duga do you have any hobbies?
^ I guess not... that's cool, focus on work.

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