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12:02 AM
[MDoerner/AdventOfCode2020] 5 commits. 749 additions. 625 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 11 commits. 1 issue comment. 2223 additions. 733 deletions.
[Zomis/FactorioMods] 6 commits. 77 additions. 36 deletions.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 91, Bombs Used: 48, Moves Performed: 11028, New Users: 5
3 hours later…
2:49 AM
> Does the same go for the other resource editing PRs?
3:16 AM
> @IvenBach I haven't looked at the conflicts, do they look salvageable? If they become mergeable after the release, I'll merge them, but the "resource freeze" window is closing soon, and then every new resource key will probably conflict again.
3:57 AM
is there an alternative to RegexStringValidator? VS tells me I need to add a reference to the assembly System.Configurations.ConfigurationManager but as far as I can tell assembly references cannot be added to ASP.Net projects.
@theVBE-it'srightforme for what?
> Most of them were minor at worst. Will review each one to update then push for review.
> Most of them were minor at worst. Will review each one to update then push each branch.
in WPF you can implement IValueValidator and implement any validation logic you want
there's likely a similar interface in ASP.NET (guessing MVC?)
4:03 AM
@MathieuGuindon what I assume is the very basic task of making sure an input string matches a desired format
> Feedback and ideas welcome on the off-by-one handling here :)
I thought Regex was the correct way to actually implement the validation logic
that's usually pretty flexible
I am using MVVM with Blazor
4:05 AM
it is not WPF but Blazor lends itself very naturally to MVVM pattern from what I gathered so I went with that
I don't know the framework
I can't explain it intelligently enough for you
If this first merge passes all tests I'm going to assume the rest will.
uh i mean I could maybe but it would take effort
4:06 AM
@theVBE-it'srightforme That's my claim. You can't take it.
@IvenBach may I interest you in a time sharing agreement?
Only if I get the greater share.
if you were there first I am happy to concede majority ownership to you
Being able to articulate correctly makes a large difference in understanding.
@IvenBach you are understating that actually
4:07 AM
I'm still far from Mug and the others but I'm trying to get where they are.
I should try tbh but I want to get the regex thing settled first
@MathieuGuindon so if I am right that regex is the right logic to validate then how am I supposed to use it?
MS own documentation told me to use that class which is why I am confused
@theVBE-it'srightforme regular expressions are very very very likely the right tool for this, yes :)
4:10 AM
I will give myself partial credit for determining that then
note, there are a number of simpler conditions that don't necessarily need a regex, e.g. it's overkill to determine whether a required field was supplied
hey I am not that beginner anymore!
C'mon VS... Why you complaining about errors, yet when I navigate to them they "automagically" aren't a problem anymore?
you are tempting me to use regex for that purpose out of spite now though :0
anyways I googled again and found another ms article using the Regex class in System.Text.RegularExpressions - may I assume this is correct?
4:14 AM
Need a second set of eyes on this:
  <data name="RegexAssistant_SpelledOut_CarriageReturnNewLine" xml:space="preserve">
^ Anything seem amiss?
MSB3103 Invalid Resx file. The 'data' start tag on line 1374 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'date'. Line 1376, position 5. Rubberduck.Resources C:\Users\IvenBach\source\repos\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Resources\RubberduckUI.cs.resx 1376
I corrected the closing tag from date to data and it's still complaining.
what is complaint message after fixing tag?
The same complaint...
4:17 AM
:shrug: "Did you try turning it off and on again?" was the apparent solution. VS no longer complaining.
caching is hard
^ i was going to suggest restarting VS lol
I need to get you my latest 3D printed sign Mug.
I have noticed similar problems with Blazor not updating things correctly that I will now presume also come from caching issues.
re: blazor as a framework I do want to try to explain it but have no idea where to start
4:21 AM
I think it's a rendering engine
that is the best way to explain it actually
"the thing that makes @ legal in the .cshtml files"
it is basically adapted razor pages I think
4:23 AM
every new technology is overhyped(?)
I mean @{ worked in 2009 when I was first introduced to ASP.NET MVC
oh lol really?
now they made updates and it's faster and needs fewer @ in random places
but AFAICT it's basically the same thing
yeah I started my project using razor pages and switched to blazor without struggling at all
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 667f9785 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
4:25 AM
the big key is that you call your files .razor instead of .cshtml because confusing naming is a good thing
basically it is meant to use razor components more integrally than other asp.net project types from what I can tell
they did originally develop it to make client side SPA
tbh I'm likely missing a lot of the bigger picture, web dev isn't something I do often
is making an intranet application considered web dev or not?
the only difference is that it's not public
but I dont want to say I am doing web dev work :(
so what you normally do uses WPF because it is an app all on one machine?
(rather than a hosted service available for employees of the company)
4:36 AM
I pick WPF at work for user-facing desktop apps, otherwise I have a number of console apps, some scheduled... tbh most desktop apps I wrote there could be intranet apps... if we had an intranet server
*user-facing apps that don't "have" to be macro-enabled Excel workbooks
But most of my day is typically spent in SQL Server land
@MathieuGuindon so I am struggling to see the distinction because the distinction is not super clear
also the "if we had an intranet server" part - am I wrong to think this is suboptimal?
@theVBE-it'srightforme are you using the @key attribute in loops?
anyways sleep well will try to explain blazor more clearly when I can
@Hosch250 I will answer your question by asking you what the @key attribute is :)
So, Blazor reuses html nodes.
For performance.
4:44 AM
BUT, when you are in a loop, you might not want it to reuse the top N nodes leaving data in place as it does. You'll get weird cases of data not appearing to be updated.
So inside a loop, you put the @key attribute that gives Blazor a unique key for the node.
Now Blazor knows which nodes to drop/keep, instead of just doing the top N.
And yeah, it usually manifests as weird cache issues.
I was thinking things like when I rename a .razor file and references to it in another component did not update.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit b1e167af on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Does using that attribute prevent blazor redrawing everything inside a loop when not needed?
Like form elements not being updated with new content when a new item is added or removed from a list.
oh you mean at runtime
4:47 AM
It helps, yes.
i was not at the point of noticing runtime problems yet
aside from the redrawing when it seemed not strictly necessary
Ok. If it's not at runtime, it's not a Blazor issue.
It's an editor issue, probably, which is different.
And you can actually prevent components from redrawing by overriding the ShouldRender method.
Note that you cannot prevent the first render with that method.
it was inside a .razor file so I was blaming blazor
The rules for rerendering are any complex parameter changes, or any immutable value type parameter changing (int, etc).
but yeah I see that @MathieuGuindon and I were (*partially) correct to think blazor is a rendering engine
4:51 AM
Yes, and no.
It is a framework. It doesn't render any html, that's the browser.
It runs code that generates html for the browser to render.
It's like Angular or React.
That is what I meant.
Otoh, it does use the render term internally, so it's not quite that cut and dried.
It renders the DOM updates for the browser to display.
It's really a neat framework, though.
DOM is what I don't get.
4:55 AM
Have you checked out Bunit yet?
Yeah I don't dislike using it, valid snarky comments about hype and some questionable naming decisions aside.
Document Object Model.
does html compose the DOM, that is what I dont get
It's just another term for an html document. Not a file, but a document.
so blazor makes the html for the browser then the browser turns the html (with associated css) into what the user sees on their screen
4:57 AM
okay that is actually straightforward and understandable
Bunit lets you unit test Blazor.
Do you use the scoped css yet?
scoped css?
oh unit testing blazor sounds useful, noted already
//bUnit: unit testing for blazor not at the point of needing but wont forget
That lets you scope css to a component without conflicts or otherwise affecting other components.
oh wow that sounds useful
4:59 AM
I'm giving a talk on this in two weeks :)
May 4th.
so you can use element selectors within a certain context without having to worry about issues
yeah I remember you mentioning that you were doing that lol
Just name the file the same as your component in the same directory, but .css. As in, Foo.razor and Foo.razor.css
It doesn't support less or sass, but you can use a precompiler to convert a .scss file into a .css file it can use.
do you use only client side or server side too?
5:04 AM
I have only used client side seriously.
However, they are virtually the same. Server side sets up some sort of signalr connection to handle updates.
@Hosch250 considering I have no idea what either of those are that does not seem like a big downside for now
yeah that is how I understood it: client side for SPA and then server side very good for intranet apps
I can't see what that's pointing at because phone, but if it's the less, sass stuff, you should look it up sometime.
that is basically why I went with it - the downsides of signalr are not relevant for intranet
It let's you nest css.
oh i will then yeah
5:06 AM
Well, they kind of are.
you should still be able to see the message being pointed to on phone I think?
I'm in phone, or I'd type a quick example.
the SO blog post I read on blazor said they were not :/
at any rate I mean client side is completely wrong for what i'm doing anyways
They are almost the same, but less is js based, while sass is server side.
i am looking up less/sass now
5:08 AM
I have to click the little arrow and it is sporadic if it lets me.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 521d00f2 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@theVBE-it'srightforme you can still make server calls. It just performs render logic purely client side.
oh true it is annoying to check
Honestly, I'd never recommend server side because of the constant network dependency.
i did not want to deal with issue of trying to optimize download size
5:10 AM
Not to mention the unnecessary server load.
the argument I saw for those:
1. constant network dependency should not be an issue in intranet environment
2. server load not issue if you know user concurrency wont be extreme
It's not a huge deal, it optimizes itself when you compile in prod mode.
Valid points.
server side for public facing app seems like a complete non starter however
honestly to me i got the sense they made server side blazor basically because they could
and wanted to get some blazor out in a production setting while they were still ironing out client side issues
it was developed primarily thinking of the client side uses wasn't it?
I think I'll take off now. Past midnight here. Want to go sleep for the next 9-10 hours.
oh right timezones
okay sleep well ty for the help :)
5:16 AM
I don't know a whole lot about server side, other than that most the docs still focus on that.
> The goal of the PR is to separate out the mechanics of going through a type library from the operating on the data returned by the type library because we have different needs that requires going through the type library:...
* We need it for our `Com***` declarations, which provides a stringified representation and is appropriate for caching.
* We need it for future object browser to replace VBIDE's object browser and provide more information.
* We need it for COM mocking. Currently the COM mocking relies on magical `Marshal.GetTypeFromITypeInfo` method which has shown itself to be unreliable. We need to be able to build .NET types from the data. * We may replace the dependency on OleWoo in the...
Rubberduck.Deployment.Build for the purpose of generating a valid IDL file. That has the added benefit of removing a dependency that is tied to a specific bitness. In order to achieve the goal, we provide iterators in form of both TypeLibWalker and TypeInfoWalker which handles all the enumerating, converting pointers into a valid data structure or values and returning those data for easier handling. Both types are also visitable, and can Accept ITypeLibVisitor(s) and...
ITypeInfoVisitor(s), respectively. The implementations are also required to indicate whether they can provide the other visitor to handle the visiting of a referenced type library from a type information or to visit the types within a type library. The user is free to visit only a type, or can choose to visit the entire type library. Furthermore, the user is able to direct whether the referenced types ought to be visited or not. It is hoped that offers enough flexibility in allowing...
different users to operate in their own ways upon the same type library. I'm posting this for review by others while developing tests. Feedback appreciated.
@Hosch250 can talk it through with you more tomorrow and maybe accidentally give some useful insight
sounds good
and ty again for telling me about @key
Are you in Asia or Australia somewhere?
You're always on so late for me :)
I'm in Minnesota.
5:22 AM
no NA west coast, just with a lockdown/unemployment induced half nocturnal sleep schedule
night owl tendencies get exacerbated without external constraints on them :/
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 8fabb4e4 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
5:54 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 53af86ef on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
6:16 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit e47d2055 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
1 hour later…
Halfway done with my branches. Finish the rest tomorrow. Bed time.</iven>
7:51 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 52e19967 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
8:27 AM
quick ux question:
how to handle leading zeroes on time display?
I searched and got the answer of shrug emoji so wanted thoughts from here
by "shrug emoji" I mean there were a ton of different opinions and I had zero coalescence at all
some thought always adhere to ISO others said use localized setting others said use whatever you want and let user change if they desire
some who advocated option a or b said letting user set that was overloading user, which I didn't necessarily buy
some said that the use of leading zeroes was helpful for 24 hour time to resolve potential ambiguity with non meridiem designated 12 hour time but that is not relevant to my use case
my inclination is to default no but let user decide
ISO does not really seem like a relevant concern for business users who may or may not have substantial technical computer skills
2 hours later…
10:36 AM
I am not an expert on this, but I generally appreciate if the time and date display settings of my system are honored.
2 hours later…
1:14 PM
@M.Doerner I do suppose it would be easier to just apply whatever is on the current system rather than having separate user settings.
We need to clarify --- does the PR #5744 and PR #5692 overlap and need to be resolved? Both talk about improving handling of the identifier references.
Hi. Translation is almost complete. I've found a possible bug? I have in even if I set the language to English so... Can someone check that in your installed version? (I have +- week old)
2:13 PM
FWIW I see the same thing, even after a restart.
I thought we had a existing issue but I didn't find it in a quick search
2:32 PM
1 hour later…
3:52 PM
@this there's a comment to that effect on #5715
4:15 PM
@Duga @MathieuGuindon I think I also missed the assignment of the option page's checkbox state to the variable?
see that's the part I'm not seeing happening for the other checkboxes either...
It is, indirectly.
here, note the line 1046 and 1054
the other case with the addin registration is different because it's an action executed after install so it's executed immediately
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 9a567208 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
4:27 PM
wait wait no I am assigning it
I think I'm missing an end token
but in the case of the per-user/per-admin and legacy workload, you are configuring how to install, and for whatever reason still unknown to me, it has to be a variable.
stupid indentation
yes, it's weird there
my fault, probably because I needed to differeniate between the case block and the block for executing when a case is true.
Pascal is a horrid language when it comes to consistency. I only have a half-muddled idea when ; is needed and when it's not.
like VB*'s consistent use of parenthesis....
@this I think it wants a ; after end only when there aren't any more conditions - so end when there's an else if, and end; when the inner condition block is completed
...which is mind-wrecking madness
you need a ; to terminate the if...else because there's no end if
but the content within the true and else if branch(es) must not be terminated with a ;
I honestly don't know what they were thinking back then. "yeah, we shouldn't allow semi-colons to terminate the branch. It'll be confusing." Confusion ensures
I bet it made a lot of sense from the hand-written parser's point of view
hmm, that sounds like a plausible path to how we ended up with that horrid syntax.
@this needs more quiche
@Duga I think that one's good to go now
bit of a major slowdown when first selecting a combobox item, but more usable than the completely broken current one
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit b81a6b29 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
> 2021-04-25 13:01:16.964 Legacy workload initial config was requested and will be copied to the destination folder.
only thing is, the .config file did not get overwritten
5:06 PM
> 2021-04-25 13:04:58.208 UseLegacyWorkloadConfig variable: 0
I'm thinking that tB could do with some language-level support for enumerators... Apparantly it's possible for VB6 to implement a custom enumerator, but it involves some pretty nasty hacks and IDL...
@Duga Mutable state in inspections should be avoided.
nice catch there
checking out the branch, will make a separate PR
I am currently dealing with that while moving the inspections to use the qualifying reference.
ok thanks
Making EXCEL.EXE my debugging host app is trapping in a box where I only think about hosted-in-Excel scenarios, it didn't even occur to me that the Excel library might get unloaded between two runs...
5:17 PM
The only library you cannot unload ever is the VBA library.
At work, we actually have multiple Access applications generating Excel reports.
@this shouldn't this block go after all the variables have been assigned their final value?
@M.Doerner I think the ProjectDeclaration for the host app should be readily available somehow
/cached in the finder, something
caching it in the base inspection class was dumb though
Actually, the inspections should only run in Excel, right?
the ContainingWorkbook/ContainingWorksheet ones should have [RequiredHost], yeah
5:22 PM
Still, getting the Excel project declaration should be near instant anyways.
but the ImplicitActiveSheet/Workbook should be [RequiredLibrary]
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6f026a8e on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Nobody will aver reference a significant number of projects at the same time.
@MathieuGuindon this is for the case else if CurPageID = wpReady then, which IINM is after the install.
@M.Doerner Not sure the inspection will cover the case but even without any Excel workbook being specifically referenced, it's possible to accidentally call an Excel Global method from Access host.
It's much more likely if you have Excel and Word both referenced as there is more overlap in the names between the 2 libraries (e.g. Range and Shape)
fml I think I need to copy the whole condition, re-implement it with curly braces, fix it, then re-translate it with begin/end and random ;
5:25 PM
Right, you can perform a member call on an Excel.Application.
> Czech translations should be updated.

There are 3 items (key names) that were renamed to something else (we talked about that in chat) in ResX manager.

- Neutral language is missing,
- Czech language is translated.

Didn't know if I could delete those so I let them there.

Key #
IllegalAnnotationInspection 113
IllegalAnnotationInspection 113
IllegalAnnotationInspection 121
I think we might benefit from a generic inspection about calls to any appobjects not owned by the host.
as to warn the user about this since this is usually not what we want anyway and implicit calls to such objects will cause other problems.
I usually really want to call Quit on the Excel.Application I created before.
@SonGokussj4 @M.Doerner FYI the installer PR is introducing a new installer page with custom strings -- would you rather push commits to that PR's branch, or include the .iss tweaks in the translation PRs?
Personally, I would prefer to do another PR for the installer translation.
5:30 PM
@M.Doerner clarify, on the implicit instance or the explicit instance?
I read that as the explicit one
Can I really perform implicit accesses on another application?
How would the program even know which application it should use?
5:32 PM
In my case, I avoid holding a explicit instance globally by using only procedure-level variables and a function to retrieve the instance. That way, when the procedure exits, it is taken care of.
I could have created a gazillion Access.Application objects.
could be a hint-level, [RequiredLibrary] inspection (Application.Quit isn't standard IIUC), so we could warn about Quit never being invoked for any not-the-host Application instance.
@M.Doerner the first appobject found that has a matching member is the one that gets called.
That is really stupid.
hm and if we evaluate the ProgID string I think we could also have it work for late-bound CreateObject("Excel.Application")
5:33 PM
Yeah, and there are many stupid user code that uses the implicit references and end up with a ghost Excel as the result.
(same principle for any host, really)
we don't generate identifier references for unbound nodes, do we?
@MathieuGuindon As @M.Doerner said. Just update me on what to fetch and when and I'll do it. :-)
Actually, I use wrappers around my Excel application classes that automatically call Quit on deconstruction.
5:35 PM
For once, it is an advantage that VBA is not garbage collected.
hmm. isn't ref-counting a form of GC?
Ref counting is not GC.
I see it as an alternative solution to the same problem
Feature suggested - @this if you have a sec could you see if I messed anything up?
Interesting. I thought of ref-counting as one possible implementation of GC/
5:36 PM
Ref counting does not require external machinery to collect things going out of scope.
GC generally uses some machinery to guarantee that everything no longer references will be freed eventually.
ref-counting cannot guarantee that.
Circular references will never be freed. GC should also collect these when there is no external refernce anymore.
The main problem with GC in general is that it is not deterministic, which breaks RAII-patterns.
ref-counting is instant: when it gets to 0 it's freed; GC (in .NET at least) "generationizes" refs and decides on its own when things actually get freed
FWIW, Wikipedia lists both ref-counting and generations (referred to as "tracing") as 2 strategies.
AFAIU, .Net actually does a graph search from the root node (well actually multiple if you dare to pin something in memory explicitly) and uses the generations to avoid doing the work over and over for long-lived instances.
@mansellan I love the suggested API!
The main point is that if you have a garbage collector, you loose deterministic deconstruction.
5:42 PM
@M.Doerner there also is a factor of moving objects to dedicated areas for generationality to improve the speed of memory access, because generally speaking most programs will create large numbers of small objects with small lifetimes. Having those in a hotter memory area improves performance
Makes sense.
and there is a special area for very large objects
@MathieuGuindon Got a nagging bit of Imposter Syndrome, I'm sure I'm missing something. Only vaguely aware of what's happening on the COM side of things...
I think what I stated above is the better, more precise statement: not having GC, but having a garbage collector.
@mansellan combined with inheritance, unless I'm also missing something this would enable twinBASIC types to basically define every data structure VB-land has dreamed of for 30 years
5:45 PM
@MathieuGuindon yep, it could be great
I really really like how Rust solved the problem of GC, though.
I think the idea of enforcing the ownership at compile-time was genius.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit f0ae290f on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
I like Rust in general, I have to say.
6:00 PM
@this OMG Notepad++ understands Pascal indentation!
You can generally have ref-counting, but you can also use a crate (dependency) that implements GC if you want that.
hm, the conditionals all look ok
@MathieuGuindon maybe I'm missing it but I don't see you assigning the result to a variable? Or is that yet to be pushed?
Argh fkn Windows Updates, VM just went poof-gone
6:32 PM
Almost everytime I start to work on my project I notice something :-D Aggrr.. :-D
Newest Next pull

References updating slow and **grayed out sometimes**. Not sure what's triggering this.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit adecadfa on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
^ @MathieuGuindon That's the last of the resource strings. What is easier for review? Individual PR or a single large PR?
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 19e79c55 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
@SonGokussj4 did you pull the merge of 5740?
I think the graying-out might be because the task gets cancelled before it gets to set the enabled state but after it set the caption
FWIW similar functionality is even slower in VS these days
*and VSCode
yes. Should be there.
ah.. wait...
If I'm on branch A but pull branch B, it won't merge automatically, does it...
oh it did. Ok. So yeah. I should have that commit.
6:46 PM
The graph appears to be showing that it's merged
4 mins ago, by Mathieu Guindon
I think the graying-out might be because the task gets cancelled before it gets to set the enabled state but after it set the caption
@MathieuGuindon O.O oh... Well, one of the reasons I'm trying to use only vscode.
That said I've yet to actually profile that admittedly hot execution path
But at least we're now skipping evaluating CanExecute for all the commands with quick successive SelectionChange events
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 859660df on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
7:02 PM
@IvenBach thanks! I think a single PR would be easier to merge, yeah
Will do.
hmm in order to test the walkers, I'll have to import my unmanaged memory allocator. But I don't need it within the project; only for tests. Should I add it anyway for future use?
I ...guess
7:28 PM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 70d99cf0 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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