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The defaulting to Auto for DataGridLength.UnitType property doesn't seem like a bad default.
bah, enough derping. I give up for today.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 2 opened issues. 10 issue comments.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 126, Bombs Used: 79, Moves Performed: 16086, New Users: 11
@mansellan Need a wall to RD with? I mayn't understand it but it could help you.
hey @Hosch250 you here?
any wpf gurus here. WPF channel i silent
@Jelly I'm bumbling my way through. I might be able to help.
<Style x:Key="PLACEHOLDER TEXTBOX" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Arial"/>
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="13.333"/>
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Transparent"/>
<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
<TextBox Text="{TemplateBinding Text}" Panel.ZIndex="0" x:Name="TextBoxHost" Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="{StaticResource GRAY BORDER}" />
The DataTrigger binding is not working
i dont get why
Keep at formatting it. I struggle too.
how to format code here
I know triggers exist but haven't used them. Could it be the / in LINK/ACTIVE that's the problem?
@Jelly the debug output can have clues if you configure the debugger settings for xaml bindings to the most verbose setting
It's in the VS settings, buried somewhere
@Jelly Value=""? Outside of that me last guess would be BorderBrush="{StaticResource GRAY BORDER}" because of the space but it's not a trigger.
Is it the Visibility or the IsFocused trigger that's not working?
Heading home.
@IvenBach you can set BorderBrush to something different thats not what is causing the issue
I'm not using anything IsFocused. I don't know where you are seeing that?
why x:Reference?
A: What is the difference between x:Reference and ElementName?

dev hedgehogBasically like you said those two do almost the same. However there are small differences under the hood. {x:Reference ...} -> returns just a reference of an object it doesn't create that "bridge" between two properties like binding would do. Behind all that a service is being used that searches...

huh, interesting
+1. By the way, do you have a source for this information, or is it just from experience? One thing that wasn't mentioned here, is that a child cannot x:Reference its parent (this relationship seems to depend on context, rather than on the visual tree) because this causes a circular reference issue. Sometimes the reference will also silently fail to resolve because of some other mysterious issues. — GregRos Apr 12 '14 at 21:37
figured it out
working on the border color now
X:Reference is the wnswer btw
so we need 17 different subtle ways to shoot our foot?
@Jelly woot!
@Jelly Now I am. Glad you got it :)
1 hour later…
Passwordbox is sealed and password property is not a dp. GREAT!
(Which make sense but a pain the butt for implementing a placeholder)
2 hours later…
thank you attached properties
7 hours later…
@skiwi Notes "Niki Lauda's Funeral" at the end of the list. Haz a sad.
@MathieuGuindon I've seen that one. I'm guilty of SELECT * myself many times when I'm just rummaging about in the tables trying to figure out what I need to do. I don't believe I've put one into production, though.
I do the same thing (using the star for my development) but likewise, they don't actually appear in the production code.
I die a little when I see stuff like CREATE VIEW derp AS SELECT * FROM foo;
@FreeMan Yea :(
Still watching Monaco. Loving all the tributes to him. The red star on the Mercs is very nice & very subtle. The red halo is... interesting considering Niki's dislike of disdain for the halo. Love that they hung his hat in the cubbie where his headset normally goes.
@this sounds like fun!
@FreeMan until they modify the underlying table definitions.... :D
@this @FreeMan I'm guilty of if exists (select * from foo)
granted it does not matter what you do there - heck, you can EXISTS (SELECT 1 / 0 FROM foo) if you wanted to. Just that NULL makes the point clear at least in my head.
TBH, though, it's something I might consider for my current survey project... I have different survey formats coming in - CREATE #table AS SELECT * FROM foo.CSV (effectively - I know that leads me down the OPENROWSOURCE highway straight through the gates of Hell) gives me all the columns in that particular format, I could then work through all the columns for that given CSV and get the data loaded as appropriate.
and now... to figure out where I left off yesterday. Seems we had a power outage last night. My monitors were on this morning, but the PC wasn't. :/
When restarting SSMS after a crash (such as a PC power outage), is it somewhat normal for it to ask twice to connect to the server?
one's for the object explorer; other's for open query windows
It comes up, prompts to restore the previous windows (I said yes), prompts to connect to the server, then pr...
oh. OK. I guess that does make sense then. thx!
they don't necessarily have to be same
skiwi'd for some day when it seems critical that I get them updated...
@MathieuGuindon ♪You're a meme one, Mr. Grinch @skiwi♫
@this I always thought it was a good idea to hit the PK index there. So my alternative would be select Id from foo
In the context of EXISTS the SELECT list has totally zero bearing. As noted earlier, you can put in 1/0 and it won't even error out
since the EXISTS is a boolean operator returning true/false, unlike IN operator which returns a set
How you do correlate the EXISTS subquery, though, has bearing on whether it's indexed, however. So it's mainly the stuff you have in the WHERE clause for the EXISTS subquery that would matter.
@FreeMan Probably hit the sleep timeout.
@Hosch250 not likely. I was on vacay for 9 days and it was on when I got back.
Oh. Must have that turned off.
You have a desktop?
Because a laptop's battery would've just kicked in.
Well, actually, they have different timeouts for power/battery usage. A couple-minute timeout on battery would do it too.
sadly, even though we're bound by HIPAA rules, they don't even have a forced lock screen enabled. They did, however, push a corporate wallpaper out to everyone instead of the standard Win10 picture background.
Yeah, desktop machine. Can't get them to give me a UPS. I've considered picking up my own for reasonably cheap and bringing it in...
@FreeMan that may freak them out esp if it has a USB port.
nah. Everybody plugs their phones into the machines to charge em. Some even ended up plugging their personal iPhone into their work machine and syncing their pictures/music/etc onto their work machine. Made for lots of fun helping them clean up the machine when they ran out of disk space and/or got an upgrade who am I kidding, they don't upgrade machines 'round here but once every 10 years.
They hand out iPhones as "work" phones, so iTunes is installed by default and it just grabs whatever idevice is plugged in
Interesting. I understood that some companies are banning any kind of USB devices because you know.... haxors & phreakers.
not us. we just block strava.com because of "fake friend requests and scams".
@this Heh, not a bad idea knowing most people.
I kid you not! They created a Strava group for those training for the 1/2 marathon they promote. Then they blocked it after it hit the news that soldiers failed to check the "don't share my info with the whole universe" flag (which is prompted for about every 2 weeks when you go to their web-site).
I get more fake friend/scam requests on facebook in a day than I've ever gotten on Strava total, yet ppl are on fb all day long at work...
Have I mentioned that our corp. IT department is a bit... nonsensical?
Strava? Facebook? What are those?
Strava sounds like some kind of artifical sweetener.
maybe that's exactly the impression they wanted to convey....
Facebook sounds like a police mugshot file...
@FreeMan only maybe one time? At most two.
I'm trying to think of a joke about a bonsai car (motorcycle) being a vehicle for bonsai missions (suicide charges).
Feeling down? Buy a bonsai car, and go kamikaze!
@this so you're getting the point?
@this Happens for most people who aren't feeling down either...
@Hosch250 banzai, harakiri and kamikaze are all very different things
oooh, so bonsai sounds like banzai?
you probably wanted to refer to kamikaze missions
@this wasn't that the whole point of the joke?
@Vogel612 I mean the banzai suicide charge by infantry.
I was wondering why the heck they'd use a mini-tree to refer to suicide.
it doesn't. a and o are well-disinguised across most languages
Or whatever.
I just misspelled it :(
banzai literally just means "a thousand years", IIRC
Leave to me to miss the obvious things. :)
jisho gives it's translation as "something worthy of celebration", "long time" (arch.) or "eternal life and prosperity" (arch.)
@Vogel612 Unless you slur it :P But yeah, my pronunciation is famously terrible. As are my puns :P
im diving off the deep end guys...
im attempting to build a class... that implements an interface...
 class Foo : IInterface {}
in vba
Or Implements VbaInterface, or something.
It's pretty easy, actually. Create the class and use RD to create an interface for you :)
thats an idea.
i was starting to manually do it.
So, what happens there is it doesn't actually rename the members because we can't do consecutive Rename refactorings without reparses. It'll create new members and do the VBA equivalent of not implemented exception.
Then, you could just manually copy the implementations into those members, or just delete them and manually rename them.
Because in your use-case, it won't have any references, so you can do that easily :)
So does this thing explode if the constructor isnt made?
erm, ran
i meant ran
@KySoto there is no such thing as a Constructor in VBA
create factory method
depends. do you need it to run or can you work around it not having run?
y'all were asking for a visitor counter on the RD website, right? Here's one for you
well im building a programmer tool
so realistically, whoever uses it will be like... I AM LE DERP when it fails
They're in Ft. Worth, TX, but that page doesn't read like it was spoken by a native English speaker...
@KySoto depends on how you structure it?
Sidenote: I haven't touched vba development in years and I was a complete noob back when I did
welllllll crap.
so i was following this answer by @MathieuGuindon
Q: Pass arguments to Constructor in VBA

bgusachHow can you construct objects passing arguments directly to your own classes? Something like this: Dim this_employee as Employee Set this_employee = new Employee(name:="Johnny", age:=69) Not being able to do this is very annoying, and you end up with dirty solutions to work this around.

and i got to a point where he used .self in a with block
annnnd it isnt working.
getting a member doesnt exist error
it looked really clean to use the with block, but im sad i cant
You'll need to define Self.
Public Property Get Self() As Employee
    Set Self = Me
End Property
Check immediately beneath the with block.
-_- i missed it
@KySoto it’s things like that which make this pond so great.
And I don't even know VBA :P
@Hosch250 and you think you don’t write VBA code? #Busted
(Well, Mat says I do, so what do I know :P)
@IvenBach Copy/pasta from Mat's answer.
That did strike me as being Mugs code
I guess I know the language syntax pretty well. I just don't know the libraries or how to do anything actually useful with it.
tbh the Self getter is only useful if there are enough properties to set to warrant having a With block in the factory method
Yeah, I came to a similar conclusion some time ago.
so for some of my smaller classes, I still use Init sub to "construct" an instance.
well, it looks pretty clean
and i DO need parameters passed to the constructor
there are 3 essential parameters
the rest are defaulted in the constructor, and you can change em if you want to\
constructor factory method ;-)
yeah that thing
that whole self property idea is pretty neat though
Got my CPR/first aid certificate today.
Which reminds me of a joke the trainer told: What do you say to someone who sucked the venom out of a snakebite?
You're dead, sucker.
@Hosch250 lol. not sure how accurate though, not all venoms are poisonous.
I thought being poisonous was part of the definition of venom.
ingested != injected
And yes, it's pretty bad to suck it out. You at best need anti-venom too.
At worst, it's even worse for it to be in your stomach than in your bloodstream.
> a poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions and typically injected into prey or aggressors by biting or stinging.
can't be worse than a Diet Coke
@MathieuGuindon lol I'm sat drinking a diet coke right now!
@mansellan ever emptied a can in a clogged-up sink?
@MathieuGuindon uh, no. I guess it'd be enlightening, in a bad way.... I drink gallons of the stuff...
They can polish chrome with it, too
it's also great for cleaning pennies - they come out shiny as new!
well then, my insides must be squeaky-clean :-)
eh, better a Diet Coke than some energy drink
or... partially dissolved :-(
what I don't get is mixing of soda with alcohol.
I mean, Jack + Coke shouldn't even be a thing, IMO
@MathieuGuindon a friend's son gave himself ulcers with energy drinks. Doctor told him he had to stop or Very Bad Things would result.
@this Jack + Coke shouldn't even be a thing, IMO ;-)
@MathieuGuindon wait, wut? Jack D is awesome.
not with Coke.
tbh I haven't had JD in years
I have no particular opinion about Jack D. (not big on liquors); I just don't think liquors and caffeine make a good combination.
Either drink caffeine, or drink alcohol, but not both at same time.
that's a medically proven opinion btw
at least as far as energy drinks go (not sure it's just the caffeine)
hmm. Isn't energy drink basically crapload of caffeine + sugar + some various vacuous herbs?
I rarely drink spirits. Uh, that I can remember... ;-)
maybe it's the caffeine + sugar.
since I think sugar is also a stimulant but don't quote me on that.
@this Caffeine, sugar, taurine... and a small amount of water.
I just think that you don't want to mix any kind of stimulants with any kind of depressants.
@this balanced diet :-)
I suppose that you could put 2 1-ton block on each end of the board and call it "balanced"
as long you don't mind the fulcrum cracking under the weight
@this Well...
That's actually a valid medical solution in some cases.
There's a certain kind of poison that stops the heart.
There's another one that makes it race so fast it explodes.
I'm sure there's some cases like that. I'm no medical professional, but as far as self-medication goes, it's better avoided.
It's extremely dangerous to take one of them, but if you take one, they give you the other to cancel it.
Oh, definitely.
They have a similar-ish anti-dote for drug overdoses.
lol trying to use an in-house winforms app (doesn't reflow)... My screen res is too low to render the buttons I need at the bottom of the window!
What res do you have?
guess I should get on and order that hd panel :-)
1920x1080 is the lowest I'll go (and highest I've gone).
My brother has a 4k screen on his laptop.
Ouch :(
Man, how are you not blind already?
@Hosch250 heh, it's only a 12.5" panel, anything over 1920*1080 would be too small
Well, that helps.
@Hosch250 I guess I've adapted, just have to hide most panels
need to find someone to do the micro-soldering for the mod, it's beyond my meagre soldering skills.
I'd wreck the mobo if I tried
Most I've soldered is a .5" copper water pipe.
I think E Brown knows that, if you don't mind shipping it to Ohio...
I wonder how one could still do any soldering today with current hardware - haven't they made it too small already?
@this It's just practice I think. And magnifying glasses!
i mean, 1 mm is hard enough.
1 nm? Forget it
Heh, surface-mount is tiny, but not 1nm!
shows how much I know about hardware.
3 hours later…
Sad I missed the cola/coke topic.
@this BURN THE HERETIC! Irish Coffee or Coffee 43 are the best drinks out there
Well I haven't had a cold-brew + gin yet, so I can't attest to the quality of that drink
also there's sooo many different baileys out there
@Hosch250 just like the antidote to a methanol poisoning from badly made alcohol is to keep you in a state of alcoholization to avoid your liver touching the methanol
@Vogel612 LOL.
How long?
that being said: ethanol is just not quite as bad as methanol
It might buy you a week or so, but...
@Hosch250 nah, only until the methanol is gone by standard metabolism mechanisms
At least :D
Taking off for a bit.
BBL, got to support a release tonight.
> Ethanol, the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, acts as a competitive inhibitor by more effectively binding and saturating the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in the liver, thus blocking the binding of methanol. Methanol is excreted by the kidneys without being converted into the very toxic metabolites formaldehyde and formic acid. Alcohol dehydrogenase instead enzymatically converts ethanol to acetaldehyde, a much less toxic organic molecule.
That’s the cool chemistry/biology I wish I knew more about.
Did not know baking soda could be used like that.
#FunFacts: formaldehyde is one of the toxic components found in cigarette smoke
It's also the thing taxidermists used to use (and sometimes still do use) for initial conservation of carcasses...
or rather... a 4.8% solution of it
yay for random facts?
@IvenBach I only know because a cousin of mine spent nearly a week in some hospital in Thailand because of methanol poisoning...
@Vogel612 aka "formol"! #ConnectingTheDots
@Vogel612 Thought it a bit odd how you knew about that. Hope he/she is better now.
it's been years ago. My brain is just good at remembering factoids like that
2 hours left today and just sitting down. Hope to get some coding in.
@Hosch250/@Vogel612 does this make sense?
        await Task.WhenAll(
        Enumerable.Range(1, pages)
            .Select(page =>
                _request.RequestItemsAsync(args, ShopifyAPI.MaxItems, page)
                .ContinueWith(async t =>
                    await Task.WhenAll(t.Result.Items.Select(item => Repository.InsertUpdateAsync(item)));
Are you sure you want all of the stuff in memory?
Well, that's possibly a lot of items you have there
        var lastUpdated = await _timestamps.GetLastUpdatedTimestamp(Resource);
        var args = new UpdatableCommandArgs(lastUpdated);
        var count = (await _request.RequestItemCountAsync(args)).Count;
        var pages = PageCount(count);
also your Select is making the functional purist in me queasy...
I'm projecting tasks...
I mean ... the async code looks okay, I'd format it differently....
ok cool
I mean to send all REST requests (one per page) without blocking, and when one returns, I need to get the returned items and update the db asynchronously (do I need to await that one?)
but the "everything in memory" thing looked weird
where would it go otherwise?
@MathieuGuindon I'd segregate a class out there that's responsible for organizing the querying
that is the class that's organizing the querying
@MathieuGuindon make it an IEnumerable and stream it
"it" being?
the ToArray is making a Task[] for WhenAll to work with
ohhhhhhh... bling
okay I'm apparently too tired
meh, too many closing parens
the readability is legit borderline
        await Task.WhenAll(Enumerable.Range(1, pages)
            .Select(page =>
                _request.RequestItemsAsync(args, ShopifyAPI.MaxItems, page)
                .ContinueWith(async t =>
                    await Task.WhenAll(t.Result.Items.Select(item => Repository.InsertUpdateAsync(item)));
ahhh, that's better :)
actually, the inner task goes:
 await Task.WhenAll(UpdateShopifyStorageAsync(t.Result.Items));
that way I can override that method for orders and implement the special-casing I need for getting the transactions
stupid api doesn't list transactions under orders, and the transactions endpoint wants an orderid argument
hang on ... you shouldn't need the ToArray ...
huh, indeed, I don't!
didn't realize there was an IEnumerable<Task> overload :)
should I be worried that ContinueWith runs before the request returns with a response?
i.e. to I not need to await _request.RequetItemsAsync?
@MathieuGuindon no. ContinueWith internally awaits the task that it's working off of
or does something similar like registering an interrupt that gets triggered by the task finishing?
whats the biggest access monstrosity you've had @this @MathieuGuindon in terms of form count?
only 1?
i think the most ive had is around 10-15
500 SQL tables + 1000+ forms.
and ~300-400 reports, I think.
Mind you, the numbers are grossly inflated - several are copy'n'paste and modify one field or two.
even excluding those dumb copy'n'paste, it's still well in hundreds.
    protected override async Task UpdateShopifyStorageAsync(IEnumerable<Order> entities)
        await Task.WhenAll(
            from order in entities
            let cmd = new TransactionsCommand(order.ShopifyId, _trxRequest, _trxRepository)
            select Repository.InsertUpdateAsync(order)
                             .ContinueWith(t => cmd.UpdateShopifyStorageAsync())
builds.... and blows up with UriFormatException. must have done something wrong
...but that's a tomorrow problem. well past ttgh.
Wah, we got over 100 downloads just today
> 21,619 total downloads
was 21,504 before 12:00AM UTC / cache invalidation
Industry disruptors shouldn't be surprised when their tools become popular.
which reminds me... we need to finish the green release...

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