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12:01 AM
[bruglesco/memory-card] 2 commits. 4 additions.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 2 commits. 1 issue comment. 1426 additions. 672 deletions.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 5 commits. 28 additions. 19 deletions.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] 10 commits. 375 additions. 163 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 15 commits. 4 opened issues. 3 closed issues. 12 issue comments. 34660 additions. 17709 deletions.
1 hour later…
1:05 AM
Stay safe mug
2 hours later…
3:22 AM
Ditto mug be safe too
3 hours later…
6:06 AM
> Why is the latter preferable to the former? (Much to learn I still have.)
1 hour later…
7:08 AM
@MathieuGuindon Alive and well? :-)
7:25 AM
So I'm going to ignore those keys starting UnitTest_..., ok?
IGNORE my last 2 posts.... I mistaken this for SourceControl_ stuff.... Can't delete those posts anymore...
1 hour later…
8:35 AM
Rubberduck won't load. I got this:
2018-05-23 09:33:52.4921;FATAL-;Rubberduck._Extension;Startup sequence threw an unexpected exception.;System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at Rubberduck.VBEditor.Events.VBEEvents.RegisterComponents(IVBProject project) in C:\projects\rubberduck\Rubberduck.VBEEditor\Events\VBEEvents.cs:line 83
at Rubberduck.VBEditor.Events.VBEEvents..ctor(IVBE vbe) in C:\projects\rubberduck\Rubberduck.VBEEditor\Ev
I'm guessing just re-install.
All is well again. Just seemed to be something to do with a previously crashed version of the file in question interfering in some way.
> Hi, I just installed rubberduck and tried to run it on an empty project.
When refreshing for the first time, I get the following message:
Unable to compile for parsing

the following project(s) cannot be compiled, which will most likely result in parser errors. Continue anyway?


this is the logfile generated:
1 hour later…
10:29 AM
Q: Excel VBA add title and source to a selected table

Jorge OsasI'm very new to VBA and wonder if someone can help with this. I want to select a table in Excel and then run a macro that formats the table of my choice. The macro should also Add a title to the table (Above the first selected row) and should also leave a footer to the table (Below the last sele...

11:28 AM
> The problem seems to be that member access resolution generally fails for members of parameters. More precisely, the `MemberAccessDefaultBinding` does not take into consideration that a `lExpression` with classification `Variable` might have the `DeclarationType` `Patameter`.
I will see whether that really is the cause when I am back home tonight.
> The problem seems to be that member access resolution generally fails for members of parameters. More precisely, the `MemberAccessDefaultBinding` does not take into consideration that a `lExpression` with classification `Variable` might have the `DeclarationType` `Parameter`.
I will see whether that really is the cause when I am back home tonight.
11:40 AM
> Is that really the complete logfile? Can you reproduce the error? If yes, could you please set the log-level to TRACE in the settings and upload that logfile? Thanks!

2018-05-23 10:10:38.3421;ERROR-2.2.6716.24410;Rubberduck.Parsing.VBA.ParseCoordinator;Unexpected exception thrown in parsing run. (thread 14).;System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80029C4A): Erreur lors du chargement de la bibliothèque/DLL du type. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY))
> there you go:
11:57 AM
> Seems as if we need more localised exception handling in the COM reference synchroniser. For some reason the reference COM object is throwing.
12:39 PM
> I'm going to go out on a limb and say it _is_ inconsistent. After noting the conversation, and especially the comment about the MCVE not having the Variant parameter, I made this:

Public Sub foo(ByVal myRange As Range, ByVal value As Variant)
myRange.value = "Bar"
End Sub

and it does _not_ generate the error.

More food for thought.
3 hours later…
4:00 PM
Oh I have to proudly show off my work :D After 3 days and 30 hours (I know, I'm really slow) I have the almost final product :) (well, like 1/20 part of my current project, but... read bellow)

The trick, why it didn't take me only a few hours of coding is that I don't have anywhere anything hardcoded. :-) The functions I've written should work on other forms with any number of controls, tabs and so on. So the next, almost the same window, would be done in like 5 minutes :-)

Proud of myself :D Don't now where to boast so sorry about that :D
One bit at a time. Nicely done.
4:19 PM
stupid work blocks some imgur links, but what I could see on my phone, that looks pretty impressive, @SonGokussj4!
uh, wtf... I can't click any menus or commandbars anywhere in the VBE now
nevermind, it's back
4:59 PM
@FreeMan I've got a worksheet with hundreds of rows and dec.. dec... 10..20..30 (don't know to word) of columns that have all the data about "project" and my task is to create code background for existing GUI forms (we have like 15 of them) which will manipulate those data. :)
Better would be if I know what "Implementations" are. As Mat recommended a few months ago. But I don't :-D So... Doing it the "function way", sometimes "class way" :D
Right now I just CAN'T FIGURE OUT (sorry, I pushed shift for a longer duration...) the way that if I have something selected in my Listbox and I click on a blank place on that listbox (under the text), it would fire an event.... (to deselect the item)
5:17 PM
Another that might be of interest... I don't know of a way in the Dim statement to do this.... stackoverflow.com/questions/50493652/variant-but-not-an-object
X-Y problem.
SQL Server's bogus null-elimination warning and ADODB treating it as an error is totally getting my goat.
(which seems rather common for this particular OP)
I should really also have said Good Afternoon!
Good response btw
5:37 PM
@QHarr thanks, made it an answer
Code is written for a human maintainer to read, understand, follow, debug, modify, extend, etc. Without any level of abstraction, code is a boring, excruciatingly mind-numbing series of executable statements that are invariably redundant, inefficient, and annoyingly bug-prone.
5:53 PM
@MathieuGuindon Already upvoted. Helpful answer IMO.
This sentence... I should print it on my business card and show it around as much as I can.
6:21 PM
@MathieuGuindon do you ever build dashboards in Excel or SSRS?
had a SSRS dashboard ticket open for well over a year, never got to it, does that count?
6:33 PM
Did you submit the ticket, or was it something requested of you by another person?
the owner of the company asked for a daily dashboard of sales figures for all child companies and various production figures. the data is coming from a MySQL database, two SQL Server instances in two distinct AD domains, and an AS/400 file system with a spiderweb consisting of well over 2000 data files, most redundant, none documented.
this dumb warning-faux-error is killing me. This is not a happy day....
Doesn't seem like it was too critical if they never asked about it.
The more I learn the less drowningly-difficult things become.
6:46 PM
@IvenBach it's the hockey stick at work for you
As one of my idols says "Keep your stick on the ice".
at least until some guy shoves you. That's when you take it off the ice.
Out of the blue I got a text from my mentor at NASA. Seems they got funding and he wants to bring me back as a consultant to complete my project from when I interned.
@this I'm like a kangaroo. I keep my stick on the ice and kick :P
How much is that worth in the penalty box? I think you'd get kicked off the rink. :)
Nice, @IvenBach -- if that's your thing, by all means go for it.
6:50 PM
Don't worry, the other guy goes to the hospital.
@IvenBach Sounds cool.
I've never done anything remotely like consulting. Trying to figure it out really fast before I call him back to talk with him.
@this have you any experience with consulting?
we're a consulting firm.
@IvenBach Remote is easy enough if you A) have a dedicated workspace to work in, and B) don't over-work (stick to 8 hr or so, with limited extensions for emergencies).
I used to be a freelance but sucked at it which is why I work for a company. Let my boss focus on the sales (which he is skilled at) so I can focus on programming.
I'd find out what they mean by consulting. They may be expecting you to work full-time for a short period
That's all part of what I'll be asking him.
6:53 PM
reminds me of an old joke. Q: What's the difference between a consultant and a contractor? A: About $500/hr.
"Consulting" is too broad a term, so it's best to get experience straightened up sooner than later
@mansellan IDK. Contractors and consultants both have the same reptutation for overcharging, and going overbudget all the time.
Maybe its country-sensitive. Here in the UK a great many IT pros contract. Consultants tend to be really, really expensive, and often unjustly so.
I wish I had the balls to be my own boss
It's scary at first, the trick is to build up a warchest for the downtime.
Having said that, I've gone back to permie for now.
UK is tryna screw over contractors on tax
@mansellan US same. I've heard full contractors get charged like 40% tax.
6:58 PM
maybe I'd be my own boss by now, if I didn't have kids and a mortgage
@DainIronfootIII Really unfair... None of the benefits, way more risk, yet still they want to tax to the hilt.
@MathieuGuindon in my case, I just had no aptitude as a salesman. If you're freelance, you gonna be at least OK at marketing yourself.
I did that for a while with friends. Life promptly came along and mercilessly kicked me in the balls. Still recovering from it.
At least in a confirming firm, you can delegate the tasks, which I do w/ my boss. Let him do all the sales call.
Find out best what works for you. Sounds like you're enjoying it @this.
7:01 PM
definitely more than freelance , that's for sure.
My wife said "Go for it." without hesitation which surprised me.
Regardless of what happens, I have no plans no abandon this pond. Too much to learn from ya'll still.
You'll end up doing VBA for NASA :P
That's exactly why they want me.
FWIW, if this is what you want to do for a living, it usually might be worth the risk. I don't think I would e working at a consulting firm had I not been a freelancer (and failed)
gah, I have an intermittent memory leak (work, not RD) - anyone recommend good profiling tools (not something I've done much of).
7:03 PM
JetBrains' DotMemory?
don't think they'd spring for it. Got R# but just the basic product...
doesn't hurt to ask i guess
@DainIronfootIII Everything I did was VBA and that was before I got my RD upgrade and this pond. Now I could be even more effective.
that's good for managed only
Lunch time.
VS Pro & above, then?
7:05 PM
if your work is unmanaged, then you might need something else.
@this all managed
what edition of VS are you using?
there's profiler built-in but IDK what is included at what edition (i'm using MSDN, so....)
I know VS Enterprise has it
7:05 PM
enterprise (think they got a good deal on a site license)
should be there - look under profiler
then you got one bundled :)
i haven't used it that much, tho so I can't give specific advice on how to use it. :(
IIRC Pro has it too (and Community)
7:06 PM
and there was light
time to do some reading :-)
no no no, time to do some manning ;-)
7:18 PM
> Would you happen to have any `<MISSING>` references? Does Debug/Compile succeed?

The "cannot be compiled" message is just a warning; you can disable it by un-ticking the "compile before parse" checkbox in the *general settings* tab of the settings dialog. Working with compilable code was always an assumption in Rubberduck, only recently we've been having the ability to instruct the VBE to attempt a compilation and report back to us before launching a parse task.

Ignoring the warning, or
bludgeons the null values into submission there, don't give me any crap about elimination bullsheet warnings...
> Are you sure your code snippet triggers the inspection? I do not get the inspection result for the snippet.
> @Inarion blame @bclothier for this one :wink:

I'd propose this wording (under "Readability & Maintainability", and "suggestion" or "hint" level):

> **Bitwise operation uses arithmetic operator**
> While mathematically equivalent, the arithmetic addition `+` and bitwise `Or` operators don't convey the same *semantics*: in the case of bitwise operations on enum members, using a bitwise operator better conveys the actual operation being executed.

Better ideas welcome :smiley:

This i
7:41 PM
@Mathieu Guindon, Thank you for your elaborate answer. From your answer and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstraction_(computer_science) I currently understand that the size of the compiled code is meaningless because the difference in level of abstraction renders the effects of for example refactoring the subroutine code as practically untraceable. Thank you for the pointers to tools that allow me to work on the XY-problem more effectively! I am a great fan of the work put into Rubberduck, and I will be more persistent in applying it. — a.t. 11 mins ago
@a.t. You'll probably want to keep an eye out on the progress of the rewriting of the Extract Method refactoring tool ;-) — Mathieu Guindon 1 min ago
> FWIW, you should still cast the value to a long or whatever if you want to do real addition with it, no?
> @Hosch250 Correct... and this means the inspection needs to evaluate the type of the operands around + operators, which is a bit more involved than the OP assumed.
> Actually, that's not the job of the inspection at all - we can consider this inspection blocked until a "compilation pass" is implemented in the parser/resolver engine, to annotate expressions with their type.
Sweet goodness. Not even I achieved 10,000sloc in my worst VBA writing times.
@IvenBach every single instance I've seen involved monstrously stupid macro-recorder-style copy-pasta code. every. single. time.
TBH I've yet to see an enum that legitimately wasn't a bitmask and made sense to add. In fact, I think that'd be a huge code smell.
7:48 PM
> Actually, that's not the job of the inspection at all - we can consider this inspection blocked until a "compilation pass" is implemented in the parser/resolver engine, to annotate expressions with their type.

ref. #3184
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "alter something minor"
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=14).Font
.Name = "Calibri"
.FontStyle = "Regular"
.Size = 11
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontMinor
End With
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=15, Length:=1).Font
.Name = "Calibri"
.FontStyle = "Regular"
I really wonder if this does more harm than good.
Me: I just need to add strikethrough to  this once character
MacroRecorder: [:barf:] :wipes-mouth: There ya go! Enjoy.
@this "this"?
7:50 PM
I will confess I do use macro recorder when I need to find some obscure member call but even so, there's some spelunking involved.
@MathieuGuindon meh. Depends on who you ask. I may be harmful. ;-)
^ Most of us have and still do use it from time to time.
The thing is that you sorta of have to already know what to look for.
heck I use the macro recorder from time to time. [record] click, click, click [stop]
No way noob is going to "oh, I see what I need to research on."
@this that
7:51 PM
The macro recorder is your frenemy in some instances.
^ yeah!
That'd make a great article to write about. #SoLittleTime
8:11 PM
> The MCVE does not generate the error, but my real code most certainly does.

![rd byval issue](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11889733/40448532-cb5f5192-5ea3-11e8-8d76-e0a8737b0bbc.PNG)

Maybe this has been obvious to the two of you, but it just hit me. The inspection is legit - I'm passing `ByVal SummaryRange As Range`, then assigning to `SummaryRange.Value`, so I am assigning to a parameter passed by value.

However, the parameter is an object, so passing the pointer to t
> @daFreeMan no, you're not assigning the SummaryRange reference, which is what the inspection means to be flagging. You're assigning a member of SummaryRange, i.e. SummaryRange.Value, which shouldn't trigger the inspection in any way. This is absolutely a false positive.
LOL... The blur box on a product video was put in a static position, even though it was zoomed out when they initially showed the product key. Advertising at its finest.
8:38 PM
@this am I sticking a foot in my mouth again?
Seems you misunderstand the purpose of a form. What's the query supposed to do if the form isn't loaded? Queries don't care about forms, but they can take parameters. Look into parameterizing your queries, not for ways to hack up a coupling between a query and some form. The parameter value can come from a form, but the query should be fundamentally and blissfully unaware of where the parameter value came from. — Mathieu Guindon 1 min ago
I kinda hate Access
If DateValue(LastDateRead) < DateValue(Format(DateSerial(YearA + 1, 1, 1))) Then
> Help I don't know why VBA can't understand my dates
I personally think it's an anti-pattern to write a query that depends on form's control. It is legal but it's awful and impossible to test. will write a response later.
^ feels like "let's stuff it with a bunch of date functions I vaguely understand and hope for the best"
Please try to come up with a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. "The issue I am running into is that the dates I project take the day value and set it as the year and take the year value and set it as the day" - I've read this thrice over and still can't understand what it means. Treat dates as dates, dates are numbers, not strings. Where are the declarations / Dim statements for all these dates? — Mathieu Guindon 3 mins ago
FWIW, i'd avoid "dates are numbers" -- technically true but it should not be material and they should not be encouraged to violate the date's abstraction, IMO.
I'll take "date as numbers" over "date as strings" any day of the week
just don't be disappointed when it breaks down.
9:02 PM
> Is there anything else in the method that could trigger the inspection? I cannot reproduce the issue with the snippet provided, i.e. the following code does not cause an inspection result for me, neither in a standard module nor in a class module.

Public Sub SetSummaryCell(ByVal SummaryRange As Range, ByVal value As Variant, ByVal FormatFlag As String)

SummaryRange.value = CStr(value)
'other stuff
End Sub
1 hour later…
10:08 PM
If you don’t mind me asking folks, what’s RD position with this the new European privacy data laws (GDPR) due on May 25th. just wanting to make sure I understand where we sit. I know we are protected and have oversight under Stack Exchange for our chat, Github complies for our codebase, that leaves Wordpress blogs moving to your own domain and your twitter under twitter inc which had updated their policies. Is anything left out?
10:20 PM
We don't collect any information about anybody other than GitHub and emails.
Pretty sure Outlook (?) would handle the emails.
Basically, doesn't affect us as far as I see.
Do we collect IP adresses of visitors to the website?
I suppose GoDaddy does
I mean, I do have access to some stats
But that's not something I'm actively doing myself, just GD doing its hosting thing
As far as I understand it, that does not free you from any obligation.
10:39 PM
So what do I need to do? Put up some annoying banner everybody will dismiss without reading anyway?
Also AFAIK we're not a "business operating in the EU"
anyway, running assessment now
11:04 PM
Compliance report is in. Only the /News page use cookies, all from the twitter feed. I'm getting easy-fix ideas...
Cool. Glad we are briefed on this.
11:51 PM
Home Time.

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