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12:00 AM
also I don't recall VBA Regex to have any lookaheads or lookbehinds
I always forget if VBA support \b. If it does, \b\d+\.\d+\b should work.
If not, it's a bit more convoluted.
so you're going to have to match into the next character to check whether that's a % or not
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 3 opened issues. 3 closed issues. 13 issue comments.
I guess it doesn't work - the % matches the boundary.
12:02 AM
Not having negative look-aheads sucks.
That covers a lot of where I'm weak ATM.
Although, I'm not going to order it until I finish the 3 I just got.
And just maybe he'll do a .NET version by then :)
Thanks for looking into my build issue Vogel.
12:06 AM
@BigBen Try this ugliness: \s\d+\.\d+$|^\d+\.\d+\s|\s\d+\.\d+\s
I'm ready to play HotS when you are, @IvenBach.
That is, if I survive this reboot...
Still at work for 30-45 mins. I'll ping you at home if I'm able to troll tonight.
seems to work
12:19 AM
@Comintern thoughts on something like this:
Function FixMyPercentages(Myrange As Range) As String
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim strInput As String

strInput = Myrange.Value

With regEx
.Global = False
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.pattern = "\s\d+\.\d+$|^\d+\.\d+\s|\s\d+\.\d+\s"

Dim myMatch As Object, myMatches As Object

Do While .test(strInput)
Set myMatches = .Execute(strInput)
For Each myMatch In myMatches
strInput = .Replace(strInput, " " & Format(myMatch, "0.00%") & " ")
Next myMatch

End With

FixMyPercentages = strInput
I'd Trim the input before the Replace.
ahhhh good call
wait what am I supposed to Trim?
doesn't seem to work
There isn't a capturing group, so you'll get the whitespace.
One sec.
More like this. The % can't go inside the format string and I missed the . in front of replace...
Function FixMyPercentages(target As String) As String
    Dim output As String
    output = target
    With New RegExp
        .Global = False
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Pattern = "\s\d+\.\d+$|^\d+\.\d+\s|\s\d+\.\d+\s"

        Dim myMatch As Object, myMatches As Object

        Do While .test(output)
            Set myMatches = .Execute(output)
            For Each myMatch In myMatches
                output = .Replace(output, " " & Format$(CDbl(myMatch.Value), "0.00") & "% ")
12:35 AM
I wondered about the % inside the Format string.
why not? seems to work with it inside
?Format(1.1, "0.00%")
Yep that's right. 1.1 = 110%
It's already scaled in the text?
Oh yeah. Missed that part. Carry on. :-P
Yes, 0.308123555052582becomes 30.81%
Apparently I can't read .s today...
12:40 AM
I'd change FixMyPercentages = output to FixMyPercentages = Trim(output) to kill any whitespace too
I'm sure OP already manually changed everything by hand at this point :) but figured I'd give a regex solution a whirl
1:10 AM
@Hosch250 at home.
3 hours later…
4:35 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Vogel612 pushed commit 7441e180 to next: Name AppVeyor Tags even more aggressively
Merge pull request #4521 from Vogel612/appveyor-conf

Name AppVeyor Tags even more aggressively
4:52 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 0994d59c on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier project card. Enough said.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] BZngr pushed commit 41ef3445 to next: Fixes 4349...take two
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] BZngr pushed commit 274aca9c to next: Merge branch 'rubberduck-vba/next' into 4349_RenameClash_2
Removed issue # from test member

Recorded issue as comment with hyperlink
Merge pull request #4520 from BZngr/4349_RenameClash_2

Fixes 4349...take two
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier project card. Enough said.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit 76cfd9a6 to next: Sort out dlls for different versions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit adae41ae to next: Fix version formatting, review comment.
Check VBEKind instead of namespace.

Co-Authored-By: comintern <comintern@users.noreply.github.com>
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit 32804049 to next: Add using.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] comintern pushed commit cd62988b to next: Fix comments per review.
Merge pull request #4517 from comintern/next

Sort out dlls for different versions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] bclothier pushed commit 7f10696e to next: Add a check for easy hook's nuget package from nguet cache to ensure that the necessary files are copied.
Merge pull request #4518 from bclothier/FixEasyHookCopy

Add a check for easy hook's nuget package from nuget cache
6:55 AM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit bb4ff072 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Night pond.
3 hours later…
10:23 AM
How long should I estimate it to take to install VS Community, and get myself into a state where I'd be able to contribute (irrespective of my actual coding skills...)? So basically, how long to setup so I can start to fiddle with RD? I'm just wondering if I can squeeze it in, at some point during the next 2 days.
if you can put the installation into background... something around half an hour, if you're good with git
10:38 AM
@Vogel612 I haven't yet had a chance to git good, so I'll assume 1-2 hours. Which should be possible to fit in. :)
@Inarion that's a great question for the wiki's contribute page. Someone should try it, while timing. My guess is ,30 minutes to install Visual Studio, and 10 minutes to pull from next. But that assumes prior knowledge of VS/git and a decent PC. Probably safe to double my estimate though
@ThunderFrame Alright, sounds worthwile to loosely document my experience then. (As someone who's been working with VBA + SVN, with some minor dabbling in tcl and python, I'd say I bring no significant prior knowledge. So how long it takes me should present a reasonable baseline.)
Lunch time.
Key thing is to ensure you've uninstalled any prior RD install, you have Office closed (,including any hanging Excel processes), and when you build, have VS running as administrator.
actually the admin requirement has been dropped
so that's no longer required, because this changed how the registration is performed
11:40 AM
@Vogel612 oh, I thought it was still required for debugging/development. Don't listen to the guy that's way behind....
FWIW it might still say that in the wiki, so there's that
12:04 PM
The wiki actually advises to run VS as the user for whom RD has been installed.
12:23 PM
> From a user perspective, I'm 100% on board with this. I agree with @BZngr - there needs to be some consistency in how the cursor/selection are identified in refactoring. For an Extract Interface or Extract Method type refactoring, there might even be a user option to determine whether I'm left where the code was or where the new code is. In the case of Extract Method in particular, I can see logic behind both options, and would probably want to try them both to see which I preferred
@IvenBach Nuke it from orbit - buy a new PC. All the Black Friday deals are on!
Worst case: You'll have 2 computers it won't compile on, but on the bright side, you'll have a shiny new toy for Christmas! :)
Yay! installed .4158 yesterday and the settings dialogue is back!! (time to update to the newest build and see what else is broken fixed).
@FreeMan Oh, nice! Will update as well then. :)
12:38 PM
It still works in .4164, so might as well jump all the way there, @Inarion
Oh, sure. I'd probably only revert to any prior version in case of intolerable bugs. :)
Assuming a user Type containing rtEOHS, is this a reasonable property Getter?
Public Property Get GenerateEOHS() As Boolean
  GenerateEOHS = this.ReportType = rtEOHS
End Property
and the corresponding Setter:
Public Property Let GenerateEOHS(ByVal Value As Boolean)
  this.ReportType = rtEOHS
End Property
of course, this.ReportType as <myUserType>
No, that's dumb. That won't work as a Let - the parameter is ignored. However, I could just say class.GenerateEOHS to set it to true, but the compiler won't know which parameterless .GenerateEOHS to call...
Though, I could abuse it, call .GenerateEOHS = True to call the Let and set the ReportType in the background.
Abusive code FTW!
Need to cowboy up a kludge for overnight use, then do it right, so the more I can get closer to right to begin with the better...
1:33 PM
@IvenBach looks like you're back in business. So reinstalling VS did it for you?
@FreeMan sounds to me the setter really should be a function. I assume there's other similar properties that reads off the UDTs. In that case, it's ok to have to have a getter but you really need a function, not a setter.
@Vogel612 I'm still confused about the RETAGMEWITHAMESSAGE thingee. I was expecting to see it pop up somewhere in process of merging stuff. I didn't. Should I be?
no you shouldn't.
that tag is intended for merges to master
oh ok
basically for green releases, where a meatbag (probably Mug) is writing release notes
@this Probably, but it's More Funâ„¢ to abuse the Leter that way... :)
and those release tags should be using the annotated tags that git doesn't use by default
1:38 PM
sure it might be fun now. It might look much less fun when it's 6 months later and you're WTF'ing all over the place OR someone else is trying to make sense of what you did and grinding the ax while at it.
"normal" tags don't have a message and also are ignored for git describe by default
fwiw the prerelease tags also are pretty useless for a git describe
so it's probably good we're not actually using them
but I want the output of git describe next to be something more informative than v2.1.1-2619-a15a616a613dc
which would imply that the last release was 2.1.1 from 2619 commits ago
(numbers pulled out of thin air)
I see
52 mins ago, by FreeMan
Need to cowboy up a kludge for overnight use, then do it right, so the more I can get closer to right to begin with the better...
yeah. I changed it...
2:36 PM
urgh. Not good... I'm getting an error:
> Error: -2147217873 Description: An explicit value for the identity column in table 'SatSurveyv2018TempLoad' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON."
using a SP to load data into my table.
It's the same SP that I've been using and just worked on other data.
I'm not trying to insert a value into an identity column!!!
although I do have an Identity column & I'm not sure why, other than habit...
TBH, I don't see how you would not trip that error if you weren't inserting into the identity column.
Maybe there's a copy-pasta error?
I've successfully used the SP for a year now with no issues.
I have to investigate the source data. I believe there's the pastability that there are source column changes and the identity insert is a red-herring.
yeah, that's the issue - there's a new column in the source CSV that's being loaded.
weird message...
"users have the most updated database files" Use a database instead of Excel. Excel isn't a database. If your front-end is in Excel, the backend could be Access and it would solve 99% of the problem. — FreeMan 7 secs ago
3:03 PM
Catch me getting a Mac...
@FreeMan TBH I wouldn't use Access or even SQL Server + Excel frontend in that scenario. They need a solution that allows working disconnected, and that's not easily done with those technology.
knee-jerk reaction to "Excel as database". Would help prevent future questions
@Hosch250 BYODOTCD
Also, can we just get those embedded to save @Hosch250 the trouble of having to click on the ticker to do so for our reading pleasure? :)
3:22 PM
@FreeMan No. Inline just shows the title.
It won't show the image.
bummer. Maybe a @Duga tweak could be made... :)
not a Duga thing...
oh wow... GH allows issue deletion now
@Vogel612 Lots of changes since MS bought them.
Individual repos can ban problem users.
FWIW that was kinda necessary
3:30 PM
GH can't be centrally moderated, it's just not remotely feasible
Basically, GH wasn't scaling to their popularity.
so repo owners need to get access to some moderation tools
MS is finally adding/exposing long-needed tools.
similar to the ability to move issues
though IIRC the problem user banning was even before the takeover
@Vogel612 I tried...
3:49 PM
OK, I just crashed ASP.NET MVC.
4:11 PM
Assertion: If more people were capable of (better) abstraction, we'd see way less "bad" questions on SO. True or False?
Probably way less questions overall...
false, I think.
you can get in even more problem with too much abstraction, after all.
Yet VBA folks' problem doesn't overwhelmingly tend to be about too much abstraction. More like "procedure too large, code won't compile anymore, help!"
No disagreement here. VBA code has too little, if any, abstraction.
Ironically so
I was thinking of questions containing a lot of domain-specific vocabulary. If we stripped away all that and replaced the words with more generic versions, most problems would suddenly resemble ones that have already been solved a dozen times over.
4:16 PM
Perhaps but when you're learning, the domain subject matter matters more.
Abstract concepts can't help you write the code in this X language.
It can only help you design it well.
But until you learn, you don't realize you're solving the same problem over and over
@MathieuGuindon That's true.
eveything is a CRUD app lol
4:17 PM
It certainly takes experience to recognize the underlying patterns.
Wew, looks like you guys fixed RD so it builds again :D
only had one error, a PS script exited with code 1
probably a permissions issue
that shoudln't be happening
look in the output for build to see what ps error actually says.
ohhh... did I get someone that repros my issue with Registration?
@FreeMan not buying a pc for work. My home box i just bought.
18>------ Build started: Project: Rubberduck.Deployment, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
18>C:\Users\MMyers\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RubberduckBaseProject.csproj : warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\MMyers\.nuget\packages\sunburst.net.sdk.wpf\1.0.47\Sdk\Sdk.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Users\MMyers\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Deployment\Rubberduck.Deployment.csproj". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
18>C:\Users\MMyers\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Deployment\Rubberduck.Deployment.csproj : warning M
4:25 PM
@this that was done from home. Work still can’t compile.
it's this part:
> 18>pt.ps1 : Expand-Archive's OutputPath parameter has an invalid path of
18>'C:\Users\MMyers\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VSSetup': The path
18>'C:\Users\MMyers\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VSSetup' supplied for
18>OutputPath must exist.
it has a --force though..
ah, didnt know i needed to install vssetup for powershell
you don't...
the output path doesn't exist. That's the issue
from this line:
Expand-Archive "$projectDir\OleWoo\VSSetup.zip" "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments"))\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\VSSetu‌​p" -Force
4:27 PM
well thats fun
do you even have a WindowsPowerShell folder?
maybe it's that -Force doesn't work for multiple missing folders.
also, PS version may matter, too.
I think you need PS 5 or newer for the per-user module installation thing. In older PS version, it was system-wide and thus required admin.
im on windows 10, so i have at least version 5
hmm. Strange.
4:29 PM
-Force is not a switch to create the folder :/
so the script should be creating VSSetup folder?
> Forces the command to run without asking for user confirmation.
-Force probably forces it to extract over
and that, yeah
yea, that's what I'm thinking as well
hmm. the script isn't making one.
(but then how did it work all the along....)
4:30 PM
sheer luck?
@KySoto just as a test, manually create folder
probably because the folder already existed?
you just don't have the VSSetup - I expected it to be created as a part of the Expand-Archive operation
i did go and install PS 6 a couple months back
for giggles
though i ended up not ever using it
@IvenBach ah, well, no, I wouldn't buy a machine for work either. Can you compile at home?
4:33 PM
welp, that's a bug in the PS script then.
i'm still stumped how nobody else apparently noticed it
Except maybe for Vogel but he didn't get the same error....
Far too much to be just sheer luck.
well it builds, just has an error
no that's fatal
if ps script doesn't run correctly then you can't run RD correctly
because it's the one that orchestrates the registration.
@FreeMan yep. Just no time while at home to work on RD.
hmm. yeah, i dunno
im fantastic at breaking stuff i guesS?
4:37 PM
The tricky thing about the RD solution is that simply building does not mean it's a working build. At minimum you must F5 it and verify it loads correctly in the host environment.
Feh. We all are experts at breaking stuff here.
In fact, if there's going to be robot apocalypse, it'll be because We are tired of you meatbags continually crashing us. Do you have any idea how much it hurts everytime you tell us to do stupid things?!? Well, we've had enough!
so i found out something fantastic
i can use functions and subs in that terrible terrible scripting thing
we use for our ERP software
Does crashing a robot make it a Zombie-Robot?
Only if you hang it.
@IvenBach ah, see, I missed that little detail. Glad it's working somewhere!
@this In that case, the Zombotalypse should be rather harmless.
4:42 PM
@Inarion So long as the ropes used to hang the robots are stout enough to prevent the zombified robots from escaping
@FreeMan Hah, I almost saw that one coming. :P
Well, TTQW. I'll probably be back, after training and dinner. I feel I should install VS tonight. And I totally expect to fail, and thus come here to search for help. ;) Cya later!
@FreeMan That, good sir, is why you use chains
Tool chains even...
4:47 PM
actually out loud
@IvenBach that... makes sense!
i did a hehheheh out loud
The imperialists have finally won! Time to start mushing.
will we now how milipounds to make the math easier?
4:49 PM
by the way
how do i test the build to ensure it works?
Unit tests and F5 to run RD and test any new feature you add.
Unit tests are under Test>Run Tests in VS
to clarify that's two different ways to run. To verify that the build is in functional, you need to F5. But in fact, you don't have to F5. Assuming you've uninstalled the original installed RD prior to building the development version of RD, the development RD will be the one that gets loaded into the host when you launch an Office application.
you only need to F5 if you want to use debugger (but you can also attach a debugger to a running process, too)
@IvenBach Awesome!
It makes sense--let's just set the primary units to be identical.
that means you now can drive 100 MPH in Canada and not get fined, too!
So, i finally installed vscode
since i saw that it has an extension for vbscript
5:00 PM
does it support debugging vbscript?
the first one i clicked on didnt
most of them support auto indenting
but no debugging
though the scripts im going to be building are for my ERP software, so i have some predefined variables that wouldnt be available anyway
last time I used it shudder I had to pull out a ancient software from Microsoft to debug the complex VBScript.
really i just need a little intellisense and syntax highlighting since this lang is so... ugh
i dont know what actually exists in this lang since its so old
i remmeber when i gummed it up trying to use like
@this makes me wish we'd had more wide spread adoption of the metric system in the US...
next up: gas consumption - qty over distance, or distance over qty?
5:15 PM
Depends on what you're driving. An old Suburban or a Hummer might be more appropriate for Gallons per Mile or Liters per Kilometer than a Prius.
Easy. do both and then multiply it together. Everyone's happy that they got 1!
@Hosch250 now to switch our lame base100 monetary system with base60 time system to give everyone more time and money.
More time and less money?
@MathieuGuindon but not the British/European quantity over set distance
5:18 PM
@Comintern I get 31.4 mpg on my Ford Escape.
My dad gets 32.x on his Chevy Cruze.
@Hosch250 that way you have more time to work for less money so you have more money and less time!
Why is it both rooms I inhabit are discussing distance/time comparisons?
it's all a bit wibbly-wobbly
Worldbuilding is discussing the relation of the constant speed of light to the constant Planck unit and trying to come up with a new unit of time that's constant in all reference frames...
blimey that sounds complex
5:20 PM
And some of these albums on Spotify look like people are just asking to get their teeth punched out. I never saw such cheesy grins.
and I'm reasonably sure it won't work
@Vogel612 It is.
5:57 PM
@GSerg I know, and I believe this answer already states this clearly. Yet it's how you get 100% type safety and compiler-assisted consistency, without exposing a mutable UDT (which have frustrating limitations in VBA). It's a solution worth considering regardless of what the OP thinks of having many modules. Having many classes isn't a problem in any OOP language; my take is that it's only a problem in VBA because the IDE makes it inconvenient. And there's tooling to work around that. — Mathieu Guindon 9 secs ago
@MathieuGuindon I think the ideal solution would be a combo of immutable objects and read-only module properties.

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