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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@ThunderFrame What's that?
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 7 commits. 252 additions. 236 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 14 commits. 2 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 11 issue comments. 3057 additions. 777 deletions.
@Hosch250 Adding Candy, breaking features.
@ThunderFrame Oh, for the complexity of Windows, they do quite well.
And for the size of the team they have to have...
It is probably just about impossible to make sure everyone is on the same page about everything.
And I know from experience that auto-merged Git conflicts sometimes deletes code and re-introduces bugs...
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit 8a74be3f on settingsBug: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 8a74be3f on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 7fb1f8b2 to next: Make the indenter settings gridsplitter a little more obvious
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 8a74be3f to next: Improve gridsplitter UI more.
Merge pull request #2159 from Hosch250/settingsBug

Make the indenter settings gridsplitter a little more obvious
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit cef981be on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
I guess I'll do the remaining 25 minutes later.
do we have an inspection for mixed array bases? i.e Dim x(1 to 10, 16)?
@ThunderFrame arrays are vastly under-handled imo
Get my emails, @Mat'sMug?
@ThunderFrame What does this do?
Creates an array with the range 1-10 in base 16?
@Hosch250 - It creates an 2D array that has 0 based indexing on the first dimension and 1 based indexing on the second:
Dim x(1 To 10, 16)
Debug.Print LBound(x, 1)    '1
Debug.Print LBound(x, 2)    '0
Uh, um, what's the use of that??
None what-so-ever.
And, um, what does the 1, 10, and 16 mean?
Apparently nobody wants anything in particular done in the last 8 hours of my internship.
The 1 is the lower bound of the first dimension and the 10 is the upper bound. The 16 is the upper bound of the second dimension. With no lower bound is reverts to the default, which is 0 (unless Option Base 1 is specified).
It's the same as Dim x(1 to 10, 0 to 16)
I thought when he said bases, he meant base 10/base 16 and such.
Not having a standard lower bound is one of the dumbest things in VBA IMHO.
So, if I tried to assign a slot in that array to 99, it wouldn't let me?
As far as I know, C# doesn't have that feature.
@Hosch250 Aren't there a couple broken inspection fixes still?
Not as far as I know. Got anything in mind?
I've just been testing them.
RD is pretty broken with preprocessor directives, though.
#2139 shouldn't be hard - the command just needs to be disabled.
Actually, that is pretty hard.
Really? I haven't explored the inspections that much.
Yeah, it would be kind of tricky to tell whether the cursor is in the declaration or not.
If I understand things correctly, we'd have to go digging in the parse tree and all...
Same line works too.
What if part of the code is on the same line?
Instruction separators should be burned with fire.
Or not... Sub Dumb(): Debug.Print "Doh!": End Sub
In fact, I propose a full inspection/quickfix for detecting and removing the bloody things.
I'll be all for that.
I actually think that is probably a refactoring-level fix.
@Comintern Maybe I'll to it after tomorrow.
The indenter can handle combining and splitting lines now, BTW
I plan on keeping working on RD then, but mostly on stuff that interests me for a while, instead of trying to get 2.0 stable out so much.
My head wants to split every time I think of some of these bugs.
Matter of fact, I've got my 32 hours in so far, so I could leave for the day.
Right now, I'm just getting minutes so I can leave early tomorrow.
> Something broke in ParentMenuItem
@PeterMTaylor Yuck. What now?
Are you running the latest build, or 2.0.7?
I hope it isn't the latest build, because if it is, my money is on the Ninject stuff I just merged.
i think this is similar to my ticket #2128 which I included snaps of missing rubberduck
That was before I merged the Ninject stuff sigh of relief.
:) no worries. Sorry to make ya uptight as I am.
Cool my break is over and back to irk. Catch ya later.
Well, can't you give any information on the ParentMenuItem thing?
I actually did fix a crash in that in my unmerged PR.
I'd merge it, but it doesn't unload RD correctly without a crash.
It removes everything, but doesn't mark it as gone from the list of loaded addins.
SO needs an error-1004 tag that just auto-closes as a duplicate after you combine the tag with excel-vba.
Taking a look at unloading the addin.
That is one PR that had better not go in...
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 9f993ac0 to Issue2066: A few tweaks
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed 16 commits to Issue2066
Merge pull request #2159 from Hosch250/settingsBug

Make the indenter settings gridsplitter a little more obvious
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] web-flow pushed commit f77cd684 to Issue2066: Merge branch 'next' into Issue2066
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit 9f993ac0 on Issue2066: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 9f993ac0 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit f77cd684 on Issue2066: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 9f993ac0 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit f77cd684 on Issue2066: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit f77cd684 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Comintern What are your thoughts on the single-line If statement? If BrainFart() Then End Else Stop
IIRC, it is more performant than an If..Else block.
Generally harder to read.
I'm not sure how it would compile any differently.
I know steps aren't the same as execution, but compare this in debug mode steps:
Sub foo()

Dim x As Long
Dim t As Boolean
'2 steps for this
If t Then x = 6 Else x = 5

'4 steps for this
If t Then
  x = 6
  x = 5
End If
End Sub
In my benchmark, the multiline is about 30% faster:
Which is the result of a copy paste error... :facepalm:
Still faster on the multi-line.
Option Explicit

Public Sub BranchTest()
    Dim start As Double
    start = Timer

    Dim i As Long, temp As Boolean
    For i = 1 To 1000000
        temp = SingleLine
'        temp = MultiLine
    Next i

    Debug.Print Timer - start
End Sub

Public Function SingleLine() As Boolean
    Dim branch As Double
    branch = Rnd()
    If branch < 0.5 Then SingleLine = True Else SingleLine = False
End Function

Public Function MultiLine() As Boolean
    Dim branch As Double
    branch = Rnd()
    If branch < 0.5 Then
They should both boil down to a conditional jump for the Ifand then a non-conditional jump for the Else.
ergh - I ran a test too, but the results vary according to the order.
but only very slight
Now that I have VB6 installed, I should compile it and look at the generated assembly. I might do that at work tomorrow.
make sure you choose option compile to p-code
did you get far with RD in VB6?
ergh, I just got lazy reversing the order of a byte array.
I think it's possible, but it would need it's own build.
...and likely some massive refactoring to making keeping the builds in synch easier.
Either that or a ton of conditional compilation.
Sub BytesToLong()

  Dim aRaw(3) As Byte

  aRaw(0) = 0
  aRaw(1) = 0
  aRaw(2) = 0
  aRaw(3) = 2

  Dim result1 As Long
  CopyMemory result1, aRaw(0), 4 '33554432

  Dim aReversed() As Byte
  aReversed = StrConv(StrReverse(StrConv(aRaw(), vbUnicode)), vbFromUnicode)

  Dim result2 As Long
  CopyMemory result2, aReversed(0), 4 '2
End Sub
is that an abuse of StrReverse?
Probably, but I'm not sure that using StrConv like that is safe. I've run into issues where vbUnicode wasn't reversible with vbFromUnicode.
Are you trying to change from little to big-endian?
I have no clue why this doesn't work. What am I missing?
Sub BytesToLong()
  Dim raw(3) As Byte

  raw(0) = 0
  raw(1) = 0
  raw(2) = 0
  raw(3) = 2

  Dim result As Long
  Dim i As Integer
  For i = 0 To 3
    CopyMemory VarPtr(result) + i, VarPtr(raw(3)) - i, 1
End Sub
Hi new user @DustinF, please to meet you too.
Ahhh... I'm an idiot. I was using the wrong declaration for RtlMoveMemory. I needed the one with ByVal Destination As LongPtr, ByVal Source As LongPtr instead of ByRef ... As Long
I'm tempted to post in META...
Does Documentation use all of my CUDA cores?
2 hours later…
What's 'cuba' cuda ?
CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by NVIDIA. It allows software developers and software engineers to use a CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit (GPU) for general purpose processing – an approach known as GPGPU. The CUDA platform is a software layer that gives direct access to the GPU's virtual instruction set and parallel computational elements, for the execution of compute kernels. The CUDA platform is designed to work with programming languages such as C, C++ and Fortran. This accessibility makes it easier for specialists in parallel...
Are you telling me you want to overlock VBA within VBE? ;)
Overclock I mean.
no, I'm saying StackOverflow's Documentation javascript is using as much GPU as BitCoin mining.
That would be crazy. Hi to you as well @PeterMTaylor Are you are thinking that the Documentation is hogging all your resources?
But wouldn't that be more up to the Browser's discretion? For example Edge might choose to use GPU for JavaScript where Chrome doesn't... vise versa? Does actual JavaScript code decide where it gets processed?
1 hour later…
I don't think the power is up to the browser. More like the browser represents users preferences.
No not at all @DustinF. I was teasing @ThunderFrame to be best of my ability because it's Friday here. :)
I was to work on the documentation for rubberduck then the heavenly gates opened up on StackOverflow, so I am currently reassessing how to leverage wiki on the GitHub with I think a more up to date documentation on stack overflow and making a marriage of Figaro.
How are you finding VBA? @DustinF? Any project goals you wished to feast on?
5 hours later…
@Duga I've closed my first issue! Of course, it was really more of a retraction, but... I've closed my first issue!
1 hour later…
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper]‌​ Vogel612 pushed commit 21716e5e to TranslationProjects: Added basic Project Overview capabilities
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper] build for commit 21716e5e on TranslationProjects: The Travis CI build failed
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper] build for commit 21716e5e on TranslationProjects: The Travis CI build failed
Wow... I just discovered that 2 pieces of web-based software our company uses require Java 1.7. I guess that's got something to do with why they officially migrated from IE 8 just a few months ago...
@FreeMan Java. DLL hell for the modern era.
heh. yeah... Every time I hit a page requiring Java, Firefox tells me it's blocked the plugin due to security issues. The good news, I guess is that I do keep it reasonably up to date on my machine...
Additional good news! Since the machine rebuild and getting all the updates applied, I've been using Excel for about 2 hours this morning without a single crash!
That's nice.
Just 7 hours of my internship left.
> Why don't we just expose our .NET IMessageBox?
> This will be pretty tricky to fix because we just detect string literals in the parse tree.
stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/… rejected, not vba7 specific and doesn't list the enums involved
Does it have to be vba7 specific?
The tag is just "vba", and if it is relevant to vba7, I don't see why not.
@Mat'sMug Have you got my emails?
Oh, what in the world did they change the tag for?
I didn't see that the first time. Yeah, that's bad.
They associated it with VBA7 version
@Hosch250 I did =)
> Because that would be a managed WinForms MessageBox, and would break without a reference to our tlb. And a VBA class would have educational purposes too =)
> OK, but we should not just automatically add it to each project--it should be a command of its own, like the "Test Module" command.
@Duga exactly. I consider that as part of the "tools / snippets" feature-to-be
Since when is C#'s string.Format() only relevant to C# 1.0? I'm ready to go on a murder spree?
MSDN is better since random people can only add comments and not write outright lies in the documentation.
@Hosch250 Wait! What? I can use format in later versions of C#!?!?
sarcasm detection unit issues warning
stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/66038 is why they need an improve edit feature. I actually like the content for the most part, but the grammar and word choice isn't horribly fluent.
Basically, they need an Edit And Approve, like in the review queues.
I'm not horribly keen on repeating my experience with the Approve and Edit on the Date functions yesterday.
Q: Regex Matching a Naming Convention

ZakProgram Purpose So, I have a naming convention for certain folders. I want to take in a folder name, and determine if it conforms to the convention. Naming Convention The convention (case insensitive) can be as simple as "Surname, Firstname" It could be as complicated as "Surname ...

And I don't see why they don't just re-use the editor from the questions/answers. They already know that doesn't lock up.
@QuackExchange Without looking, that's gotta be Zak.
The Regex one? That's right.
And an answer by Pim.
In 3 minutes.
@Hosch250 YES!
You see, they need to hire me to clean it up for them.
Only conditions: I have total control over features, and I get paid $95k/year.
Bah, I've done pretty much nothing for an hour.
Maybe I should write release notes.
BTW, the sinks don't work in Access.
I have no idea why.
@Hosch250 Hell, the toilets don't even work in Access.
Ohh, major, major bug in Convert Func to Proc.
Function foo(ByRef fizz As Boolean) As Boolean
    fizz = True
    foo = fizz
End Function

Sub goo()

End Sub
Sub foo(ByRef fizz As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub goo()

End Sub
Nice catch there
That should keep me busy for the rest of the day.
@Mat'sMug: I'm doing an edit in the arrays section of Docs, and this sentence re Option Base doesn't strike me as correct: "all arrays declared in the module will be indexed from ONE." Do you think it's too pedantic to clarify that as "all user dimensioned arrays without an explicit lower bound declared in the module"?
I like my docs pedantic
@Hosch250 I don't see a problem there. Anyone naming their stuff foo and goo deserves what they get!
@FreeMan Those are just example names.
it's a joke, son, just a joke...
Should be a class instead: Dim foo As New Goo
@FreeMan Sorry. My webcam isn't working.
I was unable to detect the joke visually.
heh... People name things crazy... I have seen innie and outie, letsdothis... cute at first, but nightmare to support later. :-)
Good day guys!
Spot the bug:
var result = noReturnStatements.Replace(oldSignature, newSignature)
    .Replace(Tokens.End + ' ' + endToken, Tokens.End + ' ' + Tokens.Sub)
    .Replace(Tokens.Exit + ' ' + endToken, Tokens.Exit + ' ' + Tokens.Sub);
48 mins ago, by Hosch250
sarcasm detection unit issues warning
and has, since, failed. :)
Or the production unix log I was tailing one time and every once in a while a "Hello World" would scroll by in the log... LOL
@FreeMan It almost failed on that one.
@DustinF Why?
ah, you've just got a case of short-timer's disease. Today's your last day, and mentally, you're already gone... :D
ignores the fact that you'll "be back" by never leaving...
@FreeMan Nah, I'm pretty bad at detecting sarcasm.
I'm a very literal person.
People to short term stuff, but makes it into production as long term. :-) Someone at some point wrote is in the console output, probably just to make sure something was being exececuted
Well, I kind-of half-way fixed it.
@Hosch250 <sarcasm>I'm pretty bad at detecting sarcasm too.</sarcasm>
I'll be sure to use my </sarcasm> font in the future, then. Don't want any ruffled feathers. After all the hard work you've put in, I certainly don't want you to take anything I say as criticism. My contribution to this project has been nothing but complaints. Yours, on the other hand, has been nothing but spectacular.
The best part, though, is when I told my sister she forgot to use the sarcasm font and she thought I meant there was such a thing.
see, you do get it! :D
@FreeMan Oh, I wouldn't say the last bit.
gotta run. BBIAB
@FreeMan Yeah, I get it, but I have a hard time detecting it.
Well, the two tests covering the quick fix pass, plus my new one, so I guess I'm all good...
One of them needed a slight adjustment of the whitespace, and actually doesn't lose the indent now like it did before.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 4e2047d1 to Issue2066: Fix bug in Convert Function/Property Get to Procedure quick fix
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 4e2047d1 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build cancelled
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 596870ae to convertToProcBug: Fix bug in Convert Function/Property Get to Procedure quick fix
git cherry-pick 4e2047d1 to the rescue!
I love git cherry-pick.
That took maybe 20 seconds to create a new branch and cherrypick, instead of copy/pasting some parts and rewriting others for 10 minutes.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 596870ae on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 596870ae to next: Fix bug in Convert Function/Property Get to Procedure quick fix
Merge pull request #2160 from Hosch250/convertToProcBug

Fix bug in Convert Function/Property Get to Procedure quick fix
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit 596870ae on convertToProcBug: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit c3a02065 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> I am going to make this warn about the declaration for now; we do not have the infrastructure to warn about specific references yet.
> Unfortunately, I had to disable the quick fix because the result did not target a specific reference anymore.
Merge pull request #2160 from Hosch250/convertToProcBug

Fix bug in Convert Function/Property Get to Procedure quick fix
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 591b7fb1 to Issue1667: Close #1667
@Mat'sMug I want you to review that.
> Close #1667
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit 591b7fb1 on Issue1667: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 591b7fb1 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Today I Learned.
Meta TIL.
People can be such idiots.
> In 2013, the number was still ringing up fifty misdialled calls daily for Florida realtor Carrie Routt in area code 850.
you have no idea how deeply that phone number is ingrained in the brains of those who grew up in the 80s. Seriously, just the mention of "Jenny" or "867" will kick that off in my head.
Good thing I don't know the song.
of course, people who are prank-dialing that now, 35 years later, are absolutely idiots!
I've got to admit, though, if that was the phone number Verizon had given me, it would be worth the 99¢/month to make that the ring-back song (or whatever they call it).
Gah! Now you two just got it stuck in my head.
Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to? Eight-six-seven-five-three-oh-ni-e-ine
@Comintern You're welcome!
TIL I can't add a view to our sales DB. :sigh:
@Hosch250 for your ear-worm pleasure:
@FreeMan refrains from clicking the link
Send that to my sister. She loves rock.
But... It's the height of early 80s power pop!
Well, I don't live then. I live about 160-60 years earlier than that.
And before that, even.
actually, FreeMan, didn't refrain from clicking the link - relived a moment of his youth, had forgotten how stalker that video is
This is where I learned about that song: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/38579/…
My brother had that song on 8-track.
I'll probably only do either expand/collapse all, or expand/collapse subnodes and self.
Which, if either, would you guys prefer?
The folders are just nodes themselves, so...
Isn't expand/collapse subnodes and self on the Project the same as expand/collapse all?
That's what I was leaning toward.
Definitely expand/collapse subnodes then.
And if no nodes are selected, just do them all?
@Comintern Well, almost. Not if there are multiple projects open.
Isn't a project a node?
Close enough. I usually max out at around 3 projects open (at least ones with code in them).
Should I make only one visible at a time?
Definitely not. Think add-in referenced by another document.
I don't know that.
Personally, I'd rather have code folding, but I'm guessing you're not going to get that knocked out in your last 3-4 hours of internship...
I figured I could have Expand available if the node is open and Collapse available if the node is already closed.
That works.
@FreeMan LOL, I don't even know how to get close to doing that.
And neither available if there is no selection, or maybe I should show a grayed-out expand?
@FreeMan There will probably be way more integration work than anything else. If you want to do testing as a separate add-in, I'll ping you when it's ready for alpha.
integration with what?
Integration with the rest of RD.
integration of what with the rest of RD? hasn't read the road map recently
Code folding.
yes, it is Friday afternoon, I did just run 5 miles, and no, there's nobody else in the office, so yes, I'm a bit out of it...
Well, it's basically just a UI replacement. The integration would be untangling the parser from the VBE and retangling it with the code view control.
Got it. Hey, I don't mind being guinea pig. So long as I'm not deep in the throws of getting quarterly reports out, I'd be happy to give it a go.
makes mental note to bring helmet into office in expectation of multiple crashes
@FreeMan Try "throes" instead.
throes spelling out with the bath water
> Yes. I reinstalled.
Here is the new log
And here is the .xlsm file
> Seems to work fine here.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 0eb936c2 to Issue2053: Close #2053
> Close #2053
> I implemented expand/collapse all subnodes at the node level. I figured expanding collapsing/expanding at the project level would be pretty good, and it would make the UI quite as cluttered. I put the commands in the context menu.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] build for commit 0eb936c2 on Issue2053: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 0eb936c2 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] Hosch250 pushed commit 0eb936c2 to next: Close #2053
Merge pull request #2162 from Hosch250/Issue2053

Implement collapse/expand all subnodes for CE
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 090be5d4 on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
> Such wonderful things around you, what more is you looking for?
Going on a walk. 1:50 left in my internship.
I'm counting the seconds.
LOL. Enjoy!
Last day @Hosch250?
5 hours ago, by FreeMan
ah, you've just got a case of short-timer's disease. Today's your last day, and mentally, you're already gone... :D
> What excel version is that?
I have 2010
@DustinF Yup.
> 2016 on Windows 10, but the same IDE.
> It doesn't make a difference.
> It doesn't make a difference.
> 2016 on Windows 10, but the same IDE. It doesn't make a difference.
> I've been pulling my hair out trying to get Rubberduck to work to no avail. Version 2.0.7 installs just fine, but when I open the Code Explorer, it not only doesn't parse the projects, but the refresh button is disabled too. So are all the menu options under the "Add" button. When I attempt to reload the Add-In from Excel's add in menu, I get an error message with a stack trace, and clicking "Continue" crashes Excel entirely. Excel is also crashing when I close it out while Rubberduck is enab
> This sounds like a bug. Thanks for the report.
> The link "RubberduckTrace.txt" is a 404 for me. As is "rubberduck.config.txt". Could you please check?
> First, there is a bug with the key and mouse hooks that does not unload cleanly and causes an exception when RD is reloaded. Second, what does the VBE do when you open it at first? Does the Rubberduck toolbar do anything, or does it stay stuck at Pending?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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