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12:00 AM
You looking for the IdentifierName or the ComponentName?
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 1 commit. 2 additions. 4 deletions.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 10 commits. 10183 additions. 9022 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 8 commits. 1 opened issue. 4 issue comments. 5254 additions. 4653 deletions.
[Zomis/FactorioMods] 1 commit. 86 additions.
It's EXCEL.EXE;Excel.ListObjects.Add, AsTypeName = "Empty", IdentifierName = "Destination"
Isn't that a VT_VOID member?
Or it's a VT_PTR that should be a "ListObject"?
Dispatch ListObjects;
function Add(out SourceType: XlListObjectSourceType; out Source: Variant; out LinkSource: Variant; out XlListObjectHasHeaders: XlYesNoGuess; out Destination: Variant; out TableStyleName: Variant): ^ListObject; stdcall;
12:10 AM
The typedef lies. The Destination parameter has to contain a Range according to the docs. It's also only optional with some parameters.
btw comintern, have you thought of translating vba code to IL and run it with the CLR?
does that even make sense?
@awgaya it's been a fantasy since .net 1.1 AFAIK
Hadn't occurred to me until now, but there's some infrastructure for it.
apparently the clr even offers a debugger + profiler? maybe we could hook into the VBE a new window and run it with CLR and somehow control excel with interop or whatever?
could even extend vba this way, add features the clr offers perhaps
kinda like typescript or so
VBA generics...
.net regex...
12:16 AM
P-Code to IL would be an easier conversion. There aren't that many opcodes. web.archive.org/web/20101127044116/http://vb-decompiler.com/…
over a thousand opcode slol
is there more info on p-code on the web?
This might be interesting: vbforums.com/…
And the non-waybacked vb-compiler.com site.
1:13 AM
@Mat'sMug That look good?
Any objections to removing the Hungarian Notation from the Indenter preview?
@Comintern None.
@Hosch250 can you add the icons?
looks terrific BTW
Did you notice the Object Variable Not Set?
Isn't that the one you said wouldn't work without the VBE?
yeah.. I was wrong. the inspection deems any non-variant, non-value type as an object type, so it works without the COM types loaded
which is awesome
don't bother loading the type libraries then
oh, and actually replace the severity by the icon, and make StartLine & StartColumn a L1C1 "Location"
1:18 AM
@Hosch250 maybe right align the line and col numbers?
perhaps the "default project name" inspection should be disabled too
That's easy--just name the mock different.
cool. rename the module too :)
dude, you realize what you achieved today?
question: what happens when the code can't be parsed?
needs to be handled cleanly
@Comintern were you looking for examples of strongly typed object from variant? This gets strongly typed from IUnknown...
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

Private Const WM_USER As Long = &H400
Private Const EM_GETOLEINTERFACE As Long = (WM_USER + 60)

Sub test()

Dim oUnknown As IUnknown
Dim oTextDoc As tom.ITextDocument

Dim ret As Long

'Insert the hWnd of a RichEdit here
Const hwnd As Long = &H190F2E

ret = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, 0, oUnknown)
Set oTextDoc = oUnknown
1:21 AM
also... should quick-fixes be enabled?
@Mat'sMug Definitely not for now.
@Hosch250 nice
BTW, we need to get it so the only thing injected into the settings is the state.
1:25 AM
@ThunderFrame - EM_GETOLEINTERFACE will only return an IRichEditOle AFAICT. I'm not entirely convinced that I'm getting back a valid Variant though.
Anyway, some of the inspections aren't working correctly.
For example, two folder annotations doesn't report anything :/
repro in an actual VBE host?
Something very very cool is coming to http://rubberduckvba.com with the upcoming launch of Rubberduck 2.0...
Cliffhanger ! :D
1:28 AM
@Mat'sMug Nope.
public DefaultInspector(IEnumerable<IInspection> inspections, RubberduckParserState state)
    _inspections = inspections.ToList();

    if (_inspections.All(i => i.Name != nameof(ParameterNotUsedInspection)))
        _inspections.Add(new ParameterNotUsedInspection(null, state, null));
are annotations even picked up?
And there is that gem...
@Mat'sMug Should be.
@Vogel612 - I hope it isn't the access violation. We took that out this morning.
Fix for bad VT_PTR pointers in referenced type libraries (#1596)

* added AsTypeName to the context-sensitive commandbar

* clear built-in references at every resolution; fixed issue with null parse trees, given built-in modules get a module state instance.

* fixed OverflowException in GetTypeName; built-in parameters now have return type info :)

* returning built-in members now have return type info as well

* removed hard-coded defaults in ClassModuleDeclaration

* added IsBadRea
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 4529765b to next: allow user to specify log level in settings (#1497) (#1597)
Merge pull request #108 from rubberduck-vba/next

sync with main repo
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 4529765b on next: AppVeyor build succeeded
the two folder annotations inspection works here
but only after the second parse :o
1:36 AM
@Vogel612 IKR.. I just hope deployment goes well :)
@awgaya I just looked in the declarations here.
@awgaya sounds like another caching bug?
With just those two in, it only puts one annotation in the thing.
First parse.
Same with three of them.
@awgaya Found it!
The web line endings were \n. I just replaced them with \r\n, and it worked.
good eye!
pats self on back
1:42 AM
BTW, @Mat'sMug, I'm doing the website in C# 6.
because you never know when your VBE add-in code is going to run on a web server
@Hosch250 fine by me!
So... Should I replace all \ns with \r\n, or just leave it not working?
I'm leaning toward the later.
how about Environment.NewLine?
Because that won't work.
It needs to get fixed in RD.
1:46 AM
Basically, the only thing that needs to be done before I merge is move the .dll's to RubberduckWeb.
Aye. And then remember to use the 2.0 release dll's when I deploy
Remind me to document the deployment process when I do it
I only remember that it was a pain in the neck
I thought I was going to do it.
BTW, are we going to do the beta soon?
Anything particular holding it up now?
Well, I'm out for tonight.
I forgot to record when I came back after dinner, but I'm pretty sure it was 7:10.
If I'm right, that makes 8:50 today also.
@Hosch250 we'll do it with TeamViewer on my end, the admin credentials might authorize access to, well, my credit card account and the whole renewal stuff
What admin credentials?
1:54 AM
If they don't then sure I'll give you the deploy keys =)
What deploy keys?
To the GoDaddy domain :-)
I meant the main RD build.
I don't care about the website.
1:55 AM
lol, I was talking about the website
I'll just change the .dll after I build it and make a PR.
You can merge it and deploy the website when you are ready.
would be nice to launch the website together with 2.0
you got the icons in?
No, I quit for the night.
(Well, sort of...)
You can merge my changes and start doing the main stuff any time now.
The icons and other tweaks I'll do tomorrow, so you might as well wait.
Oh right--the .dlls.
Well, that can be done tomorrow too.
thanks for all the hard work!
just going through the issues list, there's 38 open bugs
some can probably be closed though
2:09 AM
okay this is annoying
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occurred in Rubberduck.VBEditor.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occurred in Rubberduck.VBEditor.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occurred in Rubberduck.VBEditor.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occurred in Rubberduck.VBEditor.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occurred in Rubberduck.VBEditor.dll
debug output is literally filled with those
all that throwing and catching is a bottleneck
that one's rather interesting:
2016-05-26 22:02:29.1421;TRACE;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.IdentifierReferenceResolver;IdentifierReferenceResolver/Default Context: Failed to resolve True. Binding all successfully resolved expressions anyway.;
Failed to resolve True?
I said it was "interesting" =)
I'm curious what the token was.
my money is on True
2016-05-26 22:02:28.9234;TRACE;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.IdentifierReferenceResolver;IdentifierReferenceResolver/Type Context: Failed to resolve Excel.Range. Binding all successfully resolved expressions anyway.;
I wonder what that message actually means
Huh. That isn't the global Range is it?
So all the System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundExceptions come from this line of code: return Path.GetFileName(project.FileName);. Why is that being shoved through Path.GetFileName?
Please tell me it isn't just to parse it.
Nope: `FileName = '((Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.VBProjectClass)(project)).FileName' threw an exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException'
2:23 AM
okay, we don't need this.
What's messed up is that the Saved property is true for a completely empty document.
I'd say it's misnamed.
I think I have it. If the project.BuildFileName only contains a file (i.e. VBAProject.DLL) then it hasn't ever been saved. If project.BuildFileName contains a path (i.e. 'C:\Dev\Book1.DLL`), then project.FileName shouldn't throw.
> Okay, so I gave that code to the latest build, and the resolver logs these:

2016-05-26 22:02:28.9234;TRACE;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.IdentifierReferenceResolver;IdentifierReferenceResolver/Type Context: Failed to resolve Excel.Range. Binding all successfully resolved expressions anyway.;
2016-05-26 22:02:28.9474;TRACE;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.IdentifierReferenceResolver;IdentifierReferenceResolver/Type Context: Failed to resolve Object. Binding all successfully resolved expressions an
@Comintern huh, and BuildFileName doesn't throw?
ah, that's what @Hosch250 is accessing in his version
Nope. If it's saved it's path\document.dll. If it's unsaved it's project.dll. At least in Excel.
BuildFilename isn't implementation-specific is it?
I mean, it's part of the VBE object model, so it's there regardless of the host
2:36 AM
It shouldn't be. It's a member of VBProject. My guess is that the .FileName is though - it has to be because of extensions, etc.
I'm thinking that it gets built when .FileName is set, but falls back to a default.
> If a 2nd host document (/VBA Project) is opened in the host app after the initial parse, it doesn't show up in the code explorer.

Further investigation reveals that it's not even *seen* by the parser. This is a showstopper issue.
Same thing in Word.
Access can't have and unsave project.
PowerPoint just hangs
not cool
2:43 AM
Publisher is good.
I think I'll attach the debugger to powerpoint's process and see if I can get anything out of the debug output
Never seen this before: 'POWERPNT.EXE' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'Microsoft.GeneratedCode'.
Outlook is good.
Whatever PP is doing, it's doing it in another user context. It can't find the settings file, so it must be outside of my logged in user context.
2:59 AM
But why would it hang?
Some sort of race condition?
Bets 10-1 it has a semaphore on the thread the resolver should run on, or something.
Does it build a temp project somewhere?
That is exactly what happens with the tests--it just hangs.
Let me disable RD and see if it's opening file handles.
3:03 AM
isn't there another way than to use a semaphore?
Any other locking mechanism? Yeah, there are about 4-5, IIRC.
I'd like extract method to extract a Function when there's only 1 output, too, and bring back the UI - be it only for the preview box and [Ok] button.
It's opening a DDE server with the default blank document.
Those are notorious for causing hanging. It's on the same thread as the VBE.
could MS-Test be doing that as well?
Possibly. After it finishes loading, RD starts normally AFAICT.
3:11 AM
PowerPoint doesn't just hang on your side?
Oh wait, spoke too soon. The VBE window opens normally then it burns.
I get the Ready state
and then hell freezes over
@Duga it's not a UI thing
3:32 AM
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 2004b485 to next: Implemented CanExecute in Project Explorer rename command
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 7e85b25a to next: cleaned up FormDesignerRefactorRename command
> > Rename project to TestRename. No Error.

I don't get that far. Full-on crash, host process dies.
2016-05-26 23:43:56.5199;TRACE;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.ProjectReferencePass;Built-in project references linked up in 12ms.;
2016-05-26 23:43:56.5579;DEBUG;Rubberduck.Parsing.Symbols.TypeHierarchyPass;Type hierarchies built in 34ms.;
A first chance exception of type 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException' occurred in Microsoft.CSharp.dll
A first chance exception of type 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException' occurred in System.Core.dll
4:03 AM
Ah, my mistake on parsing the FileName. BuildFileName is part of VBIDE. The only time, AFAIK that it won't mimic the FileName, is if you are using a VBE that can compile a dll (eg. Office 2000/XP Developer editions)
This cuts out all the IO errors for me:
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(project.BuildFileName)))
            return Path.GetFileName(project.FileName);
Looks good.
iiuc, just reading the FileName, even inside a try, is enough for the VBIDE properties collection to be borked?
@Comintern better, but still incurs redundant I/O for several thousands of instances
or does it always only ever run for user declarations
Eh? Where's the file IO?
That's coming from the VBE Interop on the FileName call.
4:10 AM
GetDirectoryName is just a parsing function.
That said, I have no clue if BuildFileName incurs IO - I didn't expect FileName to...
"don't throw exceptions from getters" guideline came after that, right?
What's killing me is that CodeModule.CodePane opens a damn window if there isn't one already open. Talk about stupid side effects.
that's why it's a fun API to work with: it's full of surprises :)
4:17 AM
I thought for a minute or two that I could use that to link modules to windows given the whole "everything has a hWnd of 0" thing, but nooooooooo.
@Comintern the project Explorer TreeView nodes have an lParam, which I've determined to be 96 bytes in length. All of those bytes appear to be 4-byte unsigned longs. So 24 Unsigned longs in total. Of those, many are 0. 2 of them are flags (possibly bit masked) indicating the node type and node type parent. The rest appear to be pointers.
I also noticed that a scan of the Excel memory reveals hundreds of Compound Binary/OLE File headers (only some of which seem to fit the Spec)
But some of those headers will, I think, be for the stream, and I suspect that one of the 24 TreeView node pointers will point me to the right stream.
5:00 AM
> Removing by-design and, heck, status-declined tags. If other add-ins can do it, we can too.
Q: Using VBA Copying from one ,master sheet to other workbooks based on the file names provided in master book

abhay limbuPretty new to this hence taking it as challenge. I have a master sheet in which Column A have all the file names( complete file name with .xls extensions). I need to copy data of column b in this sheet and paste it in all the files in a particular folder in a particular tab. There can be multiple...

@duga @Mat'sMug is the PIA for the VB6 version of VBIDE available from MS?
5:21 AM
I don't know
is it listed in the redistributables?
now I did
I don't think so. Might have to roll our own.
5:48 AM
@Comintern @Mat'sMug I can make that fix and PR?
6:05 AM
@ThunderFrame oh, ...I have it fixed in my fork already...
It's odd. I'm sure it worked before I PR'd.... it only started failing once I pulled from next.
that's what they all say
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit a3a70667 to next: fixed IOExceptions in QualifiedModuleName
6:15 AM
this is a bit problematic
6:25 AM
Quackers before I forget as I have a headache heading home now, do we know that cucumber is actually a testing software which gherkin is for behaviour driven testing framework. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber_(software)
Hi @PeterMTaylor yeah, we use cucumber in my Office, but it didn't exist when office was distributed?
@Mat'sMug I'm on a phone. What's wrong in that image? Spinning on refresh?
6:43 AM
rename refactoring breaks the code at the selection: the reference/declaration that's selected when renaming, gets borked
hey @Gareth
what do you think of bringing back the Extract Method UI?
@Mat'sMug don't mind, I'm working on #844
6:49 AM
ok cool
> Selecting the body of the `For` loop here:

Option Explicit

Private Const FIZZ As Integer = 3
Private Const BUZZ As Integer = 5

Public Sub RunFizzBuzz()
Dim result As String
Dim value As Integer

For value = 1 To 100
Select Case True
Case value Mod (FIZZ * BUZZ) = 0
result = "FIZZBUZZ"
Case value Mod BUZZ = 0
@Mat'sMug I'm not sure why you want a UI for it though.
@Mat'sMug I'd much rather get the code base under test and some serious issue with some of the non OO style implementation
just because linq is used doesn't make something oo. There's a world of linq being used, but very little use within the outer implementations that are oo
@Mat'sMug That's really harsh statement when I type it.
meh, read my CR posts, I've been much worse than that ;-)
6:52 AM
@Mat'sMug But things like if (context as VBAParser.SubStatementContext) then ...
@Mat'sMug I just commented on your commit...
this smells of a lack of understanding of procedural code
@Mat'sMug just read your #1599
I'd agree with all your comments.
But the basic implementation isn't even finished yet.
It doesn't handle all sorts of problems yet
It's a very crude implementation , and doesn't make use of the Grammar.
lol, that's why it's so fast!
2:56AM, I need to get to bed..
Indenting is something that should be done by the indenter. the code module shouldn't be written to directly, but should have a decorator between the refactoring (and infact all refactorings) and the code module
@Mat'sMug your commit for the FileName fix is returning the name of the BuildFileName...
6:56 AM
I didn't realize it was faster/or slower than the previous implementation
what is CR?
lol, Code Review.. the parent site of this chat room :)
as a last thing, I'm not able to keep up with all the chatter here.
i.e. when the file is saved, the project.FileName property is valid, but you return the BuildFileName.
@Gareth I agree, I'm just saying, from the user's perspective, extracting a method, waiting for the reparse, then indenting the extracted method, and parsing again, ...doesn't need to be painful if we can avoid it.
from a programmers perspective being able to parse a small snippet of code shouldn't be painful, but it is
The reparser for extract method only reparses the single module
7:00 AM
@Mat'sMug we want the file extension.
I don't call reparse on the whole project
parsing a snippet could be done, if we find a way to offset the token positions by the number of lines below line 1 the selection starts at
...doesn't need to be painful if we can avoid it.
what does that mean?
IParseTree contains lexer tokens, that have a position - start line, end line, start column, end column
we use these to determine the Selection for every Declaration and IdentifierReference
if they don't represent exactly the position in the VBE, then our representation of the code is wrong and we wreck the code instead of fixing it
I'm just talking about parsing a snippet
I don't need position
7:02 AM
@Mat'sMug we should prefer the FileName if it is available. Next preference is for the "Name" property of a document component whose "parent" property is the application. (Eg Workbook name, but not a Worksheet name), and if all else fails, either null or BuildFileName.
@ThunderFrame I've interrupted you. @Mat'sMug why don't you deal with thunder first
Or even better go to bloody bed! how you going to work in the morning!
@ThunderFrame I strongly disagree with making DisplayName return null when it could return the project or component's Name
@Mat'sMug that's why the GetDidplayName is overloaded, one for project, one for component.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 1c117f8e to next: use filename, not buildfilename
7:05 AM
@Mat'sMug DisplayName == the name inside parenthesis only
well that's kinda misleading
ProjectTitle == ProjectName +"(" + DisplayName + ")"
IKR, but I was trying to stick with the naming convention that SDK uses.
why are they public anyway?
I figured there might be a need to read DisplayName only at some point
7:11 AM
@ThunderFrame you done?
IMO they're really only implementation details of ProjectTitle and ComponentTitle, at least for now
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] retailcoder pushed commit 6eb10348 to next: GetDisplayName being the part in parens, should be null when not applicable; made it private
okay, I'm out
Sure, make 'em private then.
I'm done
night chaps
7:12 AM
leaves @Gareth with 0 minutes of @Mat'sMug's time
@ThunderFrame where you?
IsBadPtr fix in COM collector, IOException fix in QualifiedModuleName (#1601)

* added AsTypeName to the context-sensitive commandbar

* clear built-in references at every resolution; fixed issue with null parse trees, given built-in modules get a module state instance.

* fixed OverflowException in GetTypeName; built-in parameters now have return type info :)

* returning built-in members now have return type info as well

* removed hard-coded defaults in ClassModuleDeclaration

* a
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 6eb10348 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build cancelled
@ThunderFrame I was just going to bitch at @Mat'sMug for extending and extending and extending the scope of the current Milestone.
@Gareth I mean, I was done with Mat. I'm in Melbourne, but I used to live in London. Worked near Finsbury Square.
Aus, you anywhere near Peter?
7:15 AM
@Gareth FWIW I don't see it as a showstopper for the beta (next release) :)
Hey @PeterMTaylor
@Mat'sMug I can still bitch about it. Like I bitch about everything else! God it must be so boring when I get on here.
Same side of the city, but a long way from eachother
or is that <chokes/>
7:16 AM
counts payoff from @Mat'sMug to interrupt the bitchin'
is he still here. Gosh, go to bed dude
stop watching your phone whilst you change into pyjamas!
whilst you are up, can you assign me github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/issues/1600
it's a one liner in each project file
oh look I have 25 things.. up from 2
return firstOrDefault == null
+ ? null
+ : firstOrDefault.Value.ToString();
7:23 AM
Gosh.. what you get for coding at that time lol
Jees, what you reading this while lying on your pillow!
Wait a sec no it's fine, it avoids a possible NRE
I didn't say anything about it! HAven't commented yet
I'm sleeping
(for real now - later!)
7:38 AM
it was a c# 6 feature I was thinking about bah humbug.
still you use it twice in the same method, and c# 6 has it as a feature, might be worth extracting it as a method pattern
same method/place. Sure you know what I mean.. Enough of this , let me get on with my one taks.
8:20 AM
> I'm trying to get Rubberduck to parse an empty project in MSProject *2003* (yes, it's old, but it's all I have, so if you get no repro, close this issue), although MSProject loads ProjectGlobal (Global.mpt) too, so there *are* components to parse.

On open, RD toolbar freezes on Parsing. Hitting refresh causes it o freeze on Pending. Hitting refresh again, and again, finally got me to Parse Error, but when inspecting the errors, there were none.

Hitting refresh again resulted in `Inspecti
hi slowlearner
> Additionally, if you then change one of the existing modules and commit, it won't include the new module in the commit. The only way to do it (currently) is manually commit in the desktop client.
> The error seems to occur in the Inspecting state, as that is what I see briefly before the exception.

I just got repro of the `Parser Error` state and empty Error dialog:


The *next* refresh after that zombie Parser Error results in an almost instant `Ready` state, but the Inspections window is empty, and subsequent refreshes leave the state at `Ready` until I add a module and hit refresh again.
@Mat'sMug Hi yep already using loving it, probably the best thing so far has been mucking around with unit tests, as a design tool (what a misnomer, lol). Will wait for a more stable ver 2... stick with it :-D
@Gareth hi there,, just lurking
8:36 AM
> Times aren't essential in the Test Explorer, but they are perhaps more useful in the clipboard export... Implemented in Test Explorer's clipboard export in #1595
8:47 AM
@Comintern @Mat'sMug What is Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.dll and do we need to add it as a reference?
3 hours later…
12:10 PM
Q: Auto-upload tool (VBA, Excel)

L. Baderi created an automatic upload tool, working great (most of the time). As i want to improve the code i have several questions: 1)Is it possible to make the iexplorer progress some kind of smoother? I don't like it that people can see the "sendkeys" actions. Is there a possibilty running the progre...

12:33 PM
@ThunderFrame - My best guess would be that the lParam is a TVITEM, although the byte count is off. MS.Vbe.Interop.Forms has interfaces for the UserForm controls. I doubt we need it as a reference unless we do something with the form designer.
12:49 PM
@Comintern @ThunderFrame we iterate form controls on UserForms; this enables refactor/rename to work with controls, both in code and in the designer context menu

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